{ Chapter 5 }

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 Issac's POV

I needed to go faster, I had to reach her. I had to see if she was real, if this was really all happening.

My Wolf was beyond furious at the fact she was surround by the men my father sent after her. I was literally at war with myself, my emotions never being this reliable on one person, one girl. My Wolf urged me to be overjoyed that we had found her, but deep down something felt off.

I had informed my brother that I had caught her scent, but it was unlike any one I'd tracked before.

Seconds after Tobias informed me she had passed out I was bounding through our pack's thick forests at top speed. My feelings undecided, and instincts itching to take control.

Our pack's name, Saltus, means "woods" in Latin. We had earned the name from the enormous forest my pack had settled on years ago. All of the packs name's I know of translate into something that resembles them as a whole.

Like our pure-blooded, cruel next-door neighbors the Purum pack. Their name obviously translates into the one thing they cherish more then love, and Fate itself, "purity".

My Wolf's low growl made me realize I might loose all control around this girl I was making my way too. I told myself having a Mate was something that would never turn out well for me.

I had seen my father, a loyal and strong leader; crumble into the lifeless, stand-offish man he is today.

My mother was his everything, it made me confused as to how one person could mean so much. I knew I never wanted to have anything so important that could be taken away from me. I didn't want to have a weakness like him.

"We can keep her safe, she won't be a weakness Issac; Fate has showed us to her for a reason."  My Wolf's low, animalistic voice sounded in my head.

I huffed aloud, knowing starting an argument with him was useless. He wanted her, and I was not about to question his current instincts.

Our Wolf's were made to want one another, nothing could change his mind on this. The only thing that usually changes our minds, is when your mate is one of them. A pure-blooded mate was just pure bad luck in our world these days. 

Stamping out the fear that she may be one of the Purum pack members; Tobias linked me and announced she was a rouge all be herself. She had stumbled onto our land after her family was supposedly murdered.

I was brought out of my warring thoughts by my best friend, and third in command, Lucas. His dark caramel wolf barked sharply at my distracted form.

"We're getting close I can hear my sister and your brother with the others. They in the clearing near the border" Lucas' usual comical tone, was now laced with concentration. He made a perfect third in command and was a close friend of me and Tobias since birth.

Determined, I was leaping over fallen branches and dodging the rough trunks of the trees around me; speeding ahead of Lucas and the others.

It was no longer nighttime, the darkness slipping away just like all my coherent thoughts. I could see the sunlight beginning to leak through the trees. Its warmth making me relax, along with the familiarity of running though my packs protective, dense woods.

Closing my eyes, I lifted my nose and inhaled my Mate's mouth-watering scent. She smelt flowery, or like spring air after it rained, but something else was laced into it that was entirely her own.

My large dark gray and brown wolf stepped into the clearing everyone was gathered in. The breaking dawn was casting soft light around Tobias and Nina; who was in her wolf form. She was Lucas' twin sister and their coats were the same shade of tan.

Everyone's eyes met mine, probably knowing I was on my way. They also probably knew not to get in my way, seeing as I was attempting to reach my Mate.

The thought of her made me growl deeply, seeing as she was no were to be found. My pack members who came along with me, joined in wondering why the others let her go. The tension was thick, I wanted answers, and I wanted them now.

"She didn't get away. We still have her Issac, she just needed to shift back." My younger brother explained as he stepped away from the others towards me. "Nina gave her some clothes-"

His continuous talk made my head spin and claws dig into the ground in annoyance. I shifted back, feeling that if I stayed in wolf form any longer, I would loose control.

I reached up and caught a pair of shorts one of my men threw to me. After putting them on I tried to even out my breathing but my wolf was still near the surface.

I could sense she was near by, but not near enough. I needed her close, I now wanted her more than anything. I ran a hand through my light brown hair, then met Tobias' cautious eyes. 

I spoke, but it was my powerful, demanding Wolf's tone that broke through the now eerie air.

"Where is she."

Nina backed away from her brother and turned her head towards the other edge of the clearing. My other pack members that had gathered turned that way, waiting for her to emerge. Mimicking them, I turned as well; only to hear silence, and see dense forest ahead.

A slight fog had snuck its way into the clearing, settling close to the ground. Its ghostly presence sending chills down my already slightly shaking body. The muscles on my arms and back tensed as I heard her heartbeat.

My Wolf was nudging me to go to her, to see her for ourselves. He couldn't stand the anticipation. And neither could I. Brushing past everyone else, my bare feet made their way across the prickly grass of the clearing.

I came to a stop when I noticed a delicate, smooth hand peeking out from the side of a rough tree. The smell that surrounded me was intoxicating and made me step closer.

She was hiding from me, but why? I wanted to reach out a grab her hand, and show her she was safe with me. I could get over all the mental walls I built up for myself, just for her.

My Wolf growled in confusion, but I sensed he was annoyed with our hidden Mate.

I heard a soft gasp after I let the growl escape my lips. Listening closely I heard shuffling, and quick breathing coming from behind the tree.

Clary's POV

Oh cruel, twisted fate. Why did this have to be happening to me? I was so dumb, I couldn't hide from him; he was so close I could hear his rapid heart beat.

My blue eyes went glassy as I thought about what was about to happen, all because of the choice I made to come here for the sake of my pack.

Taking a deep breath I decided this was inevitable, we had to meet. I knew there was little to no chance I could ever be with him, that was the way it was with my kind. But he was unaware of my background, and I was going to do everything in my power to keep it that way.

My Wolf whimpered, urging me to come out of hiding and fall into the embrace of our Mate. My chest rose and fell while my back was pressed up against the sturdy tree. I was at war with my self, but made a decision.

Closing my eyes briefly, I took in a breath and turned; meeting the most beautiful, frantic eyes I've ever met.


You got to see Issac's POV! And also got to know more background stuff, I love writing this story and I hope you all love reading it!  hope you liked it and keep reading! Issac's wolf is on the side!



Ill update soon!


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