Chapter 31

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"Umm.... Hi......" I breathed out shyly and hid behind Romeo. As soon as I moved though, everything exploded.

"You have a daughter!? Since when? Who is the mother? She better not be a Capulet....." Both parents took turns asking the questions but the last comment was made by his father. I gulped and flinched when I felt and saw the glare they were both giving me. Romeo frowned at them and grabbed my hand.

"Yes, she's my daughter and she just happened to turn 17 but I found her a little over two months ago. Her mother..... Well I think you know who her mother is. She looks like her."

Their grey eyes bore into my face and then they went wide. Mrs. Montague gasped and placed a hand over her heart as Mr. Montague took a step back.

"No.... You can't be....."

"Mother? Is something wrong?" Romeo asked concerned, stepping away from me as he quickly took the few steps to them. But as soon as he took the last one, his father quickly placed her behind him and just glared at me, like if I was some kind of monster he needed to protect his family from. I took a step back as the tears threatened to fall from that small gesture while Romeo looked confused.

"Mother? Father? What is going on! Why are you acting like this?"

"Why do you have a Capulet in our territory! Especially our house!" Screeched Mrs. Montague as she stepped forward. Romeo flinched and quickly jumped to my side, grabbing my shoulder as he hid me again.

"Mother! She's my daughter, your granddaughter! How can you say that, even if she has Capulet blood in her?"

"She's a virus! She's a disgrace! I won't allow a half Montague, half Capulet in my home! GET OUT! GET OUT NOW!"

"Yvaine no don't-" I didn't get to hear what else he was going to say. I flashed away from there with a broken "home" coming from my lips and ran to my room. I didn't even know those people and they were treating me like trash. I had no idea why my heart was breaking for two adults I didn't even know. I guess I just expected them to like me because we were family but I was so wrong. They didn't like me because I had Capulet blood in my veins, but it's not like I had a choice. I didn't choose my birth parents.

As I quietly cried in my pillow, only one thought was running through my mind:

Juliet was right. The Montagues did break my heart.




My door was famous for the next couple of hours. First it was the front door, which never got opened until Dustin got home from who knows where. Since our parents were still on vacation and wouldn't come back for another four days, Dustin was living his life outside. I barely saw him and when I did see him, it was always with Gale and some type of video game.

I guess today was one of those video game days because not even two seconds later, I heard Gales voice say something and then the heavy thuds of multiple sets of feet coming closer. There was a two second pause and then someone knocked on my door.

I didn't say anything. I just laid there, tired and hungry, but not hungry enough to go outside and face the crowd I knew was there.

"So what exactly happened?" I heard Gale ask someone.

"We don't know. All Romeo asked was to check on her. She left in a hurry but he didn't say why or what had  happened." I heard Lauren say. Oh god. They were here....

"Eve..... Open the door please," Gale begged and the handle rattled. Someone cursed and I heard many sighs.

"I think we have a key here somewhere....." Dustin trailed behind and I'm guessing those were his heavy stomps I heard running away.

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