{ Chapter 9 }

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I posted an idea for a new story called Lover Of The Last and would be so happy if my  readers could go check it out and give me some feedback! Thanks if you do!

Clary's POV

Steam swirled around me as the hot water ran down my skin, I was attempting to wash away all the dirt and grime I had picked up last night; and also trying to clear my head.

I usually went to outside and relaxed among my pack's long stretch of mountain ranges to clear my head, but tonight the shower would have to do. Although I didn't want to, I felt a pang of homesickness in my confused heart.

I leaned my head forward, the hot skin of my forehead cooling on the tiles of the huge shower wall. The water ran down my back as I tried to think of what I was to do once I inevitably walked downstairs.

Issac had opened up straight away to me, the moments before my shower proved that. I was probably a big mystery to him and his pack, seeing as all I had was a sappy background story and confused mind.

Sighing, I decided I was finished showering, turning off the scalding water and stepping out into the cold room.

I grabbed the towel that Issac had gotten for me and rapped it around myelf, gazing into the fogged up mirror above the sink. Lifting a hand, while holding the towel with the other, I whipped away the condensation and stared at my reflection.

The blue eyed, brown haired girl in front of me looked the same as before. But then again nothing was the same, everything that could change, had changed for me. My pack, my life, my choices.

Narrowing my eyes at myself I chewed the inside of my cheek, one of the many nervous habits I had.

All I knew this morning when I woke, is there isn't going back; no amount of nightmares haunting my head, or longing for home can stop what has begun.

Realizing I had probably been in the shower for well over an hour, I slipped on a new pair of Nina's clothes she had lent me. The loose fitting white tank top and shorts fit perfectly, but I knew I had to get some of my own clothes soon enough.

Opening the door slowly I walked into the darkening bedroom. It was now early evening, the sun setting across the clouded sky. While combing my fingers through my hair, I walked towards the window once again.

My Wolf was a little on edge being here still, but was soothed by the scent that was around us in the room. Once I had gotten in the shower, I noticed the only soap to use was Issac's strong smelling body wash. Feeling embarrassed for using it,  I was now relaxed by the scent that coated my skin as I stood alone.

Taking one last glance at the mountains in the distance outside, I spun around towards the door. My feet were silent across the carpeted floor as I made my way down the long hallway. Using my sharp hearing I heard a door slam down the steps and the racing thuds of a heartbeat.

Sighing, I listened a little longer before making the journey downstairs. I heard other heartbeats and quiet murmurs of bickering voices.

"Calm down, father just has to meet the girl first. You know how he is with outsiders." said Tobias as I recognized his strong tone.

"I realize that, but he doesn't have to jump to conclusions and accuse my Mate; she couldn't harm us all by herself." Issac stated back, aggravation clear in his voice.

A jolt of nerves struck me as I realized I had to meet the Alpha, Issac's father; the man my pack wanted to see fall over in his grave. I didn't know if I could put up a good enough act, but I knew I had too; that was what a good spy did.

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