A huge misunderstanding

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We stopped abruptly, our bodies looked horrifyingly compromising as we stood there hip to hip. "Severus" I called as I took a step away from Earnest. "We were only..." but Severus had pulled his wand and had it pointed at Earnest. I felt my heart leap into my throat. "Severus, what on earth do you think you are doing?" I cried. "put your wand away." my cold, hard voice rang across the great Hall. "Who do you think you are?" he sneered at Earnest, completely ignoring me. I threw Earnest a look, "you don't have to answer him, you've got nothing to prove" I replied. I shot Severus a warning glare. "Who am I? More like who do u think you are? What's your problem? " Earnest quipped. I stood between the pair of them, seething with rage, how dare they act like I'm not here, when I'm supposedly the cause of this altercation. I could feel my blood burning. I went to turn back to face Severus but was pulled roughly to one side by Earnest, as a spell went soaring past me by millimetres.
"SEVERUS SNAPE!" I roared, "put that damn wand away, right NOW!" At long last he shifted his gaze to meet me.
"What are you two doing?" he asked in a deep, steely voice.
"I'm giving him dance lessons" I replied immediately.
"dressed like that? !" he spat as he gestured to Earnests attire.
"This was his choice, not mine" I cried, feeling embarrassment prickling my reddening face. Severus raised an eyebrow and threw Earnest the most disgusted look he could muster.
"You expect me to believe that he wants nothing from you when he's practically naked and in your arms?" Earnest, who wisely hadn't said a word, but was watching us argue from the sidelines finally piped up. "Ooooh" he remarked, "you think I want to sleep with Phoenix don't you?" My head whipped around to look at him so fast that neck twinged. I felt the hot sensation spread throughout my muscles. I winced as I massaged my neck.
"Oh don't get me wrong, Phoenix is gorgeous, but she's not my type. " Earnest continued. I had to admit, a teeny, tiny part of me felt slightly hurt by this, until he went on to say,

"I'm gay."

Both Severus' and my jaw dropped. "Please don't tell anyone" he added hastily.
"Oh Earnest" I cried "of course we won't." I replied as I walked up to him and gave him a huge hug. I looked over to Severus. He was stood stock still in the middle of the floor. "Babe, I think you owe a serious apology" I said gently as I made my way over to him and wrapped my arms around his neck. He briefly looked at Earnest before muttering a tight lipped apology, whilst trying to stow his wand safely back into his robes. Earnest nodded his head to acknowledge the meagre apology. "I think we need to come clean too Severus." I said quietly as I gave him a peck on the cheek. "Well I can probably take a wild stab in the dark, and say that perhaps you two are together?!" Earnest replied sarcastically. I poked my tongue out at him. "Well that would explain alot." he continued. "We would really appreciate it if you didn't tell anyone about us" I added. Earnest nodded slowly. "It looks like we've both got something we wish to remain unsaid." he spoke carefully, but then the biggest smile crossed his face. "I'll take it to the grave" he added as he pretended to zip his lips closed. I smiled at him and felt my heart swell with happiness. I didn't know why, but the fact that someone else knew about Severus and I almost made it feel more real. I knew that sounded odd, but when you spend so much of your time trying to pretend something doesn't exist, you can very easily start to question the reality of your relationship. No wonder poor Severus was having such a hard time. "Earnest would you mind if we rearranged the dance lesson?" I asked as I quietly slipped my hand into Severus'. "Of course we can" he replied as he summoned his robes to him. "I'll see you both around" he said as he sauntered past us. "See you Severus" he smirked. "Hey watch it you!" I teased as Earnest gave me a playful wink.
"What am I going to do with you? " I muttered into Severus' chest. He hadn't said anything since his half hearted apology. I looked up at him and smirked.
"Don't" he warned, but my smile grew wider. "I think" I started, Severus growled another warning, but I ignored him. "That Earnest has taken quite a shine to you!" I teased as I began to giggle to myself. His eyes bore down into mine, but he wasn't angry he was trying not to laugh. I couldn't help myself, I burst into hysterical fits of laughter.
"Oh Severus, you should have seen your face, I wish could have taken a picture!" I gasped as the laughter shook my entire body. He scowled then grabbed me firmly around the waist and lifted me up into his arms. He kissed me fiercely, which put an end to my hysteria. "I should never have lost control like that." he muttered into my ear. "I'm a fool." I brought my hands to his face and caressed his cool, pale skin. "Yes you are" I admitted "but I understand why." He heaved a huge sigh. "Severus, you need to start trusting me. I love you. It has always been you, until my last breath, my heart will beat only for you." He brought his lips to mine and kissed me in a way that made my body tingle with an intense longing. I reluctantly pulled away. "I trust you to keep us both safe Severus. I trust you completely." As he stared into my eyes, I could have sworn I saw a flash of determination flicker in his dark, soulful eyes. I knew then that he would do whatever it took to keep his temper and his feelings under stricter control.

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