{ Chapter 41 }

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Issac's POV

"Stay here and fight." I said rapidly into my brother's mind, his dark wolf's eyes latched onto mine. He nodded quickly, the mutual understanding that this could be the last time we see each other present in the air. You could see it in Clary's eyes as well as they flickered towards Lira and my brother. This was what happened in war.

"Go" Tobias replied, his wolf moving away towards the chaos in the distance. Lira followed him and before I knew it they were gone, disappearing into the blur of brutality. I didn't take the time to linger and neither did Clary or Lucas as we bounded back into the forest; the human settlement far away.

I could practically feel my eyes shift to an icy blue as I channeled the pureblood inside me. I choose the quickest route I knew to the human settlement and stayed away from the fight. Clary was right beside me, Lucas trailing slightly as his tan wolf's eyes flickered with fear.

Finally, nestled beyond our boundaries and in the shadow of the mountains, the human settlement came into view. The ground became flatter and the trees thinned out, revealing highways and back roads.

I was breathing heavily, clouds of white breath encasing my head. Thunder clapped in the distance and caused Lucas to jump slightly, this storm that was coming would only make things harder.

The three of us began to race down the empty highway leading into town, an eerie feeling gripping us all.

A sound I had become familiar with went through me like an electric shock, eliminating the cold silence. The howls of pure bloods, many of them, raining all around and echoing off the distant buildings and homes. I bark sharply, urging everyone to run faster. Human screams and chaos had broken out and the small quiet town was under attack. All because of our kind and our war.

"Send reinforcements to the human settlement, immediately." I linked with some of my men. "Send only a few and make sure no Purum pack members follow you, they're under attack by several already."

I received a chorus of replies and agreements and then focused back to what was happening, we had reached the city limits and were still sprinting full on; the sounds of attacks pulling us like moths to a flame. The town was deserted on the outskirts but as we crept closer to the heart of it, it was brimming with chaos.

The humans were in a state of utter panic, running around with guns and climbing atop roofs. I looked to my right and saw a car on fire, a giant white wolf limping next to it with half its fur burned off. I growled deeply and took advantage of the situation.

The wolf, a muscular female, had her head low and her eyes locked on young man who had fallen nearby. The man was my age, and as I inspected him more I saw his leg was scorched like the white wolf's body. He had tried to blow up a car to kill her. But it had backfired and as the human yelled in pain on the ground from trying to stand, the pureblood closed in on him; her charred skin already healing.

I ran towards the two of them, rage blindingly senses. My body collided with the shewolf and for a second she was too surprised to fight back; that's all I needed. I clamped my jaws around the back of her neck and rolled forward; swinging her body forcefully. I heard a sharp snap and then her body slammed into the concrete; dark eyes rolling into the back of her head.

I quickly pulled myself away and stood up, spinning around to the human. He was pushed up against the curb, still trying to stand. His dirty face had tear tracks running down them and his messy hair was blowing in the heat-wind from the burning car.

"Please don't kill me..." He cried, his fingers gripping the pavement in pain. His eyes watched me like I was a monster, unpredictable and frightening.

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