New dawn

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The next morning I awoke with a spring in my step. Literally. I swear I could still feel some of the effects of the levitation potion Severus made for me. I smiled to myself as I remembered the events of the night before. I was blown away by his act of kindness. I could only assume it was an apology for his attitude yesterday morning. He must care for me then, surely? He was so difficult to read. I wonder what today will bring I thought to myself as I got myself washed, dressed and ready to start the day.
It was still incredibly early, so I didn't see a soul as I trudged up to the castle. I entered the great hall. The enchanted ceiling was showing the first feeble rays of sun beginning to break through the clouds. I continued to walk past the house tables until I reached a store cupboard at the very end of the hall. It was there I kept my music player. I had asked Dumbledore before I started teaching to allow this machine into Hogwarts. Ordinarily muggle technology wouldn't work within the these magical walls, but this was my own player and I was very fond of it. Plus, I may have magically tinkered with it at some point in it's life, so technically, it's more magical than muggle. I grabbed the player and headed out the hall. I went in search of an empty classroom. I made sure the coast was clear. (It was not wise to start dancing with peeves the poltergeist in the vicinity) Then with a swish of my wand, the music player started to play a slow, but rhythmic tune. I stripped off my leggings and shirt, so I was in my sports bra and shorts. I started to do my warm up routine.
When I felt like my body was ready I used my wand to conjure up a huge spinning pole in the middle of the room. I grabbed hold of the pole and waited for the next song to start. Pole dancing was one of the hardest dances I ever learnt, but it was by far my favorite! It took alot of upper body strength to keep yourself on it. I clamoured up the spinning pole, then slithered my body back down. I spun upside down holding on with only my legs. I was panting with the exertion but I was having a wonderful time. I loved pushing myself to the limit. I always had. My grandmother had said to me once that it would be my downfall. But for now, I just didn't care. In fact, I was so engrossed in what I was doing that I hadn't noticed the time. It wasn't until I heard a knock at the door that I realised my mistake. Minerva Mcgonagall was watching me through the door window.
I hastily waved my wand which made the pole disappear and stopped the music. "come in" I called as I gathered up my clothes. "That" began Minerva "was marvellous!! She exclaimed as she joined me in the classroom. I looked at her with both eyebrows raised. "Thank you Minerva" I said slowly. "I'm sorry, I guess I let time run away with me." I continued as I pulled on my leggings. "Oh not at all Professor Knight. It might come as a surprise to you, but I too used to enjoy a good knees up in my youth." her cheeks were flushing slightly. I couldn't help but stare at her in bewilderment. Well, you learnt something new every day. "If you don't mind me asking, where did you learn to dance so beautifully?" Her eyes sparkled as she waited for my answer. I stopped what I was doing and smiled at her.
"When I was a teenager, I moved into my grandmothers cottage. She lived on the outskirts of a muggle village. To pass the time I joined a muggle dance class. I loved it so much that I decided to dedicate all my spare time to learning the art of dance. And the rest, as they say is history." she looked at me with what I hoped was admiration. I grinned sheepishly. I suddenly became very aware that I was standing in front of one of the greatest women I had ever met wearing only my sports bra and a pair of leggings. I shifted uncomfortably. "Well," she replied, "you're the most incredible dancer I have ever seen." my cheeks started to burn. "Thank you Minerva." I whispered, "that means so much to me." We stood looking at each other for a few seconds, until I heard someone stop in the doorway. There, with his mouth hanging open, stood Severus Snape. He looked like he didn't know what to do. "Good morning Severus." chirped Minerva. He looked from me to Minerva, then span around and stalked off without saying a word.
Oh great. I thought angrily. So this is how today is going to be. I rolled my eyes at Minerva as I pulled my top over my head.
"Come on, let's get some breakfast." she said as she gestured for me to exit before her.

Dancing with fire. [A Severus Snape fan fiction]Where stories live. Discover now