Chapter 36

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When Spring Break approached, I took that whole week to try and spend my time with them. I went to a semi-heartbroken Romeo first and got his side of the story.

He had indeed caught up to her and he had poured out all the words he had stored in his heart from the beginning. But she said it was too much for her and that she needed time to think. That she felt pressured by all of this and she didn't want to get my hopes up just in case they didn't work out. He understood what she was going through, but at the same time all he wanted was to have his family under one household, just like I did.

When I went to Juliet's place soon after, I could tell her smile was forced. I knew she was trying her best to keep me happy, and I was indeed happy but she didn't know that. She thought that I would only be happy when she would get back with Romeo, but I could tell she wasn't even sure if she wanted to do that. Yes she admitted she still had feelings for him, but actually showing those feelings for a second time, fearing that you would get hurt was hard to do. Not that I knew anything about it but hearing all the heartbreaks from Pip made me know about this sort of stuff.

"Let's just forget about everything and have a mother/daughter moment. We haven't had one in a long time!" I grunted out louder than I wanted to say. She seemed taken aback by my words but agreed rapidly with a smile and grabbed my hand.

"What do you want to do?"

"Teach me more about flowers and gardening. I want to try my green thumb back on Earth."

For the rest of the day, we spent throwing dirt at each other or planting seeds on the brand new soil we had poured on the ground. I helped water the bushes with the hose and after a delicious dinner, I flashed back home with a smile on my face.

Three days before Spring Break ended, Gale came up with a plan once I had ranted out everything that was going on on the other side. Once he finished talking, I flipped myself on top of him and pecked small kisses all over his face as I screamed out words.

"Gale you're a genius! Why didn't I think of this before??? That was SOO obvious!"

"That's what I'm here for. I have the brains in the rare of times that you don't. I know how your brain works, so don't act all surprised when I come up with things like that."

"Want to come with me to meet them?" I asked excitedly.

"Sure. I haven't been-" he paused and then cursed. "Shit I can't. I promised Dustin I would play with him today. He got the new version of COD and I want to beat his ass again!"

I rolled my eyes and then quickly batted my eyelashes as I pouted. "Please. You can always play some other day.... Please....."

"Agh you know I can't resist that face. Fine. But I won't break the news to him. YOU have to break it to him."

"Okay." I jumped out of my bed and ran across the hallway to find him getting everything ready.

"Oh Eve! I thought you were Gale. Is he ready to get his ass whooped?"

I heard Gale snort from my room and I smiled at that before I quickly composed it back. Darn it! This was harder than I thought!

"Actually I have a better idea. How would you like to come with me to visit Romeo and Juliet? You've never been to the other side and it's about time you go."

"Oh my gosh, really?" He gasped as the remote fell from his hand. I nodded rapidly and he smiled. "Sure.... But will Gale be okay with this? We did have plans already..."

"Yeah I'm sure he'll be alright with it. I'll just drag him along so he won't feel left out." I winced at the irony of my words. Now I really felt bad.

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