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Amazing cover by Diprox

Hello Wattpaddians!  This book is dedicated to you, YEAH, YOU.
For taking the time to read this story.

It is *NOT* necessary to read My Wattpad Stalker or it's sequel to read this book.
It's a prequel that happens long before the events of those stories. So if you've been a long  time viewer or you've never read my stories before, this book is still dedicated to you.

Now, a warning will be that this story holds swearing, strong violence, mentions of sex and even a brief description of a rape. It is not intended for a younger audience, so DON'T say I didn't warn you!

So this has been a story that's been bouncing around my head since my noticing  how online dating and selfies have sky-rocketed to fame a couple years ago.
Statistics say well over 49,250,000 people in the United Stated alone have tried some sort of online dating. Think about that for a moment. That's nearly 50 MILLION people who are on the internet searching for love!  I've even tried it before, too. I wasn't fond of it, but I've made one or two good friend from the process.

But, the statistics of online dating got me thinking how frightening that is. Almost 50 million people. With that being said....Are all of them
good people? You really have no idea.

....Growing up, scary movies to me weren't
Nightmare on Elm Street or Leprechaun, (Don't get me wrong, I was terrified of both villains. xD )
neither movie represented real life. Both Freddy and the terrible leprechaun were just pieces of fiction meant to create dark comedy in the horror genre.
What's frightening,
truly frightening, are movies such as Scream and the original Friday the 13th, where there's no real supernatural element to the movies, the antagonist is a real life person.

That's what I think is truly scary. Not really knowing the real-life persona's of every day people you come across. Your coach, teacher, friends, parents friends, there's not really a way to know for certain what's going on inside of their heads.
We all like to think we live in a cocoon of safety, where things such as kidnapping, murder, and serial killers are just things that happen in movies, TV shows.
That's not the case. Sometimes, bad and terrible things can happen to anyone, even the completely average individuals you would never suspect someone to become obsessed with.
Thus, a selfie stalker story was born.

A Selfie To Die For -
Happy Reading!

NOW, here comes the COPYRIGHT because trolls can't help themselves by stealing. If you're not creative enough to come up with your  own story, you shouldn't even bother thinking about becoming a writer.


This book contains material protected under International and Federal copyright laws and treaties. Any unauthorized print or use of this book is prohibited. Absolutely no use of this book can be used without permission from author/publisher.

This work is unable to be used by anyone other than the author. What that means....You CANNOT use characters, names, and storyline without it being called PLAGIARISM.

Names, characters, and incidents are the sole property of the authors imagination or are used with fiction. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, places, business establishments, events or locations is purely coincidental. If you can't help yourself but to steal authors title, characters, and storyline you automatically open yourself up to a lawsuit.

A Selfie To Die For

COPYRIGHT 2016 by Alex Gedgaudas

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