16)He sees you when you're sleeping....He knows when you wake up.

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A/N Hey gang!
So, bad news......I don't quite know what I'll be back from my slight hiatus. The house my family was about to rent turned out to be a no-go. The guy neglected to inform us it was a hunting farm and that there was going to be six days of the week where it was recommended we don't go into the backyard or side of the yard out of the potential risk of being shot by the dozens of hunters that would be trampling throughout the two-hundred acres. Nice, right?
What that means is I have no idea when I'm going to have proper internet again to continue updating on a frequent basis. It might not even be until May unless a magical house rental was to fall out of nowhere. After I get internet back, I'll create an updating schedule.

I miss Wattpad. :[
Happy Reading!


Emily stared out of her windshield, trying hard to will herself out of the truck. It was difficult. She easily came up with at least twenty reasons why she shouldn't show up to school today. Upon going downstairs earlier that morning, Emily had found her mother chatting up Declan who was seated at the breakfast bar.

Madison said Declan showed up at the house with flowers and she then invited him in for breakfast. Emily politely excused herself and Declan to the front porch when she told him he needed to leave.
Declan made no objections. He nodded politely and apologized for upsetting her.

Even though nothing had technically happened, the encounter left Emily on edge. Declan was at her house chatting up her mom at breakfast - what if he didn't just randomly show up at six in the morning? What if he was at Emily's house all night and never left? Does that mean her dream of talking to the guy on her bed wasn't a dream at all? Did it all actually happen?

Emily shuddered to think. She couldn't piece together how it could possibly have been real. Her house alarm worked nearly everywhere in the house with the exception of the upstairs windows. Even then, the only way to enter the house is up the tree that led to the side window in Emily's room. Could someone have actually climbed through the window during any time of the day she wasn't home? Could they have just popped in at night?

Emily waved off her crazy thoughts. Declan was creepy, but it was a whole other level of creepy for if someone were to break into a house and wait somewhere inside all night. That would just be crazy.

It was easy for Emily to start feeling she was just massively paranoid. She had a right to be. According to the retired FBI psychologist on that website he believed a serial killer was finding victims on the same dating site that Emily was signed up on. That was enough to rattle anyone's  nerves entirely.

Emily's creeping paranoia came back at full throttle once she spotted a familiar black sedan coming in the school grounds. The tinted-windowed car waited for the school bus delivering freshmen to pull away before coming to a halt in front of the school. The window of the driver's side pulled down for Emily to see that the passenger was a middle aged woman with bronze colored hair. The person who exited the passenger side caused Emily's jaw to drop. It was Miranda Carter.


Later during the day Emily tried piecing together the theory that it was either Declan or Miranda who used their mother's car to follow her on two separate occasions. But, she couldn't come up with a reason for why Miranda would want to follow her. Not only was the teenage girl not old enough to have her permit, but she also didn't care to look Emily's direction during school days. The conversation Emily had with Miranda where the girl informed her that her brother doesn't share his girls was the last conversation they even had.

That left Declan. Emily didn't find herself caring if the idea was insane, she felt strongly he was following her.  She was having a hard time disbelieving that it's just a coincidence the Carter family had the exact same car Emily knew was in the same location as her twice.
What she couldn't explain was how Declan could've snuck into her house with the house alarm on.  How would he have even managed given he wasn't around the day her dad explained where it was installed?

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