17) The stalker expert

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Emily sat in the crowded auditorium after shop-class, trying to piece together Peter's strange words. It wasn't just Declan in the bathroom that had Emily on edge. It was Peter's song.

He sees you when you're sleeping, he knows when you wake up...

The entire encounter with Peter had left Emily deeply troubled. Did Peter know something about Declan? Pete held the mind of an eight year old, but he seemed adamant that not only was there someone standing behind Emily in the charcoal drawing, but it was as though he knew about Emily's strange dream the night before.

But what did that imply? That Declan was stalking her and Peter somehow knew about it? Did Declan tip the boy off knowing Emily speaks to him quite often? It didn't make sense. Either way, Emily felt she might be going insane. She dreamt a conversation with someone only for Peter to make a random comment that sounded as though he knew something.

Emily sat quietly next to Vinessa, not contributing much to the conversation. Instead of a two-person conversation it was more of Vinessa speaking only. She was talking of her older brother's friends most likely being responsible for the break in and the brick thrown through the window the other night. After the cold and clipped conversation with Declan, Emily wasn't feeling the same thing. She was thinking it was truly Declan. Maybe all the strange occurrences Emily's felt lately have solely been Declan. The break-in at the Shaws', the black sedan, the dream last night...

Maybe Peter had overheard Declan speaking to someone about it.

Principal Moore walked onto the auditorium stage urging everyone in the loud auditorium  to settle down. Emily tried to remain calm. It had to be her nerves firing off random ideas. Declan couldn't have been inside her bedroom last night. She had a house alarm. No one could've broken into the house without the alarm immediately going off. It would be impossible........Except with the exception of coming in from Emily's window.

Emily shuddered as she thought about the frightening what-ifs.
 What if last night wasn't a dream at all? That would mean Declan came in through the window and watched her sleep. Contrary to what movies say about the handsome supernatural boys watching the female lead as she sleeps, Emily didn't find that thought appealing in the slightest. It was just creepy.

"Alright, as you know John Addams has had a long history in the school's forty-five year career of hosting a beautifully conducted career week each year" Principal Moore spoke into the microphone. He smiled brightly before continuing. "This particular year we are very happy and fortunate to introduce a well-know former FBI agent and doctor of psychology. Please provide a warm welcome to former special agent Dr. Alan O'Hare!"

The auditorium started erupting with enthusiastic applause, causing Emily to wonder if everyone was psyched to see this doctor talking, or just excited being out of classes for the rest of the day. She couldn't be sure.

A man who looked to be in his late thirties started walking to the center stage, holding the expression of boredom. He was dressed rather funky for being not only a former FBI agent but also a doctor. He wore ripped jeans, a long-sleeved maroon shirt underneath a black blazer. Worn navy tennis shoes covered his feet. Emily couldn't understand why the man would be dressed in a sharp blazer while the other parts of his outfit didn't match in the slightest. To top this strange look, the man wore a grey beanie on his head. The man didn't smile as he came on stage. He also looked as though he hadn't received a good-night's sleep in days along with not shaving in awhile.

Emily would never voice this opinion aloud due to always wanting to be considerate of others feelings, but the man looked remarkably similar to a hobo who just also happened to have a PHD.

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