30) The suspicious ones

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I apologize for not properly responding to emails & comments lately, my dad tried some new internet service and it's actually worse than our old one. x,x
I'm not a jerk, I 'm just having  trouble replying D

Happy Reading!

"Dead silence theme"
Because this song strangely started to play on my YouTube playlist and scared me. o,o


"How does Declan filing an injunction preventing an abortion not automatically put him in jail!?" Emily near howled at her attorney. It was maddening after she showed the injunction to the police. Declan was practically admitting to being the father of her baby, and yet, it didn't get the police to arrest him for the rape. His parents craftily filed the injunction stating that until paternity was properly established, the abortion shouldn't be allowed.

They knew as well as Emily did who fathered her unborn child. Trying to pretend anything needed to be established was beyond ridiculous.

Graduation day should've been one of the happiest days of her life. Emily was after all, Valedictorian with an outstanding 4.8 GPA. But, there was a dark cloud constantly looming over her head. Not only did Emily have the silly injunction to think about, but also taunts from classmates regarding her wanting Declan thrown in jail. Team Declan was roaring high ever since Declan had brought his soccer team to state championships. All the girls fawned over him, and all the guys wanted to be friends with him, supposed rapist or not.
Emily had woken up for the Saturday of graduation with hopeful spirits. She was about to graduate, and she would never have to see Declan's face again with the exception of court dates when she would eventually have to testify against him.
After showering, styling her caramel colored hair and dressing in a pretty dress appropriate for spring, Emily was feeling this was actually the first day in nearly two months that she felt hopeful for the future.

She couldn't count the day of kissing Jake as a happy one. Ever since the pregnancy announcement he had remained distant, even when he was sleeping over at her house. He had something to say, and Emily knew it was going to be along the lines of breaking up even though they were technically not even together.

Even though Emily knew a lot of graduation day was going to be hopping around Jake and his attempt to dump her, she still felt hopeful for her future.
Her happiness continued throughout the day as Emily earned her diploma and happily accepted her award of Valedictorian for her 2010 class. She gave a rather nice speech regarding overlooking the dark things in your past to pave the road to your future.
Teachers and students had all gave a standing ovation by the end of it, causing Emily to momentarily forget her chaotic life at the moment.

Emily took pictures with friends and family, and she excitedly caught up with her fellow peers about their plans for college in a few months time. Over all, it was an extremely happy day that altogether went smoothly. However, that happy day ended abruptly when Emily found Roman Donovan conversing with her parents in the parking lot of the high school. He had just arrived from court, and was explaining his inability to toss out Declan's injunction. Even though Emily was no longer going through with the abortion, Emily and her parents in no way wanted Declan to be able to legally control what Emily could or couldn't do with her own body.

"Declan Carter cannot be arrested simply because he stated there is no proof determining who the father of the fetus is" Roman Donovan explained to Emily, sighing heavily. "The injunction does not state he is in fact the father, it simply states paternity has not been established.''

"We hear you, we just don't understand how the smug little bastard can't be thrown into jail after coming out and saying he's possibly the dad of the baby" Tom Daz shot back hotly, causing his wife to gently pat his back. He looked around, remembering to be quiet even though they were currently conversing in the back of the very back of the large parking lot.

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