{ Chapter 19 }

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Clary's POV

"We're leaving." Damon stated as his wife, Lira, Elijah, and I stalked through the pack kitchen, heading to the front door.

My mother glanced up at me with the same blue eyes I saw in the mirror, sharp and focused. She smiled at the sight of me and Elijah together, and I rolled my eyes.

"C'mon." I mumbled and lightly shoved Elijah forward, wanting to just get out of house of a few hours.

Damon placed a strong around across Lira's shoulder and she tensed but then relaxed after he shot her a weird look. They weren't really Mates, I thought sadly, they had been placed together like Elijah and I.

We were heading into the human settlement, a rainy and depressing town filled with mundane people. My pack despised humans, but I was actually fascinated by them.

Free will. No dominance over eachother. Choosing who you love. It sounded like a dream as my thoughts trailed to a human-life.

The door opened and snapped me out of my thoughts, we walked down the stone steps of the pack house and onto the pavement; Damon's black SUV parked and ready.

My eyes caught a group of wolves approaching, my father including. The massive white wolf that was dad, the Alpha, was quite noticeable, his black eyes looking to Elijah and I.

Elijah grabbed my hand a pulled me close, our stance one of a well mannered couple; the complete opposite of reality. My father's wolf almost looked to be smiling.

Figuring I should just play along so we could leave, I hastily kissed Elijah on the cheek; a gesture that was unfamiliar and surprised us both. My Wolf growled deep in my mind, but went eerily quite once again.

Elijah looked at me with a darkened expression, his grey eyes swirling with arousal and I scoffed lowly. It was just a kiss on the cheek, and it wasn't happening again.

I bowed my head to my father. Mentally high-fiving myself for avoiding a conversation with him-

"Clary, hurry back. I must speak with you." He stated into my head. Great.

"Fine." I mink-linked back hastily. What could he want to talk about? Is it about Issac's pack? I hope not. My wounded heart couldn't take the topic at the moment.

Lira and I climbed into the back seat, no one saying anything. I had a feeling this would be awkward, but I came anyway, seeing as I desperately needed a distraction.

I glanced over to the girl next to me who was my age, I had grown up with her but we never really talked. Lira had pale blond, almost white hair that was chopped to her shoulders; her fair skin and dark brown eyes added to her unique look and I envied her beauty.

I tugged at the white draw strings of my black hoodie as the car began to rock slightly as we drove out of the mountains.

The windows fogged up a bit from all of our supernatural body heat combining with the frigid temperatures outside. My finger began to trace patterns in the condensation mindlessly.

"Clary." I jumped. It was Lira but she was speaking to me through the mind-link personally.

Damon gave me a weird look from the overhead mirror and I scowled at him, I really didn't enjoy his company, or Elijah's for that matter. I think Lira would agree.

"What is it?" I responded into her head. She was looking out the window with a saddened expression.

"How long until you just forget?" She stated, her voice far away.

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