Chapter 43

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"Hi." He breathed as he played with my hair. I swear I could feel his fingers running up and down, even though my mind was telling me it was all my imagination.

Tears began to build in my eyes and I started to cry. "I am going crazy!" I hiccuped as I opened my eyes to see him looking at me in horror. "I'm seeing your ghost now. Gosh I can't seem to let go of you."

He shook his head quickly as he wiped away the tears and I was surprised when he actually managed to do it. "No Eve. I'm not-"

I gave him half a smile. "I don't care. I will be crazy for the rest of my life if it means I can see you every day. I miss you Gale. Why did you leave me?" I raised my hand up, prepared to run my fingers through his hair but I stopped myself. They would only go through.....

"Eve no. I'm alive. I'm not dead, I'm alive."

I looked at him confused. "So I am dead. Are we in heaven? Heaven looks a lot like my room and I'm telling you right now, I don't-"

I stopped when his lips gently pressed into mine. They were warm, not cold, and I didn't go through them like I imagined I would. I felt his arms wrap around my chest as he pulled me closer to him and then that's when it slowly started to click.

He was alive.

Gale was alive. And he was here, kissing me and I was thinking-

I cut my thoughts short as I grabbed a handful of his shirt and pulled him even closer as I kissed him back. When we ran out of breath, I was crying again and pounding his chest as I yelled. "WHY! WHY DID YOU DO THAT!? YOU LEFT ME GALE!! YOU SAID YOU WOULD NEVER-" his lips stopped mine again and I just let him kiss me.

"Please stop hitting me. The wounds are still a little sore and you're not helping," he murmured as he pulled away in pain.

I gasped. "Oh my god! I'm so sorry! I didn't know!"

He laid down besides me and smiled as he kissed my forehead. "It's ok. I should be the one apologizing though."

I snuggled myself closer to his chest, being careful with my arm and his wounds and buried my face on it. He wasn't leaving me anymore. I was glueing him to me from now on, and if he left, I left with him. "For what?" I finally murmured as I breathed in his familiar scent.

He really is alive. He REALLY is here.....

"I shouldn't have come here this early. I woke up about half an hour ago in Dustins room, not remembering a-"


"Eve no!" He wrapped his arms around my waist as I flung myself to the door and then he gently threw me back to the bed. He winced, rubbed his chest and I stayed still as he slowly laid next to me again.

"Oh god. I hurt you again didn't I?" Tears were beginning to form again. He wasn't safe around me.....

"No! Of course you didn't! I'm just not myself at the moment. Just give me a couple of hours, maybe some food and I will give you fifty push-ups with you sitting on my back."

I gasped and sarcastically cried, "Are you calling me fat!? You can only do fifty push-ups with me on your back??" His face paled and he had trouble coming up with words. I just gave him a small smile and chuckled. "Just kidding."

He narrowed his eyes to me and shook his head as he lightly laughed. "You will be the death of me someday Yvaine. Literally." We both froze at the meaning of his words and he gulped loudly. "I mean I didn't-"

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