32)The guy who knows crazy

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"Savin me" by Nickelback

I am SOOOOOO sorry for the massive amount of uploads today! My phone glitched last night as I was trying to upload this chapter and then the entire book unpublished. O_O
Unfortunately Wattpad doesn't have a button just to publish all at once, so I've had to do each individually.
I'm so sorry! >_<

Happy Reading!


Emily sat upon her living room couch with her head deeply nestled in her hands. She would have curled herself into a ball if she weren't worried the crunched position would harm the baby.
She had no words to explain the horrific things done to her beloved pets. They were brutalized horribly beyond words. Her hermit crabs had been boiled alive while her parakeets had their necks snapped prior to baking.

Poor Rusty seemed to have the most gruesome death. He got his insides torn out before being carved into like a holiday ham.
The only things that had been capable of coming out of Emily's mouth had been horrified screams or vomit. Jake had proceeded to call the police once he came and saw what had happened in the kitchen. They quickly arrived, as well as Emily's mother. Her father was on his way home as he called the attorney to try to get a move on the restraining order. Still, the new arrivals couldn't make the horrific things suddenly vanish.

Even though Emily was incapable of talking, Jake provided the summary of what she walked in on. Immediately upon being asked if she had any enemies, Emily quickly threw out Declan's name along with the massive list as to how he had been terrorizing her for a while now. During their last enocunter, he even threatened to demand joint custody over her unborn baby. Emily cried some more as she thought about that.

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN, YOU'RE QUESTIONING HIM FIRST!?!" Emily's mother shrieked so very loudly Emily was certain her unborn child was probably startled from the loud noise as well. It sounded as though the police officers were merely sending someone to question Declan before anything else happened.

"I WILL SUE YOUR ENTIRE DEPARTMENT IF HE ISN'T ARRESTED BEFORE QUESTIONING!" Madison continued in a brutal yell. "LOOK! LOOK at what he did to these animals....SOMEBODY CALL PETA!!"

Jake sat in shock beside Emily, attempting to console her with hugs and kind words. Emily couldn't control her thick tears that cascaded down her cheeks. Was it her fault? If she would've just stayed home last night and not been with Jake...

Emily cried some more realizing she was adopting blame instead of laying it thickly on the one person who deserved to wear it; the monster who killed innocent animals.
Declan carved whore into her loveable kitten. That made Emily know without a doubt someone had in fact been inside Jake's house. He had seen them kissing...

"It's okay, Emily..." Jake soothed. "He's going to jail now-"

"-Is h-he?" Emily questioned, her voice thick with tears. "He hasn't been punished for anything he'd done...He's going to get away with this just like everything else-"

Madison came back into the living room to hug her daughter while the CSU people called took pictures of the cooked animals and boiled crabs.

"-Sweetie, he's going to be punished for everything...You're safe, we just have to remember to set the alarm..."

Emily's green eyes flew open in horror realizing something terrible. The alarm had been set when she and Jake arrived at the house. How could Declan have gotten inside when the house alarm was set?
"Mom....t-the alarm w-was set..." Emily cried, shaking her head. "I undid it when we got here..."

Madison's face paled considerably as she tightened her thick hug on Emily. "Then how did he get in..."

"-We have a problem" Emily's father announced as he entered the living room. He looked exhausted the last few weeks, but, Madison's phone call to him must have been what made his expression look even more tired and withdrawn. Deep circles were under his eyes while he neglected having the last three weeks. This made him look older than his fifty-five years.

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