{ Chapter 7 }

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Clary's POV

The gentle sway of my now limp body wasn't the only thing I could sense as everything began to go black. I could make out the quick breaths of the one person I had started to feel myself fall for.

I faintly remembered the movement of my body being picked up and realized he had started to carry me out of the clearing.

I had no clue what was happening to my mind at the moment, or my useless body. I heard Issac growl lowly many times, guessing he was mind-linking and upset with what he had gotten as a response.

"You'll be safe now Clary, I was wrong about everything I made Mates out to be in my mind. I could never let anything happen to you, or let you go..."  He said gently with so much feeling I wanted to be conscience so I could see his face and say what I wanted back.

I felt some feeling come back in my once heavy limbs, and shifted slightly in his protective arms; wishing my body wouldn't go back into the unfamiliar darkness.

Issac was set and stone about accepting me, but I had yet to come to a conclusion in my cluttered head. I would usually look to My Wolf when a problem arose. But at this moment, she was very quite in the back of my mind; I sensed her uneasy presence among her silence.

Unexpectedly, my weak body was placed on the forest floor gently; my Mate's hands sliding out from under my unmoving body. An eruption of warm sparks started were his fingertips once were on my cold skin.

I was laying on my back and I imagined if I was able to move or see at the moment I'd be looking up to the vast pine trees and morning sky.

My ears had stopped ringing a while back, so I listened to try and find out where Issac was; and what he was doing.

I heard shuffling close by, and the then sound of feet stopping distantly. I wanted to just let my body slip away, into the lingering darkness; but I wanted to know what was happening nearby.

My heart rate practically doubled and my palms started to sweat when I  heard something. The sound was of clothing falling to the ground, Issac's shorts.

My Wolf became very alert once she realized what was standing a couple feet away from our half unconscious form. The same sense of panic from before set into my nerves, imagining the look of my Mate who was now wearing abouslutly nothing.

Listening with my now fading hearing, I heard a faint, quick snap of bones and a loud thud. Twigs snapped but the silence quickly returned.

Issac was in his wolf form now, and I realized I was relived that he was no longer stark naked next to me in the middle of a forest alone.

My Wolf huffed internally and went back to being silent. If I was awake and alert I most likely would've rolled my eyes and her hormonal behavior. 

A sound close to me took my mind off of her, as I now struggled to hear or sense anything. Hot breath fanned across my paled face and a low whimper echoed off the trees around us.

He was standing above me, that much I could tell; his scent curling around my dizzying head. I wanted to reach up and touch the fur I could feel brushing up against my slightly exposed stomach.

A cold nose slipped under my back and heaved my dead-weight body onto his strong wolf's back. His front paws on the ground now lifted up, adjusting me safely so I wouldn't fall. He was going to run back with me draped over him; I only hoped he didn't go too fast, seeing as I was now terrified of falling and injuring myself further.

"Time to go home Clary..." Issac linked into my numbing mind, his steady masculine voice making my feeling protected.

Home? I guess this is my home now, they think I have no where else to go. But I do, I have the Purum Pack, waiting for me to return every once in a while to update them; and most importantly my father and family. It was hard to leave my brother Zak and my protective parents, they were my home. They say home is where the heart is; so if that's true, in Issac's arms is my home.

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