Sparks fly at Spinners End

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We hadn't spoken since we returned from St Mungos. I was sat on the edge of his bed, my mind was going over the visit. One thing was for sure, her screams would haunt me for the rest of my life. "Can I come in?" called Severus as he knocked on the door. I smiled, "it's your bedroom Severus, you don't have to ask to come in." He walked into the room and leaned against the door. "Are you okay?" I asked as I slipped off my shoes. He shrugged his shoulders as he continued to watch me. "It happens from time to time. She's very unstable." I got up from the bed and sauntered over to him. "She's a lovely lady." I whispered as I slowly began to unbutton his shirt. He murmured something inaudible into my neck. I let out a huge sigh. It had been a long day. "Thank you for coming with me today" he murmured into my neck as he very gently planted kisses in the hollow between my neck and shoulder blade. My body shivered involuntarily and the spark that had ignited between us in the elevator at St Mungos had roared to life once more. I squirmed in his arms. He pulled back and looked at me intently. "Don't stop Severus" I gasped as I pulled him to me. Our lips moved in perfect harmony, his tongue explored my mouth with a deep and primal urgency. I tugged his shirt free from his trousers as I pushed him back through the door. I moaned loudly as he nipped my lip, then without warning he ripped at my dress which fell into a crumbled heap on the landing. "Severus!" I cried but was silenced by his passionate kiss. Every inch of my body felt like it was tingling, it was so sensitive to his touch that I was beginning to tremble in ecstacy. I pulled his belt off and threw it to the ground. I looked up at him, he growled with longing then grabbed me and pushed me roughly against the door of his parents bedroom.
I was panting with excitement as I watched him drop to his knees in front of me. He tugged at my underwear then very slowly pulled them off. He looked up at me as he began to trail kisses up my thighs. I closed my eyes as he came closer and closer to my arousal. Then he stopped. My eyes flew open. He waited for me to make eye contact with him before he slowly inserted his highly skilled fingers inside me. I almost collapsed with pleasure as he picked up the rhythm. "Severus" I breathed as I felt my orgasm building. I was almost there when he stopped again. I groaned in frustration, but he was grinning wickedly. I pulled him to his feet and plunged the bedroom handle down. For a fraction of a second he seemed to hesitate, but I pulled him forward with all my might. Seconds later he had toppled onto the bed and I was straddling his waist. "You think it's funny to tease me Professor?" I smirked down at him, then leant across him so I could whisper on his ear, "by the time I'm through with you, you'll be begging me for mercy." He hissed as I bit his ear, hard.


I looked over at Phoenix as she gracefully ate her dinner. My body still ached and snippets of memories kept flashing through my mind. I smiled to myself. She caught me looking at her and grinned mischievously back at me. "Here's to our first Christmas together" she said as she lifted her wine glass. "The first of many to come" I replied as we toasted each other. I couldn't remember ever feeling this happy at Spinners end. Being on our own and at from Hogwarts had been incredible. We would spend hours just holding hands and talking. It was strange. I could feel myself pouring my heart and soul into her, and I didn't know if this disturbed or elated me. When I was with her I felt like I could take on the world, but at the same time, the very thought of ever losing her made my insides constrict painfully.

It was pouring with rain the morning we had to return to Hogwarts. I thought it seemed quite ironic that the weather outside completely reflected how I felt on the inside. For the first time ever, I didn't want to leave Spinners End. The Christmas cheer had evaporated and a sullen, dark atmosphere plagued the house. Socrates, who had enjoyed our company immensely seemed very upset of the prospect of being alone once more. "Goodbye Master" he squeaked as he bowed, "and goodbye Miss." he continued as he bowed to Phoenix. "I shall miss you very much" he added as tears trickled down his wrinkled face. "I'll miss you too Socks. It was a pleasure meeting you, and I can't wait to come back here again." replied Phoenix as she stooped down to shake the house elfs tiny hand. At hearing this his head shot up, his huge, orb like eyes glistening. "Miss is coming back here? "He enquired "for the summer? " Phoenix and Socks looked over at me, "Of course she is, that is if she wishes to." I added. She beamed at me. "You just try and stop me!" she cried.Socrates clapped fervently. "Until we meet again in the summer!" cried Socrates as he bowed us out the house. We stepped outside and he gently closed the door behind us. We walked hand in hand down the street. Both of us were playing for extra time, so we decided to head back to the fithy riverbank to apparate. As we reached the top of the bank we stopped and looked out across the landscape. The towering industrial chimney that was responsible for the towns general grubbiness, dominated the skyline. "This has been the best Christmas ever" Phoenix whispered as she reached up and planted a kiss on my cheek. I forced a smile as I took a step forward, back to reality.

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