41) Monsters and men

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A/N This song gives me the heebie jeebies.
"Chimes like midnight" by In The groove


"Shit, fuck, shit, fuck, shit...." Declan muttered. He didn't seem to know any other words in his vocabulary at the moment. This was the very first time with the exception of the night he was drunk that Emily noticed he looked completely not put together. Declan began to pace the length of the kitchen, his eyes alternating between staring at the ceiling and then back at his younger sister's lifeless body. "Fuck, shit, fuck, shit...." he continued hastily, wiping at his mouth awkwardly. Without any care for his sister's corpse, Declan stalked forward before roughly kicking the dead Miranda's torso with force. "Fuck! I killed her...."

"It was self-defense..." Emily muttered, shaking from how much pain she was in. The knife hurt. It was noticing that that it wasn't bleeding too bad anymore that inspired Emily to pull it out. She had to use force to rip the bloody blade out. She couldn't not do it – it was the memory of the knife being used to kill poor Ian that had her wanting it far away from her. Sure enough, no blood started oozing rapidly like Ian had when the blade was removed. Emily stifled back thick tears and desperately willed herself not to look towards the direction of his body. The only good news now was Miranda was now dead as well. It was only a small flicker of relief, but still. Having the opponent out of the picture was good.

Declan's head flicked up to stare at her. He seemed to forget Emily was even inside the room before she spoke. His grey eyes suddenly narrowed into slits as his nostrils flared. "What fuck did she tell you??"

The small hope that Emily had in thinking that this ludicrously insane madness was all over quickly deflated. Declan's heavy glare reminded her of all the other times he had been angry with her....Only now, he looked more irate than she had ever remembered seeing him.

Apparently, Miranda's death meant nothing. She was now simply trading in one crazy person for another. Realization started dawning that while Miranda had been the crazy one following Emily in the black sedan and the staying in her attic, it was Declan who had been the one who brutally mutilated her pets. In that moment of Declan's eyes locking with hers, she could see the true evil that lay behind them as he watched her strangely. "N-nothing..." Emily whimpered, holding the switch-blade used to kill Ian with a shaky hand. She didn't want to be anywhere near the knife in her hands, but right now, it was her only weapon against Declan if he suddenly turned his rage onto her. There was one very big problem with her choice of weapon....While Emily held a knife, Declan possessed a gun. Gun beats knife any day of the week.

"What the FUCK did that bitch tell you!?" Declan bellowed, slamming his fist down onto the counter.

Solely thinking about protecting the life of her unborn baby, Emily knew she needed to lie. "N-nothing, I s-swear!"

"Oh...FUCK!" he roared, running his hands through his hair. "I'm fucked....I'm fucked! Two bodies....She told you.....SHE FUCKING TOLD YOU! That mother-fucking bitch....She knew I followed you to the God-dammed hospital! She fucking knew about the fucking animals...Now what am I going to fucking do!?!"

Emily found herself crying as she shook on the floor. He was scaring her more than he had in all the months she had known him. She was certain she had never heard so many profanities in all her life, and she had a grandfather who was in the Navy! Declan talking like this only showed his cool as a cucumber façade was disappearing fast. Declan admitting to the horrific things he had done only meant one thing; he wasn't planning on allowing Emily out of this alive.

"Shit, fuck....fuck.....FUCK!"

As Declan hurried to snatch his phone out and began searching his contents, Emily knew she had to leave. She would die if she didn't. Her luck of surviving could only run so far before she simply stopped being lucky. It was as Declan's back was turned did Emily stand and slowly began sneaking her way towards the hall. She took a few wobbly steps, and then a few more. She willed herself to remain silent even though she strongly felt her contractions coming in a few minutes apart meant she was going into labor. Her luck kept slipping away from bad to worse. "Where the FUCK do you think you're going?!" Declan howled, his hand gripping her hair roughly to drag her back the way she came.

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