3)50-shades of grey eyes

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It was apparent there was not harm involved in taking a gorgeous selfie. The next two days passed by with Emily getting a couple messages from different guys along with being hearted. Emily had no idea what that meant until Vinessa explained it. When someone hearted you, it meant they were interested in your profile and wanted you to heart them back.
Emily thought simply writing a person stating you liked their profile would've been more efficient, but who was she to judge?
She was scheduled for her first date with a nice guy named Carter this weekend at a local starbucks. He was looking like a very nice individual who recently moved to the United States from England. As Emily messaged the guy, he seemed to be a friendly individual.
If it worked out - Emily was rather skeptical it would - then she'd have a date to prom if the guy accepted her invitation. It seemed like a tedious process, but it was better than not at least trying to get a date.

Emily spent the night after returning from school one day dedicated to her French homework. She was so tired once midnight rolled around, she barely noticed the light tapping at her bedroom window. It was the faintest of sounds, coming off as woodchips hitting the window. A grin crept onto her face as Emily slowly went up to the window where Jake stood outside of. He had his overly bright flashlight with him as he holds it up to his face, sparing Emily an excited wave.

Emily opened her window, waiting for Jake to carefully climb the strange scaling of the farmhouse after tucking his flashlight away. Her parents had finally found what her mother claimed was her dream home on Zillow. When Thomas Daz first announced the military wanted him stationed in Texas to train younger recruits, Emily's parents bought the beautiful farmhouse as a way to celebrate this as their last time of moving around the country.
The only thing unfortunate about finally moving away from the military housing and onto a beautiful four acre farmhouse was Jake no longer lived close by. Anytime while growing up, Jake would often come over to Emily's house to spend the night. He'd walk over to Emily's house so often, Jake's dad would often joke that he spent more time at Emily's house than he did at his own. It was probably true. Day or night, Jake was usually at the Daz household.

Emily was worried moving to Texas meant no more late night movies or study sessions with Jake considering he now lived a good half hour away at the military housing. Even still, this left Jake unfazed. The first night Emily and her family had at their new house, Jake spent the night. He doesn't get to come over quite as often, but Jake will still manage to make the trip at night for random sleep overs on the weekend.

"Has anyone ever told you you're a goober?" Emily chastised as Jake reached her window.
After expertly sliding one leg through before bending his shoulders to climb in, Jake's grinning. "C'mon, M&M. You know you love me for my amazing ability to commit breaking and entering."  He says, flashing a crooked grin before he quietly makes his way over to Emily's bed to plop himself down.

"Is it breaking and entering when I opened my window willingly?" Emily countered with a chuckle.

"Eh, still..." Jake waved off airily. He kicked off his shoes before wandering back to Emily's bed and settling himself down on his stomach.

There was no need to worry about Emily's parents walking in on them. Her mom slept like a rock most nights while her father made snoring noises that were louder than an operating locomotive. He couldn't have heard a circus breaking inside the house.
Even if they did walk in to find Jake cuddled in Emily's bed, they probably wouldn't even mind. They've known Jake ever since he was a little kid with two missing front teeth. Emily suspected that her mother even made sure the spare bedroom was specifically left for when Jake spent the night. Her  parents didn't mind having him around - Jake's been sneaking in or staying over at night ever since his mother passed away when he was ten.

"You drove across town?" Emily asked in surprise. Even though they've done this same routine with Jake sneaking in through Emily's window well over a couple hundred times the last few years, it's odd he would do it in the middle of the night on a weekday.

"Is there a reason you sound so surprised?" Jake shrugged, unzipping the backpack he brought with to showoff the giant bag of peanut-butter M&M's he brought with him. "C'mon - don't tell me you're gonna let your best pal eat these delicious little buggars all on my own..." Jake teased, winking.

"Jake, we have school tomorrow...." Emily tried, before Jake throws up an M&M to catch in his mouth. He chewed and swallows before shrugging. 

"-You say that as if it should mean something" he grinned. Emily's blank stare caused him to  frown. "Ah...don't make me go back home." He protested in a quiet groan. "My dad has that witch of a girlfriend over-"

"Why is she a witch because she doesn't approve of you calling her sauerkraut?" Emily challenged with a grin.
She made her way back to  the bed before crawling in.

Jake waved this off airily. "She shouldn't look so sour all the time if she doesn't want a stupid nickname-"


"C'mon, Ems. Me staying the night will be like old times when we had sleepovers. You have a king sized bed. You'll barely even notice I'm here." Jake pouted, doing a ridiculous display of widening his eyes as he watched Emily sadly.
This is why Jake Moseley was a dangerous individual. He knew how to play people, and he knew perfectly well that Emily was always putty in his hands when he delivered his infamous pout.  She melted just watching him, even though Jake was oblivious her feelings ran far deeper than just mere friendship.
That was her biggest factor for not wanting Jake to stay the night. Who really wants their crush sleeping in the same bed as them?

Emily decided she was the sad sap of a person who wanted her crush in her bed. Blushing at the very thought, Emily nodded her head while Jake pulled a triumphant fist pump.  After a moment, he grinned mischievously. "We have to work on your assertiveness, M's. You really shouldn't say yes to people so easily" Jake joked, causing Emily to throw a bony elbow to his shoulder to move him over.

"I find myself only always agreeing to this stupid things you say." Emily muttered in response, not even lying with this comment.

"Good thing you love me." Jake grinned, grabbing the remote off of Emily's nightstand to flick on the small TV attached to her wall facing her bed. Emily laid her head down against her pillow, and Jake removed himself from the bed before tucking the covers over her before settling back on the bed.

The news turned on, revealing a breaking story that premiered earlier in the night. "Oh, turn the volume up a little" Emily whispered, the news station catching her eyes. More than anything, Emily wants to become a reporter. The type that has their own show every night that people feel the need to tune to everyday - like Nancy Grace. The people who had a strong voice for the victims around the world who couldn't speak of for themselves.

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