{ Chapter 23 }

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Alpha Kane's POV

I slam the door to my office shut behind with so much force I can feel the house shutter as it almost breaks off it's hinges. Fury is coursing through my veins and anything and everything in my way is currently being destroyed.

I know she's there. Clary. I know she is with them, the disgraceful Saltus pack; and they tried to fool me. Tired to make up a story about how they had no clue where she went. And that they were sorry for crossing the line and almost pushing Damon's car off a cliff.

They are a useless kind, the human-blood tainted wolves. I can't even imagine why my own daughter would want to be around them by choice. But, she was no longer my daughter.

I thought that she would be happier when she came back, more grateful of the pack she has.

Turns out I was wrong, and I don't take being wrong well. My hands curl into fists and I slam them into the desk in the middle of my office.

They were going to be extinguished, the Saltus pack, and every pack that they've called to help them.

I will attack sooner than planned, surprise them with the war they thought would be in a week. I rip out the battle plans from the top drawer and cross them out, my new murderous plan now taking over.

I have prepared my pack, everyone is fighting. Men, women and children. Once we are done with them, their kind will be extinct; then we'll move onto the humans. Humans, such a sad excuse for a race.

I smile down at my plan with blazing eyes. Once I tear that new Alpha to pieces, Issac, his pack will be lost. I should've finished him off tonight, but I let him return, near death, to send a message.

We're coming. And nothing can protect you. Not blood, family or love.

Clary's POV

"I have never seen anything like that before." Nina muttered while looking at Issac's completely healed wounds.

Everyone had come in this morning to tend to the injured, Nina, her twin, Tobias, Rosaline and some others were currently crowded around Issac's bed. I had reluctantly moved to a chair near the wall to give them space, my skin stills tingling from Issac's touch from when we laid together in the bed.

I looked at my hands in my lap and smiled softly as Nina, along with the others checked over their Alpha; although he didn't quite need checking up on anymore, he was back to his perfect self.

"Thank Clary, over there." Issac shot me a grateful smirk as he got up from the infirmary bed.

I stood up from my chair as well and smiled back. Everyone's gazes flickered in between Issac's and I's flirty exchange, causing me to look away with red cheeks.

"Issac." I heard Tobias say. "Can I talk to you in the hall quick?" My Mate's brother grabbed ahold of Issac's shoulder, his eyes holding an unreadable expression.

Issac looked at him warily. "Sure, one moment."

I grew tense as Issac walked over to me, his green eyes latching onto mine. The others had dispersed and were walking around to the other paitents, but Tobias kept a steady gaze on us.

"Go up to my room, I'll be there soon." Issac leaned and took ahold of my waist with one hand, his lips touching my ear as he whispered to me.

I just nodded in response, not able to form a sentence with the heat coursing through my viens.

I had no clue if I should be all coupley with him or not in front of everyone, I had disentangled my body from his before anyone came down this morning. But I knew the other men and their Mates who were here all night noticed us.

Noticing that I had just been standing there, Issac and his brother now gone, I shook my head and started towards the exit. I took one more look at the men in the beds and their caring pack members by their sides before turning my back.

Leaving the bright, sterile infirmary and walking into the dully-lit hall comforted me. Last night was all a blur and it was just now starting to slow down to a normal pace.

As I walked down the hall soundlessly, I noticed it was about mid-morning; the pines outside bathing in the rising sun. I could like I here, I thought to myself, this is so much calmer then blizzardy mountains and ragged rocks.

I stopped short when my ears caught the sound of deep, hushed voices coming from down an adjacent hallway.

Just keep walking, go to Issac's room like he asked. No more secret listening and spying, you're done with that, I tell myself.

Before I know it, my bare feet creep down the hall and I strain to listen as my old eavesdropping habit return.

"-You were right before to tell me, but now it's different. I know she isn't lying, back off." Issac's voice reaches my ears.

I should go. "I just don't see how your so quick to forgive her, I wouldn't" Tobias snaps back.

"Well you don't know her." Issac replies in that bitter voice I only hear him use with his brother and father.

"And you do?" Tobias starts. "Your a big piece in the game her father is playing, you should know that much from last night."

"A game he's loosing." Issac says strongly. "He wanted me hurt, almost kill me, but now I'm like brand new. And you know why? Because of Clary."

I really should stop listening. "So what, she'll become the Luna and everyone will be okay with it because you say so." Tobias finally responds.

This is so wrong, I shouldn't be listening in. "Well she isn't going home, I don't want her too." Issac says a little softer.

"You know what you told me before she came here?" Tobias whisper-shouted. "'I don't want a Mate, I don't want a weakness when I become Alpha.'"

Silence. I pray I don't make any noise and be found, I couldn't even processes words to explain myself. I knew Issac had harsh feelings towards Mates, but I didn't think they were that strong.

"That was the old him." My Wolf try's to comfort me. "Now that he's met us, he has changed his mind."

"I'm done talking to you about this." Issac replies and I scramble to collect myself to turn and leave.

But before I take off down the hall and back to stairs, I catch my Mate's last remark to his brother.

"Don't lecture me on Mates, brother, you don't understand the extents we'd go to for eachother."


Those words force a small smile onto my face as I bound up the steps and race down the hall. I make it to Issac's room in record time without anyone even noticing me speed through the halls.

It was the same as I saw it last night when I peeked inside at midnight. The bed sheets had been crumpled and the curtains were drawn.

I looked at the heavy blue fabric covering the huge widow and sighed with relief, I didn't want to have a view of my mountainous home right now.

Issac's words danced around in my mind and My Wolf was purring in the back of my head. A sound that had been absent for so long.

I jumped onto his oversized bed and landed face down, smiling into the pillows like a giddy little girl. The white sheets were soaked with Issac's scent and I couldn't imagine another place I'd want to be.

Definitely not back home with my pack, I don't think I ever wanted to return. I wanted to lay here for days, if only, I thought to myself.

A creek in the floorboards outside made my senses perk up, knowing that the only rooms around here were Issac's, his brother and his father's.

I closed my eyes tightly and buried my face back into the pillows, the smile refusing to leave my face. I can't remember the last time I was this calm and at ease with myself.

The door clicked open and then clicked shut slowly, I could almost feel Issac's eyes burning into my back.

The mattress dipped down at the end and I felt it shift my weight as he crawled up to lay next to me, it took all of my energy not to spring up and tackle him just to hold him close.

I peaked an eye open and was met with two green ones staring back. I couldn't help but notice the flawlessness of my Mate's face, no longer bruised and battered, but smooth and healed.

"Are you tired?" Issac mumbled. "You were up on and off last night."

I opened both of my blue eyes to look at him, wondering if I knew what he meant. Did he know?

"Yes, Clary, I know you came to my room last night." His eyes softened so much that I almost had to look away from the intensity of them.

But I kept my eyes on his as we laid side by side. "Sorry, I guess I don't really have an explanation for coming here." I trail of quietly.

My eyes follow his hand as it reaches up to caress my face slowly. "I wish you could be in here every night."

My throat goes dry and I grow stiff at his words. Issac was being so open, the compete opposite of what he was when I first returned. But, I wasn't complaining, in fact I scooted closer to his warm body.

"I'm not tired." I finally answer his first question.

He swallows and cups my cheek, I can't help but remember all the times I dreamed of being alone with him like this. Too many dreams to count.

"Me neither." Issac mutters. He should be after everything that happened to him last night, but because of me, he was here and fine. "Clary." He whispers.

"Hmm?" I close my eyes and lean into his touch.

"Can I kiss you?" I hear his voice closer now, and my body goes limp at the thought of his touch.

I don't even open my eyes, I just nod quickly and reach up my hands to thread them into his hair. He responses instantly, both of us not wanting to put this off any longer. The sensation that courses through me when his lips finally latch onto mine is euphoric. I pour all my longing, brokenness and desire into the kiss as I mold my mouth with his.

Issac's arms wrap around my back and I encircle his neck with my arms, my movements completely instinctive when it came to him. I feel my lungs burn with lack off oxygen, but I can't bring myself to break away. He is the first to catch a breath, pulling away painfully slow before moving to work on my jawline.

I sigh in contentment as he peppers kisses down my throat like he did all the weeks ago in the backyard. That moment seems a million miles away when he presses his body against mine.

A gasp leaves my lips as he reaches under my thin hoodie to take ahold of my hips. His strong grasp flipped us over gently so I'm straddling his waist and he is leaning against the headboard; just like in the infirmary.

Issac's mouth leaves my neck and travels back to my lips in and open-mouth kiss. Without even thinking, I open mine as well and his tongue instantly enters; I've never kissed someone like this but with him I don't care.

A wave of bravery comes over me and I pull away slowly, taking his bottom lip in between my teeth. A smile almost breaks out across my face from the look of surprise on his face, his dark green eyes almost going black.

"Mm." He shuts them and shakes his head. "Don't do that, a man only has so much self control."

My slightly shaky fingers run along his chest, wishing his t-shirt was gone. "Who says we need self control?" I ask lowly, not quite knowing where I'm going with this.

Issac groans and rubs his thumb across my hipbones absentmindedly. I'm only in cotton pajama shorts and a thin hoodie with nothing underneath; I wasn't sure how far I was willing to go, but I knew he was the only one I'd ever be with like this.

"Your right." He whispered mischievously and before I can react he flips us around again at a blinding speed so he's on top.

Issac's mouth connects with mine again and that ecstatic feeling returns. He groans loudly and reaches under me, pulling out the numerous pillows that scatter his bed and throwing them off to the side. I giggle against his mouth but he silences me instantly.

My Wolf is elated and is pushing for control, and from the sound and feel of it; so is Issac's. I feel on top of the world with every moan and sigh of passion that passes my Mates lips.

My eyes squeeze shut and I bite my lip instantly as Issac lays all his weight on me and his hipbones grind against mine painfully slow. His hands are still cupping my face while he runs his tongue along my bottom lip, causing me to melt underneath his warm body.

"Issac." I let his name slip past my lips. I get a low, animalistic growl in response; making more bravery wash over me once again.

I push us up to a sitting position and trace his chest with one finger as he watches me. My hands close around the dark fabric of his shirt and tug it upward over his head.

I glance up to his eyes and gasp quietly, they're completely charcoal colored, the iris engulfed in the color part of his eyes. My fingers move to hold his face, my thumbs tracing the smooth skin under my Mate's eyes. It feels so right to be sitting here with him, my legs wrapped around him and his arms gripping my back like he can't let go.

"I want to stay here, for good." I mutter.

Issac's desire filled gaze softens. "I couldn't imagine you anywhere else."

"Then don't." I say while placing my hands gentler then ever on his chest. I want to erase every bad thought in that beautiful mind of his, rid him of all his doubts and let him trust again.

Instead of a response he pressed our chests together and latches his lips to mine. We had been distant for so long that any amount of space between us now needed to be eliminated.

I would do anything for him, and judging by the words he said to his brother moments ago; he would do anything for me.

your welcome (; more action for the next chapter so keep reading! dont forget to vote and comment!

Do you think anyone other than Issac will trust Clary again??

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