{ Chapter 29 }

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Clary's POV

The Yard was dead silent, unlike the rest of the Saltus pack forest that was brimming with life and sound. A snap sounded from behind me and I whipped around, hoping it was Issac returning.

The five pack members assigned to take down Opal and Jack entered The Yard; carrying the two motionless wolves together carefully. My heart dropped to the dead earth below me and I was suddenly very aware of all their blood on my coat.

Whimpering loudly, I spun around and darted into the woods leaving the graves and the people my father had murdered behind. My skin was itchy with dried blood and my stomach was churning, wanting to empty itself out of disgust.

I could smell Issac's trail distinctly, but I swerved away from it; heading towards the sound of rushing water. My paws ripped up the damp earth and my white coat became even more dirty. Skidding to a halt on the river bank, I slipped on the gravely sand as I hastily made my to the cool river.

I splashed into the water and instantly submerged myself in the clear water. Coming up for air, I stood and watched as the current rushed around my legs and cleaned my fur of Opal and Jack's blood and everything else.

Shutting my eyes, I willed myself to get some composer over myself. The water pull away the mess on my coat, but not the consuming feeling of hopelessness.

My reflection mirrored back at me, wavering slightly with the current. My sharp blue eyes that had turned dark with sadness stared back solemnly. I broke the gaze and stared straight ahead, the log Issac and I had sat on weeks ago was in sight and my heart dropped even more. It snapped clearly in half from when he abruptly shifted and memories wedged themselves into every crevice of my mind; refusing to be ignored.

"If only we had done things differently..." I spoke softly into my head. My paws were numb from the freezing water but my legs stayed firmly planted.

"No matter what we couldn't have expected anything else." My Wolf's voice responded from the hollows of my mind, her tone full of hurt. "Our Mate being the enemy and our father being who he is."

Sighing loudly I waded out of the chilling water and onto the river bank. Shaking out my coat, I looked around at my surroundings. No other pack member was in sight and I felt even more alone.

"No one deserves to die like that." I whispered to her. "And especially not because of me and my choices."

"Then show him." She said instantly after me, her tone changed and laced with a certain new emotion. "Show your father he has no control over you or Fate. Prove him wrong and bring him down like we planned. Don't just give up, Clary."

Feeling a deep growl build in my chest, I felt myself push off my back legs and began to run in a certain direction; My Wolf's words ringing in my head. She wanted to prove Issac wrong, show him my father didn't have anything over us anymore. Her thoughts were overpowering and she was in control as we barreled through the forest.

"Where are we going..." I asked with curiosity, and a tinge of fear. She was racing towards the west border, the line between us and the Purum pack.

"We're making sure we win this war." My Wolf growled back, a surprising amount of courage in her voice. I know I should try and take control, but at the moment I felt like sitting back and letting her do what she wanted.

Without responding I let my eyes wander and take in the fact that we had reached the bottom of the slate gray mountains, the forest behind me. I felt an instant chill wash over my body as I crossed the border line; as if the cold in my bones was a warning.

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