Chapter 10

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It was kind of funny watching everyone read. They all swiped or scrolled their screens at the same time and I couldn't help but to giggle. In the middle of their reading, the food arrived, I thanked Wendy for all of us and she just winked at me before walking away.

Not wanting to be rude, I waited patiently for them to finish but Patrick beat me to it. "Don't wait on us. Eat your breakfast before it gets cold."

I sighed but got my spoon and dug in. I was halfway done with my oatmeal when everyone dropped their phones and stayed quiet. I raised an eyebrow and then that's when they started to laugh.

What? They thought this tragedy was funny?

"What's so funny? This isn't suppose to be funny. It's suppose to be sad."

They all composed themselves and then picked up their forks. They ate a couple of bites before Lily spoke softly. "That's not how it goes."

"Huh? What do you mean that's not how it goes?"

"This William Shakespeare? He got the story wrong. Way wrong," Lauren laughed and Lily cracked a smile. Oh.....kay. Wendy probably placed a happy pill on all their drinks when she noticed the tension on all the adults.

"What do you mean?" The men stopped eating and they slowly looked at me. I dropped the strawberry I was holding and crossed my arms, raising my eyebrows so they would explain. "I'm waiting."

"It's...." Peter began.

"Complicated," Patrick finished and Peter quickly glared at him. I shook my head and they both stared at me before looking down.

"Un-complicate it then. I know you four know what's going on with me. No one cares about my hair color more than you and this has never happened to me before. So don't tell me all this fake bull shit and say you don't know. The play right there tells you you are arch enemies and that's basically what's going on. So someone talk. Now."

It was quiet and it seemed like no one was going to speak but then Lauren sighed. "Your parents sent us."

Huh? My mom and dad sent them? What?

"Your biological parents," Lily corrected and I froze.

What? The biological parents that abandoned me? The parents who didn't even care to leave a note or anything besides a blanket? Those parents? I began to laugh, thinking this was all some kind of joke but when they didn't join me, I knew they were telling the truth. So my laughter turned into tears and I placed my head on the table, feeling two different pairs of hands on my back.

Why was I even crying? These people didn't even bother taking care of me, so why should I cry for them?

I sniffed, sat back up and wiped my eyes before clearing my throat. "What about my birth parents? Why do they want me now after more than 16 years?" They all flinched and I felt a little bad. But it quickly faded away as they stayed silent. "Will one of you tell me the story before I go mad!? This silence is killing me!"

"Well," both Lily and Lauren said together, but then glared at each other. I groaned and pointed to Lily. She smiled and looked at me. "Well the beginning of the story is true. Your parents did meet at the party."

I spat out the juice I was drinking all over the table and started to cough violently. I felt many hands pat my back and once I was able to breathe, I exploded. "What? What do you mean my parents!"

"Did we mention your biological parents are Romeo and Juliet?" Lauren stated quietly and again I started to choke.

"No! You forgot to mention that!"

"Oops," she giggled and I glared at her.

"What do you mean my biological parents are Romeo and Juliet?" I shrieked, getting almost every persons attention in the diner. I blushed, scooted down in my seat and looked at the two couples with wide eyes.

"Well it's how it sounds," Patrick spoke softly. "The play-" he made air quotes on that word "- almost exactly states what happened to your parents. Well I don't know if the dialogue is the same, but the story is. Almost. They didn't die at the end though. And before you ask, they aren't together."

I blinked rapidly at this information and then laugh. I vividly heard someone say, "Oh no. She's going crazy," before I had enough.

"Oh man. This is way too much for me right now. How do I even know you are telling me the truth? I barely know you and it took a lot of convincing for my mom to even let me come."

"You're right. You don't know if we are telling you the truth. But you just have to believe us." That was Lily. I just shook my head and stayed quiet. They all looked away, not even glaring at each other and that's when I spoke.

"Why do you even want me? Why now?"

They both began to speak at the same time and I held up my hands so they could shut up. I silently looked at Lauren and she nodded. "Your father sent us here to bring you back. He didn't even know you existed until a couple of years back when-"

"Liar!" Lily hissed, interrupting her. "He knew she existed! He fucking paid the doctor to tell Juliet her daughter had died at birth and took her from her! How dare you tell her lies!"

"They're not lies!" Patrick hissed and I could tell we needed to get out of here. Everyone was starting to look at us and even Wendy seemed nervous. I caught her attention and then mouthed 'checks' before she nodded and left my sight.

"Don't you dare lie Montague. You damn well know your freaking Prince knew where she was so don't you dare say he didn't! Juliet has been mourning over a child she thought was dead and it's all your fault!" Peter roared, and everyone in the diner flinched.

"Here's the check!" Wendy cried as she threw the papers on the table and ran away. I saw both males reach for theirs at the same time, grab their wallets and slam a few bills down before they got their girls and stomped off. I just sighed, rubbed my forehead and looked up when I sensed someone.

"I'm so sorry. How much do I owe you for mine?" I whispered to Wendy, who was looking at me with wide eyes and a pale face.

"Oh don't worry child. I split yours in half and put it on each of them. Here," she said and handed me a bag. "It's on me. You didn't get to eat much with all the arguing I could tell that was happening. I know it's none of my business but all I want to say is good luck. And don't do anything you don't want to do. Listen to your parents, but also listen to your heart, okay?"

I nodded, thanked her again and then placed a couple of bills on the table for the trouble she went through. As I walked out, I saw both couples sitting inside their cars, the engine running and they were all looking at me.

"Get in," they all growled, glared at each other and then looked back at me.

"Go home and cool down. I'll find my own ride," I argued and walked away. I pulled out my phone and dialed the first number I could think of at a time like this. Once he answered, I sniffed and very quietly murmured, "Can you come pick me up please? I'm at Sally's diner."

"Be there in ten," was all he said before he hung up.


Who do you think she called? Who do you think is lying? So many questions.... So little answers 😉

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