Chapter 28

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My birthday passed in a blink of an eye and then not even a day later, my parents left for their trip. Since they would be gone for a whole week, I decided to take that week to really think about the choices I had and maybe go visit them.

My homework was done, school was easy like always so I didn't have to worry about that, but now what I had to worry about was the war with my birth parents. Who to choose.... Who to choose?....

Well I had met Romeo first -by force I should remind myself- and then Juliet came to the rescue. Although I didn't really talk to her, I liked her more at that moment. So should I go with her? Hmm.....

When my eyes landed on the small feather that had been placed with the letter, I couldn't help but to smile at the memory of Majestic. Then that got me thinking into how Romeo helped me out with her and that father-daughter moment we had. He wasn't mad that Juliet left him; he knew what he had done, but that didn't mean that he stopped loving her. He was mad though that she had kept me a secret but that was understandable... I think. I mean who wouldn't be mad if you found out your other half had hidden a child from you for years?? I know I would have reacted the same....

"Ugh this is hard!" I complained to myself and screamed into my pillow. When it became too hot, I uncovered my face and blew the red strands from my sight with a huff. I sat up quickly with the thoughts that suddenly went through my head.

Both of their stories matched up all the way to the point when they separated. But then they came back together for just one second when they mentioned the doctor that had delivered me. What freaked me out the most though was that that doctor told them different stories. He told Juliet that Romeo had paid him to get rid of me. But then he told Romeo that she paid him to keep me a secret.

Why would he say that? Why would he tell them two completely different things? That didn't make any sense at all.....

"Ugh I have to talk to Juliet," I mumbled to myself and changed into some comfortable clothes. After a quick scream to Dustin telling him where I was going, I ran across the yard and knocked on the Capulets house. Lily opened the door a few seconds later and she smiled.

"Come in. What can I do for you?"

"Juliet said you had a rose for me. I want it. I need to go see her."

"Of course. May I ask why?" She breathed as a silent Peter went to go get it.

"I need to ask her questions about my birth. And since she's the only one I know that was present, I need to ask her."

"Oh. Well I hope you get your information and choose soon. Both sides are getting a little antsy now that you are the only one who knows exactly what happened." Peter handed me the rose as she spoke and I nodded. I gave them a small smile and then closed my eyes.

"Juliet Capulet," I whispered and seconds later, I was in front of her.

"Yvaine!" She shrieked as she jumped up startled. I gave her a sheepish grin and she chuckled breathlessly. "Goodness daughter. Don't sneak up on me like that!"

"Sorry. Do you have time to speak? I have questions." I quietly asked her as I looked at the rose in my hands.

"Of course. I was on my way to dinner actually. Would you like to accompany me?" She asked me with a smile.

"Sure. If it's not a problem. I'm not even dressed for it," I stated as I motioned to my shorts, shirt, and gladiator sandals. She on the other hand was on a floor length green gown and her red hair was up in perfection. Big difference.

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