27)Time passes, crazy doesn't.

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"Say when" by the Fray


It had been one week since discovering she was pregnant with Declan's child, and Emily still felt shocked. Teenagers fall pregnant often enough with either lack of knowledge regarding contraception or purposely trying to, and all it took for Emily was one horrible night where it wasn't even her choice to participate in sex. It wasn't fair. None of it was fair.

Sometimes, pregnancy tests were known to provide false positives. That wasn't what happened in Emily's case. Ten tests later that one afternoon, Emily had went through all five of her mothers boxes that were specifically saved for the women's clinic.

All of them read the same thing. They provided two bright pink lines. When you read the side of the test, the meaning for that was quite simple. One line meant not pregnant, two lines meant pregnant.

The horrible part was telling her parents. Emily hadn't wanted to go downstairs and admit what she discovered, but there was no hiding it. She was positively too upset to conceal such a thing from her family. Emily had thought the rape had been difficult enough to tell, but the pregnancy in comparison was much worse.
She decided the best course of action was to treat the discovery like a band aid. Rip it off and deal with the pain afterwards.

Her parents reactions made Emily nearly wish she had kept silent. Madison had started crying yet again while nearly running across the room to pull Emily into yet another ridiculously tight bear hug.
Tom Daz looked shocked enough to be on the verge of fainting. Then, he started yelling. Ugly curses of profanity were used against Declan that were so bad they could make a sailor blush. He would get up to swear before seating himself back down as if out of fear of fainting. After more yelling he would sit back up, only to fall back down.

Jake never said a word upon Emily's reveal. He merely stared out into space in awkward silence even when Emily left the bathroom to tell her family. He held the back of his head with both hands and had been in a state of shock where it seemed he had absolutely nothing to contribute even sarcasm wise. Jake Moseley was truly stunned silent for once.

It was Ben whose behavior had been the most shocking. Emily had expected her level headed nearly-ten-years-older brother to remain calm and collected under this chaotic circumstance. He was the one who was always level-headed in difficult circumstances. He had after all talked his and Emily's father of driving across town and kicking the asses of both Declan and his cruel father after the assault charges had been filed.

But, Ben had not handled Emily's two simple words of; "I'm pregnant" well. He stood up, his long crafted file tumbling to the floor in a giant mess. He made a menacing start for the front door only for Jake to fall out of his trance to get up and work to keep him inside the house. Ben's intention was clear - cop or not, he wanted to beat the living snot out of Declan, and maybe even kill him.

Tom probably would've joined forces with him if he hadn't taken up Jake's position of staring into empty space as if he were catatonic. Madison cried horrible while holding onto Emily as if out of fear she would melt if she possible let go of her.

By the time Emily had shown her parents all ten pregnancy tests she had taken, she was pretty sure every last person in that living room had wanted to beat the tar out of Declan just like Ben. That horrible prom night now left her with a souvenir.


"Well, I can't imagine that having gone anymore excellent" Roman Donovan said, beaming. Emily scowled at him until his positive beam slipped from his face. He soon walked away after that after sparing Emily an apologetic expression.

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