14)The black sedan

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Chapter song: "You're a wolf" by Seawolf

"Sir, you believe someone entered your home using the spare key under the mat before exiting the house and then using a brick to toss through your window?" The female officer questioned as her fellow cop took a look around.

"Yes" Mr. Shaw nodded, before giving more detail regarding the note attached to the brick that was thrown.
A good ten minutes had passed since the officers had arrived. No one could figure out whether someone was actually inside the house, or just wanted to give off the impression they were. Either way, it was terrifying to think about. The key was struck inside the keyhole indicating someone purposely moved it from underneath the mat to stick in the door. Whether they were actually inside the house or not was anyone's guess.

"Do you have any enemies, someone who would wish to threaten you...?" The lady officer implores, scribbling furiously across her notepad.
The color drained from Emily's face as Mr. and Mrs. Shaw continued speaking to the officer. The Shaw's most likely wouldn't have enemies, but there's someone Emily knew who she could now mark off as one. As she shot a look to Vinessa, she could tell her friend was thinking the same thing.

"Declan Carter" Vinessa announced, crossing her arms as she stepped forward. "My friend's ex boyfriend..." she continued, nudging Emily forward.

This was it, it was time to say something. Emily took the next fifteen minutes explaining what happened yesterday along with what happened in the parking lot when she broke up with Declan and he denied ever touching her. She explained he's the only person she upset recently, and considering he hit her, it wasn't out of the realm of possibilities that he threw the brick in a bid to scare her.
 The cops scribbled down the name and information Emily gave them regarding Declan, before pausing when she explained where it was he actually lived.
It was the elite area of Dallas. A neighborhood where only the extremely wealthy individuals lived. Everyone in town knows that the Windermere  division held houses that were well over a million dollars in pricing.

"So....You believe district attorney Richard Carter's son not only struck you the other  day, but is also behind breaking and entering along with vandalism..." the female cop sighed, snapping shut her notepad.  There was a cutting edge to her voice as she spoke, leading Emily to feel the cop didn't necessarily believe her. 

"Yes" Emily replied simply, frowning as the lady cop pursed her lips. She and her partner exchanged looks that hovered between denial and annoyance. It was obvious they were skeptical just by looking at their facial expressions. "Ma'am, you're accusing Mr. Carter's very own son of battery, vandalism, and breaking and entering without any proof-"

"-Without any proof?" Mr. Shaw asked sharply, "-the note on the rock left a message saying this isn't over. What do make of that??"

After hearing what Emily had to say Mr. and Mrs. Shaw looked as though they full heartedly believed her. But with that belief also came heavy annoyance at Declan.
To Emily it was obvious what that message implied. Declan literally meant this wasn't over. How could cops not see that?

The salt-and-pepper haired male officer sighed. "Sir, without any hard proof we can't go knock on the D.A's door at three in the morning and place his son under arrest. If this young lady would've have come forward the day she was struck revealing Mr. Carter's son was violent, we would already have a file against him-"

"-Well look at this photo!" Vinessa insisted, pulling out her cell phone to show the picture she took of Emily's bruises along with the busted lip. "Isn't this proof? Look at Emily - she's still sporting the cut!"

The male officer sighed. "I'm sorry, but without having filed a report sooner,  this young lady could've sustained her injuries in another way-"

"-Another way??" Mr. Shaw intervened curtly. "It sounds like you just don't want to arrest the D.A's son!"

That's exactly what it sounded like to Emily as well as she watched the officers. They seemed to not want to touch this case the very moment they figured out Declan was the D.A's son.
The female officer came forward, looking apologetic. "Look at it from our standpoint sir, if we don't have proper evidence to back up this claim, D.A Carter will eat this alive. He'll be replaced with a stand-in D.A due to conflict of interest before the case was closed due to lack of evidence. The Carter's would then hit the Dallas PD with a very thick lawsuit for harassment" she explained, her expression holding great sympathy. Mr. and Mrs. Shaw looked repulsed, and Emily was  certain she was wearing the same expression. 
"Look, I'm not closing this case" the lady sighed. "It's an active investigation from this point on. However, I don't believe we have enough evidence to charge Mr. Carter especially if he denied the allegations of battery. D.A Carter will get this case thrown out before noon."

Mrs. Shaw rolled her eyes heavily, holding her younger daughter in a hug. "We don't even know if this young man was inside our house! The door was wide open! If he was mad enough, he could've hurt Emily or one of our girls!"

"We don't know that it was him-"

"-No, you don't want to arrest the D.A's son, at least be honest!" Mr. Shaw bit back.

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