Chapter 18

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It took me two days of encouragement to actually get the courage to see if I was going to visit my parents. Again I might add. Gale had a huge part in my decision and my mother had the other part. As for who I was going to go with, it was a no brainer since one parent already took me to their territory without my consent.

"Are you sure you want me to go with you?" Gale asked for the hundredth time. I sighed, rolled my eyes and rubbed my temples.

"Are you trying to back out?"

"No. I just want you to make sure you want me there. I mean I'm meeting your mother and I haven't even proposed!" I groaned as he laughed quietly and my mom joined him not even two seconds later. There he goes....

I knocked on the door, louder than I meant to and forced a small smile on my face as Lily opened the door. She smiled and stepped aside as we all walked in in silence. Peter met us in the living room not too long after and then I cleared my throat.

"I guess you know why I'm here." They nodded while smiling and I looked them both in the eyes. "They are coming with me. For support." I added when I saw they were going to ask why. They nodded again and Lily got up and left the group. Not even two minutes later, she came back with a white rose. She quickly plucked out a few petals and passed them around, smiling as she handed me mine.

"It looks exactly like the one the letter had!" my mom whispered and I nodded. Gale looked at it like if it was a piece of trash and had a confused look on his face as he turned and twisted the petal in his hands.

"Ready?" Peter asked and we all nodded. "Alright. So since there are a bunch of us, hold the petal in one hand and then grab another persons hand so we can make a circle." I placed the petal on my right hand and jumped slightly as Lily grabbed my left one. Two seconds later, I felt someone grab my right one, trapping the petal between our palms and I looked up to see Gale. Of course. My mom grabbed his hand and then Peter connected himself with her remaining hand and Lily's. I saw him close his eyes and very faintly whisper, "Juliet Capulet," multiple times. I saw my mom look up at me with wide eyes right before the flashing light appeared and blinded me for a second. Since I was ready for the short moment of floating on air, I landed on my feet gracefully. My mom and Gale though were something else.

"Fucking shit!" Gale cussed as he picked himself up from the floor. I laughed and helped my mom up before actually looking around and took a look at the room.

At first glance, you could definitely tell it was a ballroom. The big, champagne color room with the giant ass chandelier hanging in the middle was a dead giveaway. The black grand piano was another clue but what amazed me was one wall. Well it wasn't really a sturdy wall, but more of a glass wall. Or a glass window as I saw some trees that barely reached the floor we were standing on. Beyond that blew my breath away and I could tell my mom besides me was marveled by its beauty as well.

Fields and fields of flowers of all different kinds were there, and the small -well from where we were standing it looked small- fountain that rained water into its pool only added more to its beauty. My mouth fell even more as I saw the butterflies and hummingbirds and all sorts of small animals and insects dance or fly here and there. All it needed was the dust of some fairy and you had a magical location!

"So now I know how to impress you. Taking note right now," Gale whispered in my ear, making me jump and focus on what was happening. I blushed and took notice that Lily and Peter were gone, but Juliet was standing silently in a corner, watching us stare out the window.

"Oh!" I heard both my mom and Gale whisper when they saw me staring at her and I gave them a small smile.

"Gale..... mom," I saw Juliet wince from the corner of my eye when I said this and I felt bad for a second. "This is Juliet Capulet. My..... birth mother." Why was that so hard to say? Maybe because my mother was meeting my other mother... Dang I just got myself confused. "Juliet," she winced again, but I noticed now since I was staring at her. I felt my mom tense besides me as I continued with the introductions. "This is my mother Carol and my best friend who thinks he's my boyfriend Gabriel."

"That's because it's true," he sniffed, making her smile. She started to walk towards us with the same small smile and I gulped as the nerves made my blood rush faster throughout my body.

"It's nice to meet you," she softly said as she reached us and extended a hand. They both shook it and I relaxed a bit before tensing up again. "I hope the trip over here wasn't bad."

"Blinded my beautiful blue eyes, but I'm good," Gale joked and I face palmed myself. Oh man....

She surprised me when she started to laugh and looked at me. "I approve. I don't know him but I approve if you want to date him." My mouth fell open as my mom couldn't contain her laughter anymore and Gale was grinning like the Joker.

"Yes! See! Even Juliet thinks you should be with me!"

"Anyways...." I dragged out the word and over exaggerated it so they would know I was changing the topic. Now. "I came here so you can get to know me, and I can get to know you. They just came here for support."

Juliet nodded in understanding. "Of course. Are they going to be joining our conversation?"

"Actually...." my mom trailed off as she bit her lip and her eyes went to the glass again. I practically read her mind and so did Juliet.

"Of course. I can ask Lillian to take you there. Will you be joining us or going with Carol?" She stated the last part to Gale.

He looked at me and I just shrugged. I didn't mind if he stayed and listened to our conversation. I was going to tell him all about it later on anyways. "I think I'll just stay here. I happen to be a master in the piano."

"Really?" Juliet asked impressed and looked at me with a raised eyebrow. I shook my head quickly when Gale wasn't looking and mouthed a big "No" and then smiled when he looked at me. She smiled and nodded. "Alright. Carol, if you want to follow me I'll show you were Lillian might be."

She started to walk away and my mom took a step before looking at me. "Are you going to be alright? I know I came here for support but-"

"Go," I urged her. "I understand. Besides I'll tell you everything later on." I couldn't see Juliet's face, but I read her body language from where she was standing. She looked sad as her shoulders slumped slightly, but she quickly recovered and continued to walk when she heard my mom following her. As they left the room through the single huge double doors, Gale made his way to the piano.

He whistled through his teeth as his finger touched the shiny black cover and then slowly sat down in the bench as if it was old and fragile. "What shall I play for you milady?" he asked in a horrible British accent. I rolled my eyes and shrugged.

"Whatever you can play."

"Twinkle twinkle little star it is!" he announced loudly and proceeded to poke the keys with one finger to the tune of the song. He was focusing on his hands with so much authority, that even his tongue stood out to the side. I was laughing my ass off when Juliet walked right back in with a smile on her face. I quickly ran to her still laughing and she tilted her head.

"The grand master is playing his piece."

"I can tell. Do you want to take a seat?" She gestured to one of the two benches in the room. I didn't notice them at the beginning but now that she motioned to them I saw them.

"Sure." Once we were comfortable, we sat in some peaceful silence, listening to Gale play a horrible version of Chopsticks before giving up and going back to Twinkle. I chuckled slightly before placing all my attention to the woman right besides me. "So, what do you want to know about me?"


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