{ Chapter 40 }

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Clary' POV

The wind whipped around the six of us as we stood at the edge of the forest, tangling our fur in its bitterness. We were statues among the chaos of the war, all of us in a spine-chilling stare down.

Slowly, I walked into the open space between Elijah and Damon and the rest of us. Lira followed as we stood in the middle of our future and our past.

"Guess your foolish plan to kill your father failed." Elijah sickening voice crept into my head. I knew he was speaking only directly to me, the others hadn't reacted.

"Nothing's changed, we still fight." I growled back, my head high. I didn't feel like shrinking down under his cold stare anymore, I didn't care about him at all. I just wanted to see his head detached from his shoulders.

"Looks like you've found your pathetic excuse for a Mate." Damon's voice entered the conversation, low and malicious. I once thought maybe him and Lira could work; I couldn't have been more wrong.

His giant white wolf gestured toward Tobias who growled lowly. I didn't want there to be a fight, mostly because I knew the odds might not be in our favor. But Lira and I were only prolonging the inevitable.

"Not as pathetic as yourself." Lira retorted, her black eyes sharp and shooting knives at Damon.

The storm clouds rolled above us, creating shadows across the land and our still bodies as we remained unmoved. The war had become background noise but the reality of what was going on came in waves, crushing my brittle heart.

"Who are these two." Issac's soothing, low voice slipped into my head. He sounded protective, but his tone held a hint of fear. He was probably putting the pieces together in his mind.

"The name's Elijah." Elijah's voice crept into Issac and I's link. His dark eyes peered past me and latch onto Issac's in a hostile gaze. I had guessed that was all that needed to be said.

Before I knew it, a sound between a roar and a growl erupted behind me. Issac barreled past Lira and I; his eyes ablaze with hatred and his teeth barred in a fierce snarl.

I didn't even get to react before Tobias followed suit, a brown blur leaping at Damon with claws extended.

Alpha Kane's POV

My veins were filled with excitement, drumming against my skin and warming my body. I could see almost everything from where I was standing, untouched on my mountain with nothing but the sweet sound of war below.

A storm was coming. I could smell it in the air and see it in the black, rolling clouds. The wet mud would mix with the unpure blood that needed to be eradicated. My Wolf paced back and forth, edgy beyond comprehension as I watched the war unfurl below. We wanted to interfere so badly.

But I was now king without his best solider; my own son now fighting for the other side. It made me weaker, but not weak enough to give up.

"Kane." A voice came from my right and I whipped my head around. A slender, white white wolf with eyes like just like her daughter's approached slowly. My wife, Lavina, the quietest, strongest shewolf I knew.

"Is it true." Her familiar voice crept into my mind. My Wolf let her presence and tone sooth us. "Is Zak with her now?"

I growled lowly, my anger consuming me once more. Our own children had chose the one side I had raised them to never choose. "Yes." My Wolf took over my voice and sounded more animalistic than human.

I watched her from the corner of my eye, she didn't even flinch. I could tell her the worst news and she wouldn't blink. It's one of the reasons I loved her; to be Mated to a man like me in a life like this, you can't be sensitive.

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