33)The linked murderer

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"Gasoline" by Halsey

Emily's father led the group throughout the large farmhouse. He made his way up to the spare bedroom that Jake normally would stay in when he stayed the night. Although, he never actually slept in the room all night. Often enough, Jake would simply sneak inside Emily's room to sleep.
The attic was a small area that descended from the ceiling of the guest room and extended a ladder to the floor.

"Sweetie, maybe you just wait here with me..." Madison said, wincing at the stairs. "I don't want you to get hurt."

Jake nodded as he kissed the top of Emily's head. "Yeah....You and little man should probably stay here....How bout' I go with your dad and take pics for you?"

Emily nodded once, releasing Jake's hand to allow him to follow her father up the stairs towards the attic.

"He'll be going to jail now..." Madison mumured, sparing Emily a side hug. "He has to."

Emily didn't know who her mother was trying to convince with that statent - her or herself. DNA tests around here seemed to be useless. They couldn't even say that Declan was the father of her child. Odds were in his favor the uncapable police department wouldn't find diddly squat to place Declan in jail where he belonged. Then what?

Coming up the stairs, Emily had to pass the kitchen to get to the hallway that eventually led to the upstairs. All the while, she had to keep her head down to avoid looking at the animal corpses the CSU people were packing away into bags.
Warm tears leaked from Emily's eyes as her hand fluttered down to hold her stomach. Declan was a psycho. There was no denying that. Even Dr. O'Hare the stalker expert said he was psychopathic.

"What if the baby has more of him than just his looks?" Emily whispered, warm tears slipping down her cheeks. That was probably her biggest fear at this point. What if she was keeping the baby just for it grow up and one day torture someone just like this?

Sensing what Emily was thinking by saying this, Madison shook her head. "Sweetie, I don't believe genetic plays a part in cruelty" her mother answered quietly, holding her tighter. "When I look at D.A Carter, I see a man that I would say with certainty has beaten his wife and kids before. Probably still does."

Emily looked to her mother with furrowed brows. "Why would you think that?"

Her mother sighed. "Do you remember when I used to have to do different fields of nursing to see where my preferred spot would be? When I worked as ER nurse, we would have the occasional domestic assault victim that would come in battered ad bruised. They would usually be in the ER when their spouses hit them incredibly too hard that it nearly killed them. The woman would wear long sleeved shirts to cover the bruises covering their arms. They would also cringe whenever someone was too close. Those were the "tell-tale signs" Madison said quietly. "When we were last in front of Declan's parents, I saw the way D.A Carter's wife cringed when he was too close. I would bet my life's savings that man hits his wife. Same probably goes for that girl of his, and even Declan."

Emily rubbed her small baby bump, not being able to ever imagine ever hurting her little nugget in a violent matter.

"My point..." Madison continued, "-now don't get me wrong, I'm not making excuses for the monster, but, more than likely had Declan been in a loving and stable enviroment he wouldn't be under the impression that this behavior was acceptable. I don't think the baby will be like him, because, it wont grow up like he did" she finished quietly.

Emily couldn't find it in herself to pity Declan Carter. He tortured her innocent animals. Right now, all she wanted was Declan to be dropped into a very deep and dark hole so he could never hurt another animal or person again. Not knowing what Declan had in the attic was killing her. But, she knew her mother was going to push the subject of the pregnant Emily staying in place.
When a police officer entered the room to explain that the house phone was ringing, Madison excused herself before reassuring Emily she would be right back.

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