4) All eyes on you

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Chapter song: "You're the one that I want" by Lo Fang
(Awesome song)

Dedicated to a special encourager out there - thank you lovely!


"What the hell was that about back at school?" Jake questioned later on, sitting himself at Emily kitchen table.
With Emily's mother working a late nursing shift at the local hospital and her father at the air-force base, it meant today was a pizza night. Jake of course tagged along because Emily's house was where he spent the majority of his meals anyhow.

"Quinn being a jerk as usual." Emily shrugged, helping herself to a slice of pizza. She couldn't explain his behavior. She didn't feel Jake was accurate in thinking  Ian was crushing on her - she just assumed what she always did when it came to Ian Quinn.
He was a jerk.
Before Emily came along, Ian was in the running to become valedictorian. Nowadays, Emily seemed to be in the running for that title at their small school. His pride was wounded and so Emily was figuring Ian took solace in glaring at her throwing negative remarks in her direction.

"He just had more of a creep factor to him than usual" Jake mused, grabbing two more slices to pile onto his plate. "What was up with that internet thing?"

"He heard me talking to Declan and then he just started acting up." Emily sighed, biting into a particularly cheesy piece of pizza.

Jake swiveled his head in surprise. "Declan? As in the new guy?"

"Yeah..." Emily  trailed off, not really wanting to tell Jake about her online dating site being the first way she met the new guy.
Perfect Match was something she hadn't even told her parents yet out of embarrassment. Her folks weren't hardcore disciplinarians and most likely wouldn't mind, but she was embarrassed about what they would think about her for signing up for the site. Jake was different - Emily knew he'd be throwing sarcastic comments along with laughter at this reveal. He'd judge for on joining a dating site.
So, Emily's remained quite about signing up.
"I met both he and his sister today" Emily said, mentally noting this wasn't actually a lie.

Jake finished swallowing his pizza, excitement filling his eyes. "You little sneak - I thought you'd be too pissed at me for asking to actually befriend the girl!"

Emily rolled her eyes. "You may have a point that befriending her might be the only way to see if the rumor is true about coach Cartwright."

"Well, good news is even if the story isn't true, you can hang out at rich persons house." Jake laughed, causing Emily to wince.

"Your vocab is atrocious, you know that, right?"

Jake shrugged. "I'm happily a B- to C+ student" he grinned.  "I wear it well."

Emily started laughing, causing Jake to smile. He watched her quietly, suppressing a grin as he watched her.
Nothing else was said for a short while. Emily ate another bite of pizza before Jake finally spoke again.
"You know that whole....Prom thing?" Jake asked, watching his feet before looking back at Emily. "I've been thinking-"

"Well, those are dangerous words, right there." Emily nodded seriously, causing Jake to crack his serious demeanor.

He laughed softly before shaking his head. "I was thinking about it....a lot..."

Emily said nothing, her eyes not being able to leave Jake's as she waited for him to elaborate.

"We've uh....Known each other for a long time..." Jake says, suddenly looking everywhere but at Emily. "So I was...wondering....if....your phone is ringing."

Emily stared at her closest friend, not understanding his words until she heard her cell phone blaring loudly. His words suddenly made sense. She was about to allow it to go to voicemail until she noticed it was her boss calling - Kayla Montague, owner of Flashtastic boutique.
Emily motioned for Jake to hold on as she wiped her greasy fingers on a napkin. "Hello?"

"Emily..." Kayla sighs loudly, sounding frazzled. "We have problems."


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