{ Chapter 8 }

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I just posted up a new idea for another story, if you could check it out id be so happy! Its called Lover Of The Last and I really want to know if I should continue with it! Thanks for reading!

Clary's POV

My breath was quick and heavy, struggling to take in the cold air around me. My giant paws swiftly maneuvered over any obstacle in my path while pounding across the ground.

The snow white fur of my wolf stood out in the dark black forest I was franticly racing through, going faster then any normal wolf could ever go. My piercing blue eyes searched my surroundings, all senses on high alert. I didn't dare come to a stop, feeling that what ever I was running from was dangerous.

I didn't know why I was running, or where I was. I just knew I had to get somewhere' to someone. My labored breathing created visible breath that clouded around my pounding head. I heard distant howls with my keen sense of hearing, but they sounded familiar, almost identical to ones I've heard all my life.

It was my pack, they were calling to me as I ran. Half of me said turn around, but the other half said to keep going on to my important, unknown destination.

I slowed down slightly but instantly regretted it.

A huge, almost unrealistically sized, white wolf pounced onto my winded form. We landed with a thud and I turned quickly, facing my attacker. Meeting his furious black eyes, I immediately identified him as my father. Alpha Kane of the Purum Pack, one of the strongest wolves alive, and he was hovering over me; clearly angry.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw many of my white-coated pack members gather; emerging from behind trees or leaping atop rocks to watch their Alpha and his daughter.

My father backed off me and behind him I saw my also blue-eyed mother accompanied by my older brother Zak.

We all looked out of place here in these woods, our pack resided in the tall mountains; camouflaged by the beautiful white snow. I stood up warily, not knowing what was going on, or if any of this was real.

Turning my head slightly, I almost growled in disgust. Elijah Willis, my 'husband to be' was standing mere inches away from me; his grey eyes looking at me like a piece of meat. Issac's green eyes made my heart melt to liquid, where as his grey ones made me freeze up and feel uncomfortable.

Ignoring the one man I despised the most, I turned back to my family; still utterly confused as to what was happening.

My mother's voice echoed in my head, her tone laced with disappointment.

"You, Clary Albus, have disgraced this pack by letting yourself start to fall for someone who isn't pure-blooded. It goes against everything we stand for, and you know that." She said as I felt a pang of hurt deep in my confused heart.

I wanted to apologize, but what for? For loving the one person that was made for me? I had looked past what Issac's father was planning, and looked past his un-pure blooded background. They may call me blinded, but they are the ones who don't see. They don't see that loving this boy is what can truly save me.

I have felt so much pain with my parents trying to decide who I loved. My closest friend had also died from trying to decide it for herself. Her Mate sending his pack after her for rejecting him of being unworthy to carry on her bloodline.

I squeezed my eyes shut then slowly reopened them. What I saw made whimper softly; my pack and family had all disappeared. What was happening? I wasn't familiar with this sense of un-control over my own mind.

A dark grey and brown wolf stepped out from behind a large pine nearby and I instantly felt a wave of relief wash over me.

Issac. He was here now, where ever here was. But the sense of relief left as quickly as it came once I realized the expression on his wolf's face. Betrayal.

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