34)Sociopath versus Psychopath

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"Meds" by Placebo

Sorry for all the not responding to messages/comments. I've gotten over 500+ notifications and twenty messages I'm still trying to sort through. x,x
Happy Reading!

"It's not his blood?" Emily asked, that one sentence alone tasting a strange flavor on her tongue. It was disgust mixed with strong disbelief. It seemed she couldn't catch a break. DNA testing had just come back strongly in Declan's favor. It hadn't been his sweat droplet at the crime scene of Heather Mackerson, and it hadn't been his blood at the crime scene of the doctor. The only thing to come from the testing of the DNA showed that the blood type was A positive and that it was a male.

It had been no surprise to Emily a week earlier that Declan had weaseled out of charges of stalking due to lack of evidence. His brilliant attorney's made the case rather simple; the person who took all those terrifying and compromising pictures of Emily must have been the same person who raped her. Therefore, her rapist was also her stalker.

To Emily and her family's strong dismay, Declan wasn't charged even as he laughed his was out of the police department. He wasn't charged with animal cruelty or anything such. His attorneys made such a great argument that the person following Emily was no doubt her true rapist. That meant, Declan was free as a bird to Emily's chagrin. He could walk around absolutely free with his record clean. No charges could stick to him.

"It's not his blood" her father agreed, settling himself down on the hotel bed. There were two men who arrived with her father this afternoon when he returned back to the hotel the Daz family was staying at. Roman Donovan and to Emily's surprise, his brother Alan. She wasn't sure why the stalker expert even needed to stick around. He got his evidence that the same person who killed the woman he suspected a serial killer murdered also killed Emily's clinic doctor.

Apparently the brothers had been with each other at the time the news got to Donovan. He called Emily's father and claimed he needed to see him at once over a matter of grave importance. Upon his arrival he revealed the horrible news that it wasn't Declan's DNA at the crime scenes. Although, that meant nothing to Emily. Declan practically admitted he was the father of her unborn child. He threatened to fight for custody. He knew as well as Emily did he was there the night of the rape.

"He hired a hit man" Emily concluded, gently rubbing her temples. Her mother sat idly on her bed beside her, gently rubbing her back. That made the most sense to her. Perhaps Declan's family has someone for hire. That would explain away the death of her doctor easily.

"A hit man....?" Her mother asked.

"A hit man..." Emily shrugged. "His parents have enough money to hire one."

Emily's father started nodding. "It's plausible. The Carters live in that outrageous mansion" he offered, as if that was the without-a-doubt proof he needed that Carters had a hit man on their pay roll.

"-Unfortunately, we still need to get to the crux of my visit" Roman said, furrowing his brows.  Emily decided she truly did not the look on his face. He looked as though there was more to reveal. "Now, please understand that while I'm doing my very best at the moment, some things are out of my control-"

"-You weren't able to get that restraining order, were you?" Emily asked with acid in her tone.

Roman Donovan looked sheepish before he answered. "No."

"What good are you?" she asked, unable to stifle the laugh that escaped her mouth. Roman looked offended but Emily continued speaking regardless. "No, really – what use are you? Declan's been skulking around my house for months. He's taken pictures of me while I've been asleep and in the shower....I'm...I'm pregnant with his baby, and you can't do something as simple as getting a RETRAINING ORDER!?" Emily howled, clenching the roots of her hair tightly. "What are my parents paying you for!?!"

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