{ Chapter 3 }

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Clary's POV

The darkness that took over my whole body was now fading. I could now make out a faint glow, that I could see through my weak opening eyes.

I was still in my wolf form, much to my relief. Relived because I was sure I did not have the right clothes when the time would come to shift back. After all, I was surrounded by males and had yet to see a girl. I knew their Luna was dead, but some of the other males had to have Mates.

With my slight sense of smell, I could tell that about three other wolves had joined us, now that my senses were becoming useful again. My eyesight was still blurry, but the moonlight lit up the dense woods we were treating through.

Strong, tight arms were tucked under my neck and lower back, holding me with ease. My body felt so heavy, almost like lead; this feeling of uselessness was foreign to me and I didn't like it one bit. But the steady arms carrying me held me like I was nothing.

I prayed that I wouldn't be attacked again, I didn't know how much more I could take, or if I could even fight back at the moment.

But the chocolate colored wolf earlier said that he would keep me safe... Were they bringing me to him?

My eyes shut again, exhausted; slipping back into the unfamiliar darkness.

10 years ago


The Luna, Lavina Albus, stood with her back facing her only daughter. Working in the office late at night was making her tiresome, but she was awaiting the return of her Mate, Alpha Kane; who had been running the borders.

"Yes, dear, what is it?" My mother replied while tuning to face me. Her eyes we almost identical to my marble blue ones. Her hair, also a similar color to mine, was tied in a loose bun atop her head.

"Why do you and father love each other so much? Some of my friends parents seem like they don't belong together..." My 7 year old self asked confused yet incredibly curious. I shuffled my nightgown clad body closer into the room.

"Fate has spared our feelings and gave your father and I a Mate that we can keep." She attempted to explain to her naïve, young daughter.

"Will I be able to keep my Mate?" I said with a tone laced with worry.

"Some of the wolves in our pack were not able too, they made a difficult sacrifice for our pack and bloodlines. I'm hoping you and your brother can find your other halves among our pack, but Fate always has its malicious ways." Lavina added on the last part of the sentence bitterly.

"What if my Mate isn't pure-blooded mother, what will happen to him?"

"That is to be talked about when you are of age, and understand the importance of your heritage. For now you need to get ready for bed." She smiled weakly at me as her strong hand gently lead me out of the office and up the grand stairs. My small bare feet made a pitter-patter noise as I walked along with my mother.

As I laid in bed, the thought of a Mate consumed my young mind. Turning on my side, my already long dark brown hair sprawled across my plush pillows. My eyes shut and body relaxed slipping into a deep sleep.


Howling. Strong and sharp, echoing inside of my numb mind. My Wolf was letting out the longest and most powerful howl I have heard. I had a eerie feeling deep instead while the noise consumed me. The feeling was quickly replaced by a smell.

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