{ Chapter 24 }

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Clary's POV

My head rose and fell with Issac's breathing as my head laid on his bare chest, his arms holding me as close as possible while we slept. It was night time now, about midnight.

It hadn't even been a question of whether or not if I was going to sleep in Issac's room tonight, we both knew we'd end up together in the same bed after today.

The dark room was only lit up by the dull-blue light from a small digital clock and the moonlight casting in through the slightly covered window. I felt so at peace with everything, the both of us seeming to have forgotten everything conspiring around our packs when we were together.

I hugged Issac closer, our bare legs intertwined and sheets covering us in a cocoon of white silk and limbs. He was fast asleep while I was staring out the window, not really thinking of much; just enjoying my current position. I've had enough overthinking for a lifetime, I told myself.

Issac shifted underneath me in his sleep and I propped my chin up on his chest to look at him. His face was turned to the side and his hair was messy from exhaustion. I reached up a hand and combed some of it off his forehead with my fingers gently.

I giggled quietly when I literally felt him relax beneath me at my touch. I don't see how anyone could ever give up their Mate, for pure-blood or for anything.

Pushing up slightly I moved my head from his chest to the crook of his neck, placing a quick, soft kiss. My nose tickled when it scratched against his slight stubble and I reminded myself to tell him to shave, even if it did look quite handsome on him.

Relaxing again I wrapped my arms around him once more, letting myself doze off with my Mate. A luxury I never thought I could have.


When I woke up, we had swapped sleeping positions; Issac's head now resting above my chest with my body under his.

I could tell he was awake by his breathing, but he stayed perfectly still while I attempted to stretch out my sleepy limbs from underneath his dead weight. Trying to sit up, I felt him push us back down quickly; the smallest of smirks playing on his face.

"Mm." I protested. "Issac." I pulled at his arms, still heavy from sleep. He just hummed in response, still not moving or opening his eyes.

"We should probably get up." I said, giving up on pulling his arms and just letting my own fall beside me and onto the bed. The sun had leaked into the room and it was probably mid-morning, people were probably up and wondering were we were.

Issac groaned and wrapped his arms underneath my back tightly, shaking his head stubbornly into my stomach; obviously not getting up anytime soon.

A devious plan snuck its way into my head and I held back my smile as I trailed my fingers along his bare back slowly, feeling him tense up.

My hands threaded into his hair and pulled his head up slowly, his eyes now starting to open to see what I was doing. I rested his forehead against mine, and let my fingers play with the hair at the nape of his neck slowly.

"Clary-" Issac started, his eyes already beginning to swirl with a dark grey.

I silenced him with my lips and slowly bean to pull my legs out from under him. He hummed softly into the kiss and tightened his hold on my waist.

I trailed my lips from his, to his cheek and then to his ear at a painful slow pace. Once I placed a kiss right below Issac ear, a huge devious grin spread across my face. I quickly bit his ear, hard.

The bite caused him to jump and loosen his grip on me enough for me to slip out.

My Wolf growled at my stupidity for hurting our Mate but I wanted to get up and it was just a nip on the ear; nothing he couldn't get over.

"Ow." Issac chuckled. He had his hand over his ear and a confused, sleepy expression; it was kind of hot and adorable at the same time. "You bit me."

I laughed and picked up one of the pillows on the floor. "You wouldn't let me up." I retaliated, throwing the pillow at him while still smiling deviously.

He groaned and flopped back onto the bed like the pillow that hit him was a hundred pounds, I couldn't help but let out a small laugh.

"Come on." I walked over to the bed and climbed atop of him to sit on his hips. "Can't stay cooped up in your bedroom all day, trust me, I've tired." I pulled the pillow off his face and smiled at his disheveled hair all over the place.

"My brother keeps trying to mind-link with me." Issac shut his eyes in annoyance as he tried to block out Tobias and probably a lot of others. "I really don't want to talk to him."

I remembered the conversation I had overheard between them yesterday but didn't even think about bringing it up, Issac would know I was spying in if I did. I just gained his trust back and I don't want to make him regret it at all.

"Yeah he can be sort of an ass." I say while attempting to smooth out Issac's messy hair. "But family, is family."

"Not our family." My Wolf huffed, still extremely ticked off by my father and pack. "We don't need them." I slowly said to her. "Issac's our family now." That seemed to shut her up.

Issac chuckled. "Toby's just hard-headed." He said as he lifted himself up onto his elbows. "And sort of an ass." I bit my tongue to keep myself from laughing, a smile spreading across Issac's face.

"Let's just go downstairs." I placed my hands on his bare shoulders. "You can ignore everyone if you want, but I'm hungry."

"Mm." He sat up more so we were eye level. "Why don't you want to stay in here all day?" Issac wrapped his arms around my waist slyly and dipped his head down to give me a slow, yet heated kiss.

I hummed into the kiss but broke away after a couple of seconds. "It's not that I don't want to." I gave him a peck on the nose. "We just can't hide in here all day, and also you have duties to do." I ruffled up his bed-head hairdo and giggled at his fake pout.

"Fine." He sighed, securing my legs around his hips and getting up off the bed while still holding me. "But you need to get dressed, can't have you walking around in that."

I looked down at my outfit, panties and Issac's white shirt that reached down to my mid-thigh. A blush rose up on my face as he kissed my cheek and dropped me down onto my own two feet.

"Fine." I imitated him. "Be right back."

I heard him begin to protest, not wanting me to walk the hallways in nothing but panties and a shirt, but I was gone before he could finish a sentence.

I raced through the halls in almost a blur, not really wanting anyone to see me either. My speed was one uncompared to that of a normal wolf and I reached my room without even loosing my breath or seeing anyone.

Grabbing a pair of dark jeans and keeping Issac's shirt on, I changed and looked into the mirror. My long brown hair had grown slightly in the last couple of months, now reaching below my chest.

I smiled as I noticed the soft glow I had to my face, no longer pale with lifeless blue eyes, but alive and well. I didn't have makeup with me, and I wouldn't use it if I did; I never quite liked it.

Speeding back out the door, I blurred through the hallway's once more and ended back up in Issac's room. He now had on a black long sleeve shirt and jeans, his hair combed through with his fingers; sticking up and away from his forehead.

"Wearing my shirt for the day?" He grinned.

I nodded with a small smile. "Don't tease." I say while he walks up to me still smirking.

"Just like how I did when you used my body wash?" Issac whispered into my ear and I swatted at his chest. I remembered that day, that was so long ago. So much has changed since my first day here, I'm not even sure if I could say I knew that girl I once was.

"Exactly." I started to back out of the room, still watching him smile. "Now, let's go." I didn't check to see if he was following, I could feel his ever-present warmth as he trailed behind me.

"Let me talk to my father and brother if they're down there." He muttered as he caught up to me. "I know they'll be rude."

I could hear his annoyance towards his family, and as much as I felt sorry for him; at least he didn't have the extent of family problems I did.

"Okay." I grab his hand tentatively. "Just no hiding things from them, I've done enough lying for a lifetime."

I felt him stop, my body jerking backwards. I turned and saw Issac looking at me with a unreadable expression, his hand still in mine.

"Hey." He said softly, reaching up a hand to touch my check. "Why would I ever hide you away?"

"Because no one wants me to be Luna." I spoke my nagging thoughts. "And people like me- we just- this hasn't exactly been done before. You know, pure-bloods being with unpures."

Issac narrowed his eyes in thought. "But we're different." He squeezed my hand and I felt the wonderful sparks erupt. "We actually try instead of listening to what your pack says about Mates, doesn't matter if it's never been done. We're doing it."

I wanted to jump on him right then and there and never let him go, he just said all the right things. I opted to just giving him a long kiss on the cheek, showing him how much I appreciated his words.

Smiling I spoke again. "But we do needed to work on your father's view of us being together." I said. "I mean he tried to murder me the first day I was back."

"True." He pulled me flush against his chest and I felt so safe in his hold. "But now I'm Alpha. And no one's hurting you, or being rude to you like before."

"No drugging either." I added. A smile a crept onto my face from his reassuring words, I was so glad to have his protection.

"Aw, but don't you love being unconscious and waking up in my bed?" He mocked comically, his green eyes looking so light and alive.

I just scoffed and tugged at his hand once more. As we descended the large staircase I started thinking about what we'd be facing. I mean, we spent the night together last night and now were holding hands; I don't think we need to explain much.

The pack house was busier than usual when we came down, the large doors open to the chilly outdoors with wolves and people milling around.

Issac and I maneuvered through the small gathering; long stares and awkward silence filling the air. I just kept my grip on my Mate's hand and held my head high, not wanting to look weak around these people anymore.

Once we made it to the kitchen there were less people, and thankfully; lots of food. My stomach growled and I quickly tried to silence it with a cough.

"I have to speak to them alone first." Issac let go of my hand as he whispered into my ear. I knew exactly who them was, his father and brother.

"Of course." I nodded reassuringly, even if I didn't want to be left alone with his pack silently judging me with every glance.

"It won't be long, five minutes tops." Issac said. He pressed a long kiss to my temple and I blushed at my feet as I felt the few people in the kitchen watch.

Issac walked away to the doorway that lead back to the hall with the office in it; he stopped short then turned looking at his pack members milling around silently.

They all looked at their Alpha as he shifted his gaze around the room, a overpowering sense of authority washing off of him; I pieced it together that he was mind-linking with everyone. Most likely sending out a message not to terrorize me, I thought to myself.

I saw them bow their heads respectively and Issac quickly left, probably wanting to keep his promise of only taking five minutes.

Silently, I grabbed a plate and added food. No one talked to me but they stopped their judgmental glares and whispering, leaving me to eat in peace.

I glanced around, trying to find a familiar face, and my eyes landed on Lucas with some others; just down the hall near the entryway. He looked so much like Nina, their hazel-yellow eyes and tan hair that matched their wolves.

Before he could see me watching him, I looked back at my plate. My wolf was extremely antsy and she was rubbing off on me. Her anxiousness making me put away my dish hastily after I was done and walk to office before the awkward silence became unbearable.

I turned the corner quickly, almost falling backwards when I ran right into a hard chest. Tobias. His penny colored eyes looked down as me as I backed away slowly.

"Sorry." I muttered. "I was just going to see Issac and your father-"

"They're waiting for you, I came to get you." He explained, his tight jaw and narrowed eyes always making me feel like he was just naturally tense all the time.

"Oh." I looked over my shoulder and saw everyone silently listening. "Let's go then." I said a little too quickly. Guess it would take a little to get this pack to warm up to me again.

We walked down a familiar hallway leading to the office, an unsettling feeling rising in me like every time I went to this room. "Issac is Alpha now, it's his office; his rules. We'll be okay." My Wolf reassured me.

"I know, I just don't understand why Tobias came to get me." I said to her slowly. "Do you think Marcus is mad at Issac?"

"Guess we're about to find out."
She quickly said as Tobias reached the large double doors and shoved them open without knocking.

The huge windows let in the bright sun, but the room was anything but warm. Issac and Marcus were at different sides of the room in one of their infamous stare downs.

Tobias sighed loudly. "Can you guys not be at each other's throats for a few moments." He scowled. "We have other important things to discuss."

Issac looked at me and visibly relaxed, reaching out his hand for me to take. Without hesitation, I left Tobias' side and hurried to take it. Issac's skin was hot and his eyes were fueled with an upset expression.

"Father here, doesn't think he gave the Alpha title to the right son." Issac said with the a similar tone Tobias had. His hand was tight on mine and he kept me by his side; staring down his farther once again. "Seems pretty important to me."

I looked at Marcus, his dark-circled brown eyes and unshaven face aiding to his constantly unstable look. I tucked myself further into Issac's side.

Tobias looked at his dad quickly. "What does he mean?" He said with a look of astonishment. "You wanted me to be Alpha?"

"Better then a misjudged, coward like your brother." Marcus sneered and My Wolf snapped at him in my mind, making me flinch. Issac visibly tensed and a growl erupted in the large study. "And not to mention he's expecting to have a pure-blood as our Luna."

He just didn't know when to stop, and you could see it on Tobias' face how much this conversation was long overdue. Marcus and Issac never quite got along, but rules were rules. The Alpha title goes to the first-born, no exceptions.

"How dare you question me." Issac let go of my hand and I watched him as he quickly closed the gap between him and his father. "Clary is the Luna this pack needs, we haven't had one since you let mother get killed. Tobias doesn't want to, and never will be Alpha. So I suggest you stop before you royally piss off My Wolf for insulting my Mate and title." He said strongly through clenched teeth.

I couldn't take me eyes off him, afraid of what he would do and sort of not able to focus on anything but my admiration for the way he defended himself and I. But I was shocked slightly by his harsh words, so was Tobias and Marcus; both of them staring at my Mate.

"Brother." Tobias grabbed his brother's shoulder, pulling him out of Marcus' face.

Marcus just stood there, looking empty. "We're done here."

"No." Issac ripped himself out of Tobias' arms. "We aren't. You need to understand, this war is coming and I have to prepare and organize-"

"Issac." I said loudly, causing him to turn quickly. "He's done, we can do what needs to be done at the moment without him."

Marcus met my gaze over Issac's shoulder, his dull eyes boring into mine. I saw so much loneliness and pain in those eyes, I had to look away.

"I'll be going then." Marcus turned and exited the office, closing the door behind him.

"That was uncalled for." Tobias stated while staring at the place his father just stood. "The thing about mom."

"I had to say something to get through to that head of his." Issac bit the inside of his lip, looking sort a guilty now that Marcus was gone.

"It wasn't his fault she was killed, Issac." Tobias said and I felt a knife in my heart being twisted. You're right, I thought, it was my father's fault she was killed. I couldn't bear the thought of saying that right now, maybe not even ever.

"I said it in the moment." Issac put both his hands on the back of his neck and looked at the ceiling, his biceps visible beneath his black shirt. "You know I didn't mean it."

I felt like I was intruding on their talk, standing on the other side of the room watching the two trying figure out what the hell just happened. Issac looked nothing like Tobias, maybe some small features; but all in all I knew my mate got all his looks from his mother. Probably a painful reminder every time Marcus looked at him.

"Yeah but did you see his face?" Tobias tried to get Issac's attention off the ceiling.

"He shouldn't have insulted Clary or questioned why I'm Alpha." Issac blew out a breath and let his arms drop to his sides. My Mate spun around and looked at me. "I'm sorry you had to be here for that."

His green eyes held guilt and still a hit of anger directed towards his father.

"It'll be okay" I sighed. "From what I've seen you father is a strong man."

I meant my words as I said them. When I heard of Marcus leading this pack without a Luna I was shocked that he would've been able to continue Mate-less but he did. And he raised two sons in the process.

Issac walked over to my side once more, running his fingertips over the bare skin of my arms as I stood still; feeling sort of awkward with Tobias watching.

"So. Are you two together now?" Tobias finally said and I met his gaze over Issac's shoulder.

Without hesitation Issac spoke first. "Yes, Clary is going to be Luna and isn't returning to the Purum Pack." He said with such finality that even I wouldn't question his words.

"I'm here to help." I stepped out of Issac's touch and looked directly at Tobias' wary expression. "And be by your brothers side."

"I still don't understand why you spyed on us." Tobias crossed his arms. "To sum it up, I don't understand you at all."

"I know you don't." I said slowly, really wanting to gain back not only Issac's trust, but his brother's as well. "But, I have no reason to go back home. I found out about Kane's treaty with the humans and I don't think I'll ever see him as my father again."

Issac continued to watch me as I tried to convince Tobias like I did him. I didn't want to betray them all those weeks ago, I was blinded by orders and fear; things I no longer have.

Tobias held my gaze, his eyes trying to tell if I was lying or not to him and his brother. He must've believed me, for when he looked at Issac and spoke, a small smile grazed his face.

"You two are what this pack needs." He said. "It'll be nice to have a Luna for once, especially one with knowledge against our enemy."

I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding in and returned Tobias' smile gratefully. Issac spun around and looked at his brother, almost like he never thought he'd hear him say those words.

"And you'll be by our side too." Issac clapped Tobias on the shoulder. "Can't forget my little Beta brother."

I saw Tobias' smile grow and wondered why he wasn't like this more; happy and at ease. It bothered me to see him so tense and unhappy all the time.

"Thank you." I smiled. Things were finally starting to fall back together.

But I knew soon enough I would have to spill secrets and the war would crept closer. I could almost feel the chill of my father's presence as I stood in the sunlight of the window; the mountains viable beyond the trees.

As I watched my Mate and his brother smile, my warmth began to fade. I clutched Issac's hand and tried to bring myself back.

My Wolf whimpered in my head at the feeling of someone trying to push down the huge barrier I put up between me and my pack.

Like a sheet of shattering glass, the barrier was broken, a malicious voice dripping into my mind. Alpha Kane.

"Clary, Luna of the Unpures. Get ready to see your downfall before it's begun. We are coming and won't leave any wolf alive. You are no longer my daughter and I look forward to the day I see your white coat drenched in blood."

Thanks for reading and don't forget to vote and comment for a quicker update!

Comment what you think will happen next and what the future looks like for Clary and Issac!

Love you all!


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