Chapter 2

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My first official class of my Junior year was Drawing 3. I wouldn't say I was Picasso or Monet, but I did have a small talent. Very small compared to Gale who was the Picasso in our group.

"Mr. Royce! You teach Drawing 3 now?" Gale asked, stealing my question. We were both standing outside the door, looking at him shell-shocked. He only taught Drawing 1 and 2 and Ms. Reyes taught 3 and 4. So seeing him there surprised us both.

"Well remember when Ms. Reyes turned into Mrs. Diaz at the beginning of summer?" He murmured and I nodded. She spent the last few weeks of school focusing on her wedding and even showed us girls her plans. I swear I thought I was getting married by the time I left the class. "Well apparently she had a bun in the oven way before the wedding and she will pop any second now. So I will be teaching Drawing 3 and 4 while Mr. Roth will be teaching 1 and 2."

Mr. Roth. The hot student teacher from last year? Umm could I go back to Freshman year? PLEASE!?!

"Huh," was what I said instead and shrugged. She was a little chunky to be honest so I couldn't really tell. But now that I thought about it, you could tell something was changing in her. With more kids walking in behind us, we took the very back table in the corner and sat down in the stools. Gale being the gentleman he was pulled mine out, and then without a huff he lifted me up and slowly dropped me literally right against the table.

"Dang. Leave some room for me to breathe!" I laughed as I scooted a couple of inches back. He chuckled, kissed my forehead and rolled his eyes.

"Whatever. At least I didn't drop you like the first time." We both started laughing again and my mind went straight to last year on the first day. He did exactly the same thing, but I wasn't aware that he was going to push me forward. So the chair went forward but I stayed on the exact same spot. Before I knew it, I was falling backwards, landing on him with a big huff. We both ended up on the floor, crying our asses off as everyone stared at us with crazy looks on their faces. I ended up with a bruised ass and he ended up with bruised legs. That just got us even closer in our friendship.

"Aww I miss bruising your legs. You looked so hot with purple patches on your knees when you wore those sexy shorts."

"Hey. I still haven't seen your bruised ass. Maybe I'll see it this year when I drop you again," he murmured and I gasped. He dodged my punch and laughed as I pouted and threw my pencil at him instead. "Come on. You know I'm just kidding."

"You better be you jerk. I couldn't pull up my jeans without wincing for an entire month."

"Oh that's hot. I can imagine you pulling your jeans up and down those long legs of yours..." He murmured as he looked up from his drawing and this time, I didn't miss my punch. He threw his head back, laughed and shrugged. "Hey, I'm a guy. You know we only think of naughty things whenever you girls mention taking off or putting on clothes."

"Don't make me get Dustin on your ass!" I cried. "You know just one peep from me and your pretty face is ruined."

"Yeah I know. That's why I'm declaring this conversation forgotten and done. Now move back into position so I can finish this damn piece. And don't you dare move for another five minutes or I'll make you look like a witch."

I glared at him as I moved back into my original position -my hair across my right shoulder as I rested my head against the opposite palm.

"Look down a little... Tilt your head a little... little more.... ok now close your eyes a little more... There hold it!"

"Anything else Picasso? Do you want me to strip as well?"

"Yeah sure," he grinned. "That would make the picture even better."

I rolled my eyes and stayed still for the rest of the five minutes. At the very last second, I sneezed, completely ruining my position and he groaned slightly.

"Dude! I wasn't finished!"

"I have seen you draw a whole person in less than five minutes. Why is it taking you fifteen to draw the top half of me?"

"You didn't let me finish. I wasn't finished.... Looking at you hot stuff. I finished the picture hours ago but you know I just love staring at you."

"You jerk," I sniffed and winked. Long ago he told me he had a crush on me but I told him I only looked at him as a friend. He understood, but I knew he still had feelings for me that were far greater than the friendship mode. "Now it's your turn to model. Strike a pose!" And he did. He flexed his biceps and kissed each of them before grunting like hulk and remained in that position until we both cracked up laughing.

"How do you want me boss?"

"Turn a little," I said, twirling my pencil clockwise. He turned slowly and once I had my position, I held up my palm and he paused. I pointed down, he looked down and then I paused for a second. "Lift your hand up as if you're going to run your fingers through your hair." He raised up his left arm, covering his entire face and I rolled my eyes. "Your other hand you moron." He laughed, winked and repeated his motion on the other side. "Now give me a small smile.... there. I'll try to be quick."

I took a deep breath and after opening my eyes, I placed the black pencil down and began to carefully outline his face on the clean white sheet of paper. It took me almost twenty minutes to finish the drawing and by then, he was already slouching and complaining about his arm.

"Chill your horses. I'm done already. You can relax but I still have to finish shading.... Now shush so I can concentrate."

Another five minutes later and five black fingers later, I sighed and placed my notebook down, picture facing away.

"Let me see."

"I want to see too."

"Trade," he said as he slowly slid his book across to me at the same time he pulled mine to him. He didn't even hesitate to look at my picture and I blushed as he stared at it. Now I was afraid to even look at his. Mine would be like a big round circle with two circles in the middle and shapes here and there compared to what he drew. He just pursed his lips and then after a few minutes, looked up at me with sad eyes.

"You don't like my picture?"


"You haven't looked at it."

"I don't have to to know it looks amazing."

"I want you to see it."

"I don't need to."

"See the God damn picture Yvaine," he insisted and I slowly picked it up. My eyes didn't move from his face until he began to glare at me and I all but chuckled as I looked down.

My laugh was cut short at the picture that was right in front of my face. It didn't looked handmade- it seemed as if it was taken with a camera that only had the colors black and white programmed into its system.

"Gale...." I gasped and he smiled.

"Yeah, I know. I like my signature too."

"Huh? What, no! This is amazing! Like always!"

"Oh yeah, that... I can do better. If you actually want a portrait of you done a thousand times better, give me some time and it will be right in front of you."

"No! This is perfect!" I all but screeched and he laughed. "Seriously Gale. You have talent. How many times do we have to tell you?"

"Just hearing it from your sweet voice is good enough," he said with a wink and I rolled my eyes as I failed miserably to hide my smile.

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