15)The phantom menace

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A/N Chapter song: "The hide and seek song" by Lizz Robinett
...This song just creeps the heck out of me. x,x

I'm not kidding when I say I don't have internet at the moment. Really, I don't. I'm hijacking an internet hotspot on my phone for $15  for every  one gigabyte. Updates will be slow until I move. :[

Throughout the rest of the weekend, Emily couldn't help but feel the owner of the black sedan was Declan. She had immediately told her mother about the incident, but small investigating proved there had been a number of drunk teenagers in the ER after an accident an hour earlier. Any member of them could've gotten back into their cars and thought a rousing game of chicken against Emily was necessary.

Emily was having a hard time believing that. She knew what she saw both that night and the night of the art class. It was the same tinted windowed black sedan.
The driver of the car at the hospital was not intoxicated, either. They revved the engine specifically when Emily tried moving. It was as though the driver  knew their mark.
She remembered the night Peter drew the figure in the window. Emily had seen a black sedan pulling out when she was getting into her truck. Was that Declan? He'd been curious as to where Emily was going that night - did he follow her along with nearly hitting her at the hospital?

Emily had planned to come clean to her mother while explaining everything that was going on, but later that night Madison received a phone call stating mother - Nana Tessa -  suffered a stroke. Emily's father had only gotten home before he immediately flew to New York to spend time with her. Emily and her mother couldn't go for she had too many obligations at the hospital this week.
So, Madison was spending her time mostly alternating between talking to relatives on the phone or skyping for hours at a time with nana.
By the time Sunday afternoon came, Emily found she should've told her mother about Declan when they had spent the day together on Saturday. Now, her mother was far too occupied with family problems.

As Sunday night rolled around, Emily was grateful her mother finally took a much needed nap before dinner. With how many shifts she had taken on lately, Madison looked as though she barely slept. Emily tried to focus on the calculus pages in from of her, determined not to let any further thoughts of Declan plague her. He sent her a FaceSpace message saying he's sent multiple texts and phone calls, but Emily hadn't cared to turn her phone on all weekend. Not seeing her phone ping up with Declan's name was a comfort.

It was as Emily started scribbling down the equation for a problem did a face on TV catch her eye. Emily's pencil dropped from her hand, gently rolling off the table before falling onto the ground. MSNBC was playing the news story of a missing girl's who's body had been found.
What had Emily staring at the screen with surprise was seeing a very strange resemblance between herself and the woman on TV. They had the same mouse-brown hair, and the same large green eyes. The girl in the picture was sporting glasses that even looked remarkably similar to Emily's as well. Strangely enough, the woman could easily pass as Emily's long-lost twin or stunt double. The resemblance was that uncanny.
Turning the volume up, Emily stared at the TV screen as the volume started to flutter through the speakers.

"San Antonio police can now clarify that the body found Saturday morning is that of missing Tyler woman, Amy Peeks. The victim was last seen Friday night after a late night out with friends. Authorities are remaining silent with details at this time stating that this is an ongoing investigation. A press conference is due noon on Monday providing more information. Back to you, Jim."

Emily barely paid attention to news anchor Jim talking about a new story while she reached for her laptop she left sitting nearby. Flipping it open, Emily started internet searching the name of the now-dead girl.
Amy Peeks was twenty-seven, and last seen at a bar with friends. Those same friends claimed she went home with a man, but wasn't heard from the following day. There was limited information Emily could find as she searched for the woman. Her body was just found yesterday - there wouldn't be any new information for awhile. Still, Emily felt weirded out that she and the girl looked remarkably similar.

Emily was about to halt her search before an interesting tidbit caught her eye onscreen.
Dr. Alan O'Hare claims multiple Texas deaths are related.

Under the link provided Amy Peeks' name. Alan O'Hare was the name of the FBI criminal psychologist that was going to be guest speaking at her school for career day tomorrow. According to other students Emily's spoken to, each year John Addams holds a special guest speaker for career day based on the school being elite for its multiple programs dedicated to college preparation. Last year, the guest speaker was someone from NASA who had once travelled to the moon.  Clicking on the link, Emily's eyes widened upon what she read on the blogger's page.

According to controversial former FBI agent Dr. Alan O'Hare, he claims to have been in contact with multiple individuals from Texas police departments to confidently say he holds the believe the five deaths of murdered women around the state are related, including the recently-missing Amy Peeks along with the highly spoken of murder of Heather Mackerson. Dr. O'Hare holds the belief that the so-far unconnected and unsolved murders of multiple young women around the state can be connected by something relatively simple. A dating website. Dr. O'Hare and other small members of law enforcement claim all five women held the same trait of at some point being connected to the dating website, PerfectMatch.com. If true, that would mean to say that not only does the state of Texas have a new serial killer on their hands, they also have one that preys on an online dating site.

Emily leaned forward, her eyes glued to the screen. That was the same site she was signed on.

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