{ Chapter 38 }

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Clary's POV

Everything was moving in fast forward. A blur of white and dark fur and the sounds of snapping jaws. My heart was skipping beats and I felt so disconnected from all that was happening.

I knew deep down my father's death would hurt. Of course it would. But as Issac leapt off that ledge, his eyes ferrel and mouth open in a fierce growl; my heart dropped to the stone ground below me.

Zak looked so much like our father as I walked up, almost like I was looking at Alpha Kane at a younger age. I wondered what my father had been like when he was my age. Was he this scared and confused about this pure-blooded life we were to live? Or did he feel confident and proud like almost everyone around me had been in my life?

Everyone, even the hardest and coldest of people, are born into this world as soft as the wind; and that's just the reality of life.

I had told myself I would close my eyes as Zak and Issac did what we had planned to do. I couldn't watch my father die, even if he would enjoy watching if I was. My eyes were sealed shut but all of a sudden, the loud, piercing sound of Zak yelping filled the air.

I quickly opened my eyes and saw my brother's wolf's head smack onto the stone ground, leaving him unconscious and sprawled out on his side. The bitter wind came and whipped around his white fur and my eyes slowly trailed back over to my father, my body in shock.

The giant white wolf that haunted my nightmares was stood above Issac's dark brown and grey one, his huge paws crushing into his neck. A strangled cry left my lips and I held myself back from running towards them; knowing my father could kill me in a split second. I listened closely and heard the racing heartbeat of my Mate, my Wolf relaxing slightly.

"You fools." My father's now horribly cold voice snuck into my mind. I felt a chill creep up my spine and wanted nothing more then for him to let Issac go.

"I knew you'd try to pull something like this, Clarissa, but I never thought you'd get your brother involved. Too bad I know his weaknesses's." He spoke, his black, soulless eyes leaving mine. They flickered to his son lying near him, unphased. "This shows how little you care about people getting hurt."

My eyes flickered back over to Zak as well and my heart bled with sadness. He just wanted the same thing I did; freedom.

"You're wrong." I replied. I knew I had to be careful with my words, Issac's life was in my hands and one wrong move and his throat would be slit. "I care too much. I keep things inside and lie just to keep people happy. I care so much about everyone around me I almost didn't want to kill you. But I have to, father. What you're doing is wrong and I won't live like this anymore."

My words spilled out and the bottled up thoughts I've been wanting to say were finally coming out. It was like last night with Issac all over again, my body aching to tell someone everything in my mind. Tears burned my eyes and my head throbbed with panic.

"Too bad you didn't succeed." Kane replied, his voice rising slightly. His wolf almost seemed to be smiling. "This war will happen and everyone on your side will perish. It's inevitable, pure-bloods are the superior kind and always will be."

I shook my head, "Look I know-"

"Enough, Clary!" He screamed into my mind and I flinched. "You can't win this war! Do you know why?" His voice was cutting me with it's sharpness. I didn't want to reply.My Wolf kept whimpering at the sight of our father hurting Issac as he got more angry.

"Because deep down you don't know what your willing to sacrifice. You don't know what you're willing to loose while fighting this war." Kane growled, his teeth showing. "But I do."

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