{ Chapter 2 }

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Clary's POV

I blinked the mud running down my face out of my baby blue eyes as I continued to stare forward. The wolves approaching me varied in different shades of brown, from darkish tan to a chocolaty color. I quickly sniffed the air again, but found out none of these males were my Mate. Thank God.

Around my pack, I had to be good with scents seeing as it was one of the only ways to tell the different between the wolves, other than their distinctive eye colors.

I sighed inwardly, unsettled yet relived that the first wolves of this pack I encountered happened to not be my other half. There were three of them and they had slowed to a walk a short distance away from my mud-coated form. They were snarling because of my threating stance and raising the fur on their broad backs to appear larger. I knew I needed to think fast, they were beyond pissed.

 Also, they were probably contacting their dear Alpha Marcus right now to tell them they've got the trespasser.

I needed to show them I meant no harm, even if I was almost snapping at their faces. My Wolf didn't like it, but I had to calm down an show some form of submission.

I slowly lowered my tail from off my back and put down my perked up ears. I was still on high alert in case they decided I wasn't worth their time.

One of them cocked their head to the side at my quick change of emotion. He thought he was going to have to put up a big fight along with his pack members, but here I was lowering my head towards the ground in respect.

If I was in my human form, I would be cringing at the fact that I was showing such respect to members of this pack. I could feel power radiating off one of them.

But he was definitely not an Alpha. Most likely a Beta of the pack. He was putting all his attention into what I was doing, probably never having seen a rouge act the way I was at the moment.

I could easily take out a Beta and two other wolves, with my untainted, strong blood pulsing through my heated veins; they would be finished in seconds.

I shook the thought of leaping at their throats out of my mind as I waited for them to speak. In my life, I've learned we're all entitled to our own secrets, and they would not figure out mine.

I had to be smart about every move I made and every word I said.

They all seemed to have glazed over expressions, telling me they were mind linking with someone. I was looking from one set of eyes to the next, probably looking like a lost puppy.

Then the sound I was dreading came from deep in their fur coated chests, growls of territorial wolves; wanting my blood on their paws. I made eye contact once more with the Beta, about to link and tell him I meant no harm and didn't want to fight.

Quicker than I thought possible, they all lunged at my bowing form; springing off their muscular hind legs.

I yelped outwardly and dodged the vicious jaws of the darkish tan wolf as he came at my left shoulder. Anger pulsed through me as I had to get up and run the opposite direction.

I was showing them respect, how dare they change their mind and attempt to kill me.. My Wolf wanted to teach them a lesson and turn around to show them how to treat a pure-blooded Alpha female; but I pushed her back and ran.

I was running to were I smelled more wolves, maybe not the best idea; but the ones behind wanted to rip me to pieces without a second thought.

My head was spinning, I had never ran this far this fast before. I was having a hard time concentrating on my pace and must have slowed down a considerable amount.

Out of the corner of my eye I noticed one of my trackers closing in on my right side, fast.

Before I could react he rammed into my ribs sending me sideways in a cloud of dirt. I landed with him towering over me angrily with hints of pride in his penny colored eyes.

My Wolf hated that he caught us off guard. There was talk around many of my fellow pack members that the wolves around here were trained hard core, I had to get on their good side.

Instead of lunging at his exposed throat, I relaxed and went limp underneath him. Whether I liked it or not, I was here for a reason; and I owed it to myself to fulfill that reason. The dark brown wolf step away from my submissive form slowly.

I stayed on the ground not breaking eye contact with this strange wolf. First he wanted to tear me apart, and now he was backing away in disbelief.

In the distance I heard the other two racing towards us as I laid down in the grass and he stood next to me waiting for my next move.

I stood up and shook out my now brown fur, hoping there were no white patches showing through the thick mud. I jumped slightly when a voice entered my dizzy head.

"I was one more high speed chase through the woods away from killing you little rouge, before I got a pretty important message." His rugged voice echoed through my mind.

"Well good thing you didn't, now what message would be so important as to spare my life?" I replied back with my softest tone.

"I guess you should know, since its you he is talking about-" He began to explain before I cut him off in a demanding tone.

"Who is talking about me? I have never came across this pack in my life." I squinted my eyes at him, questioning his claims.

"It was-" He started to say but again was cut off.

Out of the nearest bushes, the two wolves who had been with the one I was linking with, lunged at my distracted and tired body.

My reflexes were in slow motion as my head turned.

One clamped its jaws around my left hind legs with every ounce of force he could, followed by his blood-thirsty friend. He jumped onto my back before taking a mouth full of my neck.

I saw red as I howled in pain. The howl vibrated through me, loud and constricted. My claws dug into the ground as I attempted to buck them off, only making my wounds worse.

The dark brown wolf barked loudly at his pack members and met my pleading light blue eyes. I was taken aback by what I saw.

He was angry, but not at me; the anger was directed towards my attackers.

I broke eye contact and fell to my earlier position, to the dry grass-covered ground. My blood was mixing with the mud on my once beautiful coat.

Right before I closed my shutting eyes, the teeth and claws were yanked off of me.

I yelped sharply, but couldn't make much noise in my current state.

The now somewhat familiar voice echoed in my mind of the dark brown wolf. His soothing tone, laced with bitterness towards my attackers, made me relax slightly.

"Don't worry, you're going to be safe now. He's going to keep you safe.." Safe? I was wounded worse then ever and passing out.

And who was this He that he kept bringing up...

The questions reeling around my mind seemed to drain more of my fading energy. I heard shuffling near by and the smell of more wolves approaching.

My Wolf whimpered before darkness took over my senses.


Was that exciting or what? I hoped you enjoyed it, because I had a lot of fun writing it! Its a cliff hanger heh heh. We get to meet new wolves and new faces in the next chapter which ill try to publish soonish.

Sidebar: Clary's Wolf

Keep reading lovelies!





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