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Chapter song: "Sweet dreams" by Emily Browning

I'm trying to update two chapter together at all time, the second chapter attached to this I'll upload later tonight so I stop having media problems cut chapters short.
Happy Reading!

"Seriously, Vee! He surprised me with toys for Rusty.....is that not adorable?!"

There was no other way to describe Declan leaving a present for her. It was a truly adorable action. Emily figured he must've felt guilty after being caught kissing and therefore thought he needed to make it up somehow - he didn't, but it was still a very sweet gesture.

Vinessa squealed on the other end of the line as Emily tucked the phone between her ear and shoulder. Courtesy of detention, Emily hadn't gotten to finish her homework before having to go to work. It wasn't until she made herself dinner, showered, and got ready for bed did she remember she still had an entire page of calculus problems she hadn't finished. Technically, she was already finished.
Emily didn't really understand why she had to work out the entire problem instead of just writing down the answer she already figured out in her head. 
Teacher's claim students had to do the entire problem to show they know how to do it, but couldn't they just wait until testing days popped up to see who knew the work and who didn't?
It was a pity they didn't just allow that. Emily wouldn't still be up at midnight scribbling down math problems she already figured out mentally. Her biggest problem wasn't figuring math out - it was trying to write the problems how her annoying teachers wanted to see them down on paper.

"Gosh, he's like a total babe in every sense of the word" Vinessa laughed over the phone. "Plus, it doesn't hurt that Jakey's all jealous now."

"Jake doesn't get jealous"

"Girl, seriously??" Vinessa pressed. "He practically glared at Declan the entire lunch period today. Then when I tried pressing him on it, he claimed Declan was a total fake. He is obviously jealous!"

She must've been seeing something different than what Emily had. Jake was acting his typical self - the guy just wasn't a real people person. Declan just brought the worst out of him.
She sighed. "He doesn't like me as anything more than a sister type..." Emily muttered, scribbling down some more on her note paper.

"I thought that before I watched him seriously glare at Declan.....Hey wait, why wouldn't he just leave his name on the card when he left the present?"

Emily plucked the card left with the present from her backpack off the floor. She flipped the white card over to study it. She wasn't mistaken the first time she checked it out, there was no name indicating who the sender was.
"I don't know.....Quinn said he saw Declan in my truck."

"Who's Quinn?"

"Ian Quinn....The guy who's always competing with me in history."

"Ohhhhh..." Vinessa exclaimed in understanding. "The guy Jake calls an ass-bunch...whatever that is.....What does he have to do with it?"

After twenty minutes of explaining the entire encounter regarding Ian Quinn and the present, Emily yawned. It was getting late.
"How do you know that Ian wasn't the one who left the present?" Vinessa asked, sounding tired herself.

Emily had  given that idea thought, but she quickly dismissed it.
"Two reasons..." she yawned. "One, he can't stand me so him being nice is very uncharacteristic. Besides that, he doesn't know I adopted the kitten."
Emily paused while thinking that comment through. When she thought about it, she didn't really tell anyone about the cat.
The more thought she gave it, it didn't exactly make sense as to why Declan would know to surprise her with the cat toys. Emily couldn't remember telling him she adopted the cat. The few dates they've been on their conversation has solely revolved around school, favorite movies, books, and European culture.
As Emily thought about it, the only ones who actually knew about the rugged orange kitten was Jake, Vinessa, and her own parents.


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