{ Chapter 20 }

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Clary's POV

My eyes flickered around the human's office, curious and intrigueed by the grey-haired man sitting at the desk infront of us.

Paul and Kyle had grimaces on their face as he spoke, there eyes full of judgement and dispise. I rolled my eyes, he was human not a piece of dirt.

"I told your leader, or a- Alpha- that we would make a shipment soon for you up in the mountains. He didn't have to repeat history. Again." The middle-aged man spoke sternly, but I saw his shaking hands.

"Repeat history?" I say before Paul or Kyle could responded.

The human's mundane brown eyes met mine and he narrowed his eyebrows, just like the woman in the hall did; studying me. I didn't like it.

"She's never done this before, she's unaware of our tready." Paul stated, directing the sentence more at me than the man in the suit.

"You're right, I'm unaware of our 'tready'. Pretty awkward seeing as I'm Alpha Kane's daughter." I spat.

Paul tensed and Kyle sighed heavily, they were probably regretting taking me but I didn't care. The man behind the desk held back a smile, probably liking my snappy attitude when it wasn't directed at him.

"Fine." Paul raised his voice. "You want to know the treaty, Clary?" I narrowed my eyes at him, he was disrespecting me and he knew it, I just don't think he cared.

"Paul." Kyle spoke lowly, almost with caution.

The human looked extremely bothered by our bickering, and I could hear his heartbeat and the frantic tapping of his dress shoes on the marble floor.

"Might as well tell me, seeing as it sounds pretty damn important." I said. My head was reeling. Why didn't I know anything about my own pack? I probably knew more about Issac's-

"Her father limits this information to only us for a reason, Paul. Shut up before you say something you'll regret." Kyle's navy eyes burned holes in Paul, but he didn't even acknowledge his words.

Paul sort of reminded me of Tobias. Saying things that were theirs to say, and making up their own rules.

"Well, you know we live way up in those mountains, far from supplies and electricity." Paul stared, Kyle sighing heavily. I nodded for him to continue. "Ever wonder how we get all that?"

His dark eyes flickered to the human, who was looking down at the desk; silent.

"The humans?" I guessed. I had never thought about how our settlement had all its luxuries and necessities but I never questioned it, I just thought we did it ourselves.

"Precisely. But Mr. Mayor here thinks its okay to cut us off or refuse to help at times." Paul spoke, his tone coated in distaste. The man at the desk didn't dare to look up.

"Well, do we pay them?" I asked slowly. Paul's eyes flickered and he scowled.

"No, why would we? They should be grateful we let them live so close by and let them live with the knowledge that our kind exist." Paul snapped. My Wolf growled lowly, not liking his tone or his words for that matter.

"I can see why they refuse to help us." I retaliate. From behind me, I heard Kyle sigh again.

"Well, Clary. If they deny us what we request. We just kill them." Paul finally responds, his voice careless; as if that sentence didn't just change my entire life.

"What the hell!" I raise my voice. This is insane, he can't be serious. I refused to believe my pack would stoop that low just to get what they wanted.

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