{ Chapter 1 }

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Chapter 1

Clary's POV

My breath was quick and sharp, just like my movements. My paws were hitting the ground with full force and my racing form was cutting through the crisp evening air.

I was now in the Saltus Pack's territory, while mine was disappearing behind me. I was running away from the shouts of my parents as they told me who to love and who was to make me happy. 

They felt that leaving the pack for a short time would kick some sense into me and My Wolf. Mother said that living as a rouge and being in a lower rank in a new pack would make me appreciate what I had back at the Purum Pack.

I was also running into this forbidden land with orders from the Alpha, my father, on my mind; find out if they are going to make a move.

The Saltus Pack wants to bring us down along with some other traitorous packs. They say shifters live in fear that their mate will be a member of our pureblooded pack. We of course cant have that happen, seeing as we need to keep to strongest bloodline known to wolfkind pure and safe.

I was constantly sniffing the air to try and catch any scent of an unknown wolf. I was hoping that whoever I inevitably ran into would be merciful and not kill me on the spot.

Their Alpha, Alpha Marcus, was once a level-headed and strong leader. But once his Mate was brutally murdered out of the blue he slowly began to lose it.

Its rumored one of his sons is to take over soon and stay with the plan to take down my father and pack members.

My Wolf whimpered, not liking the risk we were taking treading on enemy land and running alone. I slowed down to a trot, tired yet still on high alert. My heart was racing and I knew if anyone at all was close by, they would hear it.

It was so silent in the Saltus Pack's woods, the trees so thick and ground matted with leaves and branches. You could hear a mouse in this silence and it was definitely not what I was expecting.

Suddenly like the crack of a whip, out of the cold dead silence; came a chorus of long howls. It sent shivers down my spine and shot fear through me like a jolt of electricity.

My Wolf took control and started to bound through the dense forest like a bullet. The reality of what I was doing hit me like a slap in the face. As I listened to the howls going closer, I deciphered that it was most likely a group of three or four wolves. All coming after me.

Then something I remembered I had to do through poked its way into my mind, my fur was pure white. They would immediately notice and rip my throat out noticing I was from the Purum Pack.

I could put up a pretty good fight seeing as I am from a line of pure Alpha blood, but I needed to join their pack, gain their trust.

My mind remembered what I thought of before I even came here, my plan to mask my fur.

The thundering sounds of paws and stench of multiple male wolves was closing in on my tiring form. I closed in on the thick puddle of mud I was focusing on with my piercing blue eyes.

My hind legs pushed me forward through the air as I flew towards the wet dirt.

I landed, coating my satin like white fur in pure mud. I huffed but instantly jumped up and curled my tail over my back in a threating stance. I bared my long polished teeth as six murderous eyes approached.

I was trespassing, and I was either about to pay the price or disguise my way into this traitorous pack.


woooooo, thanks for reading! I appreciate it so much you don't understand! Im going to try and get another chapter in here again soon, where you learn more about Clary, her Family and the Saltus Pack.

Sidebar - Lily Collins as Clary



thanks again and keep reading!


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