An act of tender loving care

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I was completely overwhelmed by the tremendous applause. I was beaming from ear to ear as I welcomed back into the Hall every student who had worked so hard to make this performance possible. I glanced over to where Severus was sat, but he was no where to be seen. I felt tears fill my eyes. I ķnew he would over react, but a tiny part of me hoped he would prove me wrong. I hastily brushed my face, hoping I could pass off my emotional outburst as a positive reaction to the performance.
" if I could have everyones attention" boomed the magically amplified voice of Albus Dumbledore. At once the Hall quietened. " If I could ask everyone to vacate the Hall for just a moment, so we can clear a space ready for the Christmas disco and buffet. Please feel free to head back to your dormitories so you can change into something more... festive." As Dumbledore finished a chorus of whoops echoed throughout Great Hall, followed by the sound of hundreds of feet stomping out of the Hall. I made my way through the crowd. Which took a while because the students kept stopping to congratulate me. I smiled politely and thanked them all. Eventually, I found the headmaster. "Ahh Phoenix!" he cried when he saw me. "I don't think I've had so much fun in years!" His eyes were twinkling as he surveyed me. "Congratulations Phoenix, that was incredible" interrupted Minerva. "Thank you all for your kind words" I replied as I felt my chest swell with pride. "I was wondering headmaster whether you needed my assistance with the disco or will you be able to set up without me? " I asked innocently. He regarded me for a moment before he replied. "I think you've done more than enough tonight my dear. I'll be fine to set up, Minerva will lend a helping hand I am sure." I took his hand and gave it a squeeze. "Thank you Albus" I said gratefully. Then without further ado, I went in search of Severus.

It didn't take long to find him.
I had picked up the white cloak which he had obviously dropped, and was wrapping it tightly around my body. He was stood under a beech tree overlooking the Black Lake. My teeth started chattering as I made my way over to him.
"What are you doing out here? You should be in there" he snapped, his back still facing me. I stopped.
"You can be so difficult sometimes Severus Snape." I snapped back.
"Then why do you put up with me?" he asked sarcastically as he turned to face me, his eyes looked as black as the nights sky.
"because I love you, you stupid arse!" I cried flinging my arms up into the air. I immediately regretted it as the wintery wind nipped at my exposed skin. I started shivering uncontrollably. He looked at me with a surprised expression on his face, before he appeared to come to his senses.
"Come here, you look half frozen. " He replied as he opened his arms out to me. I ran to him and buried myself in his warm embrace. "I thought you looked stunning tonight" he murmured into my ear. I smiled to myself. "What did you think of the choreography?" I asked as I shifted my head so I could look up at him. His face drew a blank, then his eyebrows creased as he desperately tried to think of what to say. "Umm" he replied. I laughed. "It's okay Severus" I answered. His face relaxed and I felt him breath a sigh of relief. "Let's go back to yours" Severus replied. "I can run you a bath if you like?" I sighed. "That sounds like heaven!" I cried. We started walking towards my cottage.
"I'll tell you one thing though" he continued, "I really didn't care did that last dance." I felt his arm tighten its hold on me. I rolled my eyes. "The lead girl had to duck out due to an injury. There was no one else who knew the routine as well as I did, so I had to step in." I retorted. He was silent for a spell. "All the same, I think I'll put that boy in detention for at least a month." he replied cooly. I gave him a nudge with my elbow. "You can't do that!" I cried, "what on earth has he done wrong?" He looked down at me, his black eyes blazing. "He danced with my woman" he growled. I raised my eyebrows at him, but didn't reply. Truth be told, I kind of liked it when he got so overprotective over me. As we reached my cottage he pushed open the door and headed straight for the bathroom. I shot an Incendio spell at the fireplace. It felt so good to be home.
I couldn't believe it was over. After weeks and weeks of planning and rehearsals, it had finally come to an end. All of a sudden my body felt overcome with tiredness. I made my way slowly towards the bathroom. Severus turned to face me. "Come on, let's get you into the bath" he instructed. I was so tired that I just let him undress me. His fingers worked nimbly, and before I knew it, I was slipping into the foaming, hot water. As I led there I felt the heat penetrate deep into my over worked muscles. Severus had taken off his jacket and was rolling up his sleeves. I watched as the mark of Lord Voldemort became visable. I felt something stir deep within me, but I shook my head and pushed my inappropriate thoughts to one side. He reached into the bath searching for the sponge. He accidently grazed my thigh and I smiled to myself. Once he located it, he squeezed the water gently over my hair. I closed my eyes and enjoyed the sensation of his fingers massaging my scalp. He worked in silence, as he slowly but meticulously soaped, rubbed and rinsed my hair. I must have dozed off because I came to with a jolt as Severus kissed my forehead. I opened my eyes and smiled up at him. "How long was I out for? " I asked whilst trying to stifle a yawn. "About ten minutes." he replied. I pulled myself out of the bath tub and wrapped a fluffy white towel around my body. "Time for bed I reckon" he murmured as he guided me out the bathroom. I waved my hand over my hair so it dried instantly. I watched Severus strip his clothes off, before letting my towel drop to the floor. The corners of his mouth curved upwards as he hungrily took in the sight of my naked body. We slipped under the covers. I curled up on my side, Severus cuddled in behind me. I reached my head out and pulled his arm across my body. I saw the dark mark. I continued to pull his arm up until it was level with my face, then without any hesitation I kissed the mark that Severus had forever scarred himself with. "Goodnight Severus" I whispered. The last thing I remembered was feeling Severus sweep his lips across my cheek before I felt my body slip into the vast abyss of the the dreamworld.

Dancing with fire. [A Severus Snape fan fiction]Where stories live. Discover now