{ Chapter 31 }

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Clary's POV

I woke up early the next morning because of the blinding sun flooding through the window. I knew immediately that I was alone in the bed, the sheets cold and the room feelings empty of Issac's warmth. Sitting up slowly I held the blankets close to my bare body and sighed.

I slipped out of the huge bed and quickly searched for clothes in the messy room. Noticing an old pair of my black leggings nearby I pulled them on and scanned the room for a top. My gaze landed on one of Issac's zip up hoodies and I put on the cozy, grey piece of clothing.

Knotting my hair into a bun atop my head, I walked out of the bedroom and listened for voices and searched for nearby familiar scents. I caught Tobias's scent across the hall in his room and Marcus's down the hall. As I moved closer to the stairs my heart leapt when I caught Issac's voice. He was talking in a serious, authoritative tone and the scents surrounding him we're unfamiliar.

I took the stairs down to the first floor and listened again, hearing the voices come from Issac's office. I wasn't sure if I was welcome in or not but i was guessing he was talking with the Lactus pack Alpha, the man I had yet to meet.

"Clary!" I stopped short and placed a handover my chest in surprise. Nina came up behind me in nothing but a huge t-shirt, probably just having shifted after a run.

"Put some clothes on." I laughed and smiled at my friend as she came to stand in front of me. Her long hair was messy but she still looked gorgeous as always. I remember when I first came her and was jealous of her natural beauty.

"I think this is acceptable." She grinned and look down at herself, tugging at the ratty shirt. She quickly looked back up and the humorous topic seemed to disappear. "But enough of my poor fashion choice, I meant to ask you if you're coming today."

I raised an eyebrow. "Coming where?"

Nina paused confusingly, as if she expected me to already know. "Down into town, to the human settlement. A few of us are going since we thought I'd be best to warn them of, you know..." She trailed off, not having to finish her sentence.

I thought about if for a second and wondered why no one had told me. "I understand, and I want to. But, I don't know if I am. Issac never said anything about it."

"He's going since he's the one who planned it. We're leaving after his meeting with the Alphas from the Lacus and Patet pack, they're in his office right now." Nina stated. My shoulders dropped after she told me and I think she noticed. I'd wish I had been woken up earlier or at least informed on some of what was happening today. Because right now, I felt completely left out.

"Well, I'm going to go talk to him." I replied, wanting to meet the new Alphas and have a chat with my Mate. Nina nodded and stepped out of my way, bowing her head as to say goodbye. I hoped I could go with her and the others downtown, even though my last experience there was quite horrible.

I followed the familiar hallways until the voice grew louder. The door to Issac's office came into view and I stepped to stand directly in front of it. As soon as I raised my hand to knock, the voice stopped and the door was pulled open, revealing five pairs of eyes all staring at me.

Issac held open the door, a hint of surprise on his face. I raised my eyebrows at him expectantly, hinting at him to invite me in so I could meet our allies.

He seemed to get his bearings, clearing his throat and turning to the four people behind us. "Everyone, this is Clary Albus. My Mate and the Luna of the Saltus pack." Issac said and reached out to placed his hand on the small of my back, guding me into the office.

My nerves rapidly increased when he said my full name, knowing the would instantly recognize my last name and who I was. Issac shut the door behind us and quickly looked to the two men and two women watching me closely.

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