Double trouble

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I felt so incredibly happy. Yesterday had been the massive break through that I had been waiting for. We had shared another passion filled kiss before we bid each other goodnight, and It had taken every inch of my self control to let him go and not invite him inside.
As I was waiting for my year two set two class to enter the hall, my mind was lost in a daydream. I wonder what would have happened if I insisted he stayed? Oh how I wished I could go back to last night!
When the last student took their place in the hall, I started the music for the warm up. As the students were stretching and preparing themselves, I noticed two heads with flaming red hair pop themselves around the door,before quickly disappearing again. I leapt up and ran over to the door. I waited a couple seconds with my back against the wall. Sure enough the door opened again, except this time I was waiting for them.
"Can I help you boys?" I asked loudly. Quick as a flash the owners of the red hair pulled back and attempted to run off. I laughed then pointed my wand at their retreating forms, "immobulus." Immediately they froze mid run. I skipped after them. As I reached them I realised there were actually three guilty parties.
"Now then boys. I want you to know that I have a zero tolerance for class disturbances." I stood there with my hands on my hips looking at them all sternly. "However," I said more brightly "as you all seem so eager to watch, you'll have no objection to participating, will you?" I smiled wickedly at the three boys. With a swish of my wand the boys were free from the immobulisation charm, and I revelled in the look of horror on their faces.
"But...but...but" stuttered one of the red heads. "We only wanted to..." started the other, but he failed to finish his sentence after seeing the look on my face.
"come on you three." I said as I frog marched then back to the great hall. "So boys, what's your names?" I asked politely. I knew full well who they were. Even though they were only in their second year the Weasley twins had quite a reputation.
"I'm Fred Weasley" chirped one,"and I'm George Weasley" chimed the other, "and this is Lee Jordan." chorused both the Weasleys. I smiled at the trio. "It's a pleasure to meet you all. Now if you don't mind you'll need to change into shorts and tshirts. Today we're looking at different dances from around the world." The trio didn't look too happy, until they saw all the girls in the class already in their leotards and skirts. "Alright!" cried Fred and George as they have each other I high five. I rolled my eyes and chuckled as I closed the hall doors behind me.

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