Spinners end

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I awoke the next morning feeling better than I had felt in weeks. It must have been quite late, but I didn't care for today was Christmas Eve, which meant no lessons. I rolled over until I was nestled under Severus' arm. "Good morning" I heard his deep voice reverberate against his ribcage. "Morning" I sighed as I ran my hand through the dark hair on his chest.
"I've got something to ask you." Severus muttered. I shot up onto my elbows. "What is it?" I asked a little too quickly. He sat up, stretched and ruffled his long ebony hair. "I wanted to ask you if you wanted to spend a few days of Christmas at my house?" He looked over at me, an apprehensive look etched on his face. "Are you serious? Of course I would! " I shrieked. "We actually get to spend some actual alone time together! No acting, no sneaking, no holding back." I have him a sly grin, "oh Severus, that would make me so very happy!" I replied as I threw my arms around his neck. He snaked his arms around me. "There is something else," he continued. I dropped back down onto my feet, looking at his suspiciously. He averted his gaze. "Not many people know this about me, so I would appreciate it if you didn't mention what I'm about to tell you to anyone." Ok, now he had my full attention. He locked eyes with me. "Every Christmas I go to visit my mother at St Mungos. She's been a patient in the hospital ever since my fathers death." He stopped, I gaped at him, while he took a deep breath. "My father was a bastard, but he had such a hold over my mother that when she heard of his death, she was over whelmed with grief. Consequently, she refused to use her magic, and as a result her natural power began to implode and it slowly destroyed her mind. When she became a danger to herself and others I had no choice but to admit her into St Mungos." When he finished, he took another deep breath, "please will you come with me to visit her on Christmas day? " The words tumbled from him before he could change his mind. He looked extremely nervous. I swung my leg over his and say on his lap.
"I would love to come with you." I whispered. He looked up at me in utter amazement. "Besides, dysfunctional families just happen to be my speciality!" I added as I wiggled my hips against his growing arousal. He reached up and pulled my lips to his. "See, this is why I love you" he growled. I quirked an eyebrow at him. "because deep down, you're just as screwed up as I am, but you have the strength to soar above all the bullshit. I can't tell you how much I admire you Phoenix." He laced his fingers through my tousled hair.
"Severus, just kiss me" I groaned.
I could hardly contain my excitement. We were going to spend some time away from Hogwarts together. I gave one last quick glance over my shoulder before I stepped through the entrance gates. "Ready? " Severus asked. "Ready." I replied as I grasped his hand He gave my hand a squeeze before apparating into the nothingness. We landed with a thud on top of an overgrown bank overlooking a River. I peered into the murky water. The surface had a multicolored sheen to it. I took a tentative step back. There was no way I would dip so much as a toe into that heavily polluted water. I looked at Severus and gave him a small smile. "So where are we?" I asked as I surveyed the landscape. I was greeted by row upon row of terraced houses. The entire area had a run down neglected look about it. "Cokeworth." relied Severus. His voice had a hard edge to it. I glanced at him. His expression was difficult to read, but I had the impression that he wanted to be anywhere, but here. I slipped my hand back into his. "Lead the way." I said firmly. Reluctantly, he strode forwards. We walked over a dilapidated footbridge and headed straight into the terraces. The buildings were black with soot, and most of them had window shutters that were rotting and falling apart. We walked in silence. Our footsteps were the only sound. The lack of other people was really unnerving. You would never believe it was Christmas day tomorrow. Suddenly, a large clattering to my left made me jump, causing me to step on Severus' toes. I searched for the source of the commotion and found a large, ginger tom glaring at me with its huge orb like eyes. Severus chucked as I hastily walled on. This had to be one of the most depressing towns I had ever seen, and to think that this is where Severus called home, made me feel even worse. We passed a dingy looking corner shop which had a ropey looking Christmas tree in the window. It's multicolored lights were blinking feebly. We carried on through the labyrinth of houses until Severus stopped in front of a particularly run down building. The street name read Spinners end. "I'm sorry it's not much." He said gruffly as he stepped inside. I followed him into a tiny dark living room. I gazed in wonder at the walls. They were lined with rows of bookshelves and each shelf was packed with books. I ran my hand over the rows of leather bound spines. "This is incredible" I whispered, as I made my way around the room which didn't take long. You could tell he didn't frequent this house often and he certainly didn't expect much company. As the only furniture in the room was a thread bare sofa, a beaten up armchair that had seen better days and a rickety, old table. The only source of light was from a candle lit lamp hanging from the ceiling. You couldn't count the windows because there was so much dirt and grime from the road outside plastered on it you couldn't see out of it. Severus was really living in a world of his own, or a prison of his own making, which ever way you choose to look at it.
"I know it's not much" he repeated as he watched me nervously from across the living room. "Severus, it really is lovely" I replied as I gave him a firm stare. "Well, it's the house I grew up in" he added dismally. "Let me show you round." He walked up to the far wall and pulled open a door that was hidden amongst the books. I followed him through the doorway. My heart quivering with curiosity. We stood on a small landing with a winding staircase leading upstairs and another set of stairs descending into the darkness below. "Down stairs you will find the cellar and a small but functional kitchen. It's also where my house elf Socrates spends most of his time." I raised an eyebrow at him. "Socrates?" I asked in astonishment. I had no idea he owned a house elf.
"He chose it himself" he muttered as he continued to make his way upstairs. I followed him closely.
"What do you mean he chose it for himself?" I asked incredulously. I heard him sigh.
"When I'm at Hogwarts there's not an awful lot for him to do, so I've told him he can read anything he likes from my library. One summer I came home and he informed me that he wished to be called Socrates. I didn't ask questions. But I very often just call him Socks. Which he doesn't seem to mind." I stared at Severus. There was still so much I didn't know about him. "Okay" I nodded, "that's fair enough." At the top of the stairs there were three doors.
"This is the bathroom" he said whilst pointing to the door directly in front of us. "This used to be my parents bedroom, but now it's the guest room." He pointed to the door next to the bathroom, "and this is my room." he said as he opened the door across the landing and to the right. I stepped around him to get a better look. The room was almost bare. All that t was in it was a rocking chair, a bedside table and a single bed. I raised an eyebrow as I looked at the bed.
"Well, this simply won't do Professor Snape" I teased, " unless of course you wish is to sleep on top of each other? " I suggested as I sidled up to him. He put his arm around me.
"I have no problem with that arrangement." He growled. I was just sliding my hands up his chest when I heard a shuffling sound from the doorway. I turned and gave a slight gasp before I could stop myself. There stood the tiny form of Socrates. He peered up at me with his piercing golden eyes. He cocked his head to one side as he regarded me and Severus. I felt like a child being caught doing something she shouldn't.
"Ah, Socks, this is my... friend Phoenix Knight. She will be staying with us for a few days over Christmas." Severus explained. Socrates blinked slowly before replying. "Your friend?" he asked, there was a questioning tone to his high pitched voice. There was a brief moment of awkward silence before I knelt down on one knee and held out my hand to him.
"Hi Socrates, it's so nice to meet you." I said quietly. The house elf looked at my hand curiously, before very reluctantly slipping his own tiny hand in mine.
"What would master and his 'friend' like for dinner this evening? " Socrates asked, his eyes twinkled mischievously as he emphasised friend. He was obviously as quick and sharp tongued as his master, and as far as house elves go, he looked like he was very well cared for. His skin was saggy and wrinkled like an old man, but the black tea towel that he wore as a toga was crisp and clean.
"Surprise us" relied Severus. Socrates bowed his head before he made to shuffle out the room."Oh, one more thing Master" continued the house elf, "as Miss Knight is staying over Christmas shall I set up the guest bedroom?" A small smile tugged at the corners of his lips. I glanced over to Severus, his cheeks looked a little flushed.
"No, that won't be necessary. " he answered.
"I see" said Socrates, then he continued on his journey back downstairs. I stared at the spot where the house elf had just been standing. "He totally had you there Sev!" I replied as I wrapped my arms around his neck once more. "Hmmm, indeed" he muttered, as he ran his hands across my back. "And What's all this friends business?" I retorted giving him a poignant look.
"Well I didn't exactly know what to say to him." he replied thoughtfully.
"How about girlfriend?" I accused. Severus looked down at me, like the notion of me being his girlfriend had never occurred to him. I rolled my eyes at him. "Would you mind if I took a shower before dinner?" I asked. My body was still feeling a little stiff. "Only if I can join you." Severus whispered as he began to undo my shirt. "Now now Severus, what would Socrates think if he saw us bathing together?" I asked playfully as I wiggled out of his reach. He looked at me like I was crazy. "Oh who cares what others think?! We're not at Hogwarts now." he purred as he advanced towards me. I felt my face spilt into a huge grin that could rival the Cheshire cat. "You're so right. We're not at Hogwarts anymore." I replied wickedly. Then I grabbed him by the hand and marched him into the bathroom.

Author note:

Hi guys!! I'm so sorry it's taken AGES to update. I was without an Internet Connection for over two weeks!! Anyway, I hope you like the latest chapter, sorry it's long, let me know what you think.

many thanks ♥♡♥♡♥♡♥

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