11)Proven wrong

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A/N I'll probably only be able to get one chapter out today. I live in  the middle of nowhere and my internet currently depends on hot-spotting from a cell phone. That actually gets pretty pricey after awhile so I have to down my internet time. x,x

Happy reading!

The next two days passed by uneventfully with the exception of Declan taking Emily out on two more dates. She however wasn't enjoying spending time with him as much as she did the first few times they went out.
Emily couldn't tell whether her uneasiness over dating Declan was because she secretly felt she was cheating on Jake, or because she didn't quite trust Declan completely. Part of her felt she should've attempted to place the break on things the day he showed up unexpectedly at her house. The new-found relationship started to progress to the point that Declan started arriving at Emily's house every morning to pick her up even though she tried telling him multiple times that he didn't have to.
There was no denying it - she and Declan were now in a relationship.

Word that Emily Daz and Declan Carter were an item spread fairly quickly around the high school. Emily suspected this was due to Declan wanting to be in a relationship status on FaceSpace. Everyone from school either Emily or Declan was friends with saw this information and ran with it.

Being in a new-found relationship or not, Emily didn't quite enjoy the label of being the girlfriend of one of the most popular boys in school. There were far too many dirty looks she started receiving from quite a few cheerleaders and higher ups on the popularity chart for her liking. To top that, people even started wanting to hang out with Emily and attempt to be her new friend. It was strange given these same people didn't care Emily even existed up until the point she started dating Declan.

Vinessa encouraged her to enjoy the new popularity as it lasted, but Emily wanted the attention to die down quickly. It was annoying having so many people wanting to come and talk to her. A particularly rude girl who once commented how hideous Emily's glasses were wanted to exchange phone numbers so they could text. She gushed and cooed over Emily as if they had both previously been life long friends.
The girl shouldn't have tried approaching Emily while Jake was around - the latter politely told her the wicked witch called and would like her bullshit back.
April Stephens didn't try approaching Emily again after that.

Even while knowing Jake had her back through thick and thin, Emily was sure to make sure she always kept he and Declan away from each other at all times. Jake seemed to want to bitch-slap him whenever he was in too close of a proximity while Declan just seemed to annoy Jake even while doing something as simple as breathing. Emily hadn't officially had the two of them together, but she wasn't going to test out having them hang around each other just yet. Jake truly seemed to have a vendetta against the Declan, bizarrely enough.
Emily couldn't truly tell, but she gathered the impression Declan wasn't that fond of Jake either even though he didn't voice this opinion.

It was before lunch that Jake was asking for ideas to pin to the bulletin board for the reporting club did Emily see he was more on edge today than usual. He seemed annoyed from early on in the morning and no matter how many times Emily tried asking what was wrong, Jake remained tight lipped about it.

"Maybe we could do an article about that the kick-ass party Declan Carter is having this weekend!" Dylan Craft announced, causing everyone else to grin or nod in approval. Emily could notice Jake's back muscles tightening as he heard this idea.

Jake jaw clenched before he broke the pencil he was holding with solely one hand alone. His icy blue eyes were narrowed as he turned on poor Dylan.
 "Craft, if you want to kiss the guy's ass, I recommend following him after school, ripping off his pants and shoving your face where the sun don't shine" he says in a near growl. "Otherwise, shut the hell up and come up with something that's actually worth reading in the school paper!"

No one said a word. Dylan scowled heavily but he didn't dare say anything in retaliation. It was obvious Jake wasn't in the mood.
The few other people in the room looked rather awkward. Jake often dripped sarcasm as a leaky pipe would drip water, but he usually had better restraint than this. Lauren raised her hand to ask a question before Jake's steely gaze snapped onto  her. "What? What could you possible have to contribute, crop-top?"

Lauren's eyes flew open in surprise, obviously not expecting that outburst. She looked about ready to cry before Emily decided to intervene and spare the poor girl the embarrassment. "Alright guys, it's lunch - we'll come back later today for a topic before we have to start printing" she said, motioning for everyone to start exiting.

Everyone either glowered at Jake or gave him the stink eye as they passed him to leave. Jake was lucky he was a rather talented individual when it came to the school newspaper otherwise  Emily was certain principal Moore would've had to replace him by now due to  his poor people skills. Emily stood idly by the desk she was seated at, unsure of what to say or do. She wasn't actually sure whether he and Lauren were dating, but she was pretty sure if they were he just massively dug himself in a hole for that comment.
Emily knew Jake was stressed about not yet receiving a letter from UCLA regarding an expectance or rejection, but he was acting a tad meaner than usual.

She contemplated how to broach his behavior with him before she thought honesty was probably the best approach."Jake, you're acting really weird-"

"-I'm acting weird?" Jake snapped in annoyance, turning his gaze onto to Emily. He seemed appaled that she dared to say those words. "You're the one acting like a different person entirely!"

Emily's eyes widened in surprise. That came out of nowhere. "What the heck does that mean?"
That was quite random. Last Emily checked, she wasn't volunteering for junior students to go and shove their face up another students ass like he just had.

Jake scowled. "All the years we've been friends, we've always been able to trust each other with anything. When the hell did that change?"

"I don't follow" Emily answered honestly, releasing a small shrug.

Jake released a bark of laughter. "Yeah, I'm sure Mr. controlling wouldn't allow you to even follow."

"What are you talking about??"

"HOW do you not see Declan's controlling you like a damn puppet??" Jake growled, as he raised his hands in disbelief. "He doesn't even allow you to sit by me and Vee anymore!"

Emily stared at him, the realization suddenly dawning on her. He was acting this way because he was mad at her. "So you're being a jerk to everyone because I ate lunch the past couple days at Declan's table??
It seemed absurd to even say out loud.

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