{ Chapter 39 }

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Clary's POV

"Nina." I slowly walked up to my friend. The room had become chaotic, Issac barking orders through the mind link at everyone as Zak and Nina sat motionless in the middle of the large entryway, silent and staring. I was practically the only one who had noticed what was happening between them. "This is my brother, Zak, he's on our side. But you already knew that."

Nina slowly nodded as she stayed kneeling in front of Zak who's Wolf was beginning to stand.

"She's my Mate, Clary..." My brother said into my mind. They hadn't taken their eyes off of each other and I felt sort of awkward as I stood close to them.

"Clary." Another masculine voice entered my mind and I looked up, seeing Issac come stand near the three of us. His eyes were dark and I was sure I was the only one who saw it, but they were swirling with the smallest amount of fear. "We can't stay in here."

"Alpha Woods." Luke, the Alpha of the Lacus pack stepped out of the crowd and joined us as well, his turquoise eyes bright. His mate Sierra was right behind him, her long, dark hair cascading down her back in messy waves. Amar and Kira, the Alpha and Luna from the Patet pack, came up as well with uncertainty in their golden eyes.

"My office, quickly." Issac said into a mind link that probably just between the six of us. But, as I turned to follow them all; Zak trailed along as well with Nina glued to his side.

Amar yanked open the office door down the hall and we all entered; the air so tense you could taste it. Issac leaped atop his desk, probably not liking having everyone look down at him when he was in Wolf form as he spoke.

"Our borders have been infiltrated but no attacks have been initiated. The Purum pack is on the north and south borders and all our fighters and trackers are stationed and in position." He began, his voice taking on all the authority it could muster in this situation. "Keep track of you pack members and lead them well, we have triple the numbers but they have twice the strength."

I walked up to the desk and lifted my head high to add on. "Alpha Kane is still alive and at the moment he's our biggest target." I said and everyone's eyes were on me. "Take him down and this war might be ours."

"Remember what you're fighting for." Issac said and my chest blossomed with admiration. I looked up to him and his green eyes fused with mine. Freedom. I looked toward Nina and Zak, her small hand resting on his back as he leaned on her. I thought about all the wolves who might go to attack the enemy during this war and find their Mates. I thought about all the suffering and all the trapped souls this war would release if we won.

"We'll be waiting for your orders, Issac." Luke said, bowing his head. Him and his Mate turned and left the room.

"It's an honor to fight on your side." Amar added on, his gold eyes so dramatic against his dark skin. His Mate, Kira and him bowed to us as well and followed the others out.

As soon as they left, I looked towards my brother and instantly ran up to him, nuzzling my face into his neck. After a few moments, he pulled away. "See you soon, sister." He said slowly into my mind. I prayed he was right. Zak backed away after nodding to Issac behind me and left, Nina shooting me look as if to say 'this isn't goodbye' with her hazel eyes.

The door slammed shut and then it was just Issac and I.

I shifted back into human form, knowing very well I didn't want to start this war without kissing Issac. I turned around and grabbed a blanket off the couch, wrapping myself in it silently. Issac had shifted back as well, his back facing me and he started out the large window into the distance. I walked up to him and instantly incased him in a tight embrace, the blanket going around him as well.

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