29)The monster knows no bounds

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Chapter song: "The wolf" by Fever Ray

The gif is Ian.
Why would I post it? I love the actor in Gotham. xD


"So you mean to say you think Declan murdered Dr. Chilton so you didn't have the abortion?" Detective Kinkaid asked, cocking a dark brow. He sounded highly skeptical about Emily's theory she expressed since arriving at the police station, but, she couldn't understand why. It wasn't as though Declan hadn't made it abundantly clear he was a lunatic. If he admitted to killing before, why was it out of this detectives realm of possibilities that Declan did it?

Emily rested her face into her hands, unsure of how many times she really needed to say the words. She'd been at the police department for the last two hours giving the same statement over and over again. "Yes! Look, my file was right above the doorway. My patient information along with the doctors name.....You find it a coincidence MY doctor was killed with the same instrument that was found in my clinic room??"

It had been officially proven by the Austin PD that the same tool missing from the shelf in Emily's room was used to kill the doctor. That meant that whoever murdered Dr. Chilton had been inside Emily's room when she had heard someone grab the tool. It was then that same person locked Emily inside so she couldn't get out.

After that, Dr. Chilton's murder had taken place. His nurse assisting with the procedure went to fetch the doctor only to find him dead in his office. She then heard something indicating someone was still inside the room and she immediately pulled the fire alarm. Unfortunately, Dr. Chilton's murderer had escaped. Police were currently looking for their suspect on any of the security cameras on the premises. So far, they hadn't found anything.

"It's rather really big to say it's all just a coincidence..." Detective Kinkaid allowed as another detective jotted down notes. "But, we have a problem with your theory of thinking it was Declan."

"What's the problem?" Tom Daz fired back. He joined Emily and her mother at the police station after Madison called him. Immediately, he was on the same train of thought as Emily and her mother that Declan was behind the murder.
"He attacked my daughter on more than one occasion and bragged to her about killing before" Tom pointed out crossly. "What's the problem??"

"One..." Detective Kinkaid sighed. "Is that he was all the way across town during the point of the murder. Now, even if he was there at the clinic, the window of opportunity is slim. He'd have to have avoided downtown traffic for afterschool hours, and then gotten on the freeway to reach the clinic. By the time that-"

"-OKAY, but it's possible he was there, right!?" Emily intervened. She wasn't sure why she was in a more agitated mood than usual. It was either fear of Declan skipping free of the charges, or it was the hormones courtesy of the pregnancy. Either way, she was sounding a lot meaner than she actually intended to.

"He would've had an eight minute window, but yes" Detective Kinkaid said quietly. "Unfortunately, he had witnesses claiming he was in a certain area all day during the time of the murder. It's an alibi that three people beside him are going with-"

"-Ohh let me guess, did his despicable parents claim they were watching a family movie during that time?" Tom Daz snorted, crossing his arms.

He had a right to be sarcastic - that seemed to be the bogus type of thing the Carter family would use to defend Declan.

"No, family tea time" Detective Kinkaid nodded before pinching the bridge between his nose. He seemed annoyed with himself for even having to answer such a silly thing.

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