20)A psychic's warning

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"What do you mean, you can't investigate??" Madison Daz snapped impatiently. Her hair was messy as her eyes held no smile behind them. She looked angrier than Emily had ever seen her mother in her life.
That was saying a lot considering Emily's grandmother once set a lovely pair of Madison's foreign curtains on fire after not looking where she was holding her lit cigarette.
Still, in this given moment, her mother looked even angrier than that time.

A detective with jet-black hair and electric blue eyes looked to be trying hard to keep his patience intact. Madison had stormed into the precinct with Emily and Jake in tow, a proverbial tornado ready to destroy anything in her path. Detective Mark Kincaid quickly heard what Madison was yelling about and brought her over to his desk and away from the frightened looking new officers. Once he heard the story of Emily and Declan's messy breakup along with the other incidents that have transpired since, the detective was convinced nothing could really be done given the lack of evidence.

It took Emily a good half hour to explain the events of what had been going on with Declan to Madison. Her mother felt strongly that Emily was leaving out a few key elements, but Emily couldn't bring herself to admit that Declan hit her. She couldn't even tell Jake. He'd probably judge her for not being brave enough to hit him back, and then he'd tell Madison even if Emily didn't want him to.
Emily was embarrassed, and ashamed even to tell them what happened.
She was quiet and maybe meek at times, but she still felt she should've done at least something to protect herself. Declan had just been so much stronger than her in those moments.

Not only would Emily admitting he hit her to her mother make it more real, it would also be verbally admitting she allowed someone to treat her as unworthy as gum on the base of a shoe.
Her mother would no doubt cry and then blame herself, and that only made Emily feel more content on not telling her. Tonight Madison wasn't mad at Emily - far from it. She was ready to go after Declan with everything in her motherhood arsenal. First on Madison's list was telling the police before telling his parents.

Instead of explaining the parts where Declan's hurt her physically, Emily relayed her theory that Declan's family owned the black sedan that followed her to art class along with that one day at the hospital. Madison quickly remembered that was the night a car played a game of chicken with Emily, and that had her irate. Emily's normally calm and collected mother looked to want to open a can of terror on Declan. Unfortunately for her, the detective that's been speaking to her was providing the same lame excuses that the officers at Vinessa's house had done.
Lack of evidence meant they weren't going to question him.

"He owns the same car that almost ran over my daughter the other night, and that's not enough evidence??" Madison questioned hotly, looking angry.

Detective Kinkaid took in a deep breath before slowly exhaling. "Ma'am, I understand where you're coming from. If I had a daughter or if this was my kid brother, I would be irate. My problem is, I can't bring a kid in where there is only minor things that have happened where there's no real proof that this boy is harassing your daughter-"

"-No real proof??" Madison interjected. She accepted the box of chocolates Jake handed her to open on the detectives desk. "Look at it! It was left on my daughter's truck and it's full of bugs! How do you explain that??"

The detective nodded while he spared the candy box a nauseated grimace. He had already heard of the maggots.
The detective sighed. "It could very well have been him. The problem is, in both circumstances the girl didn't see Mr. Carter actually leave anything-"

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