Chapter 29

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I didn't end up staying long after that. Right before I left, she left me for a few minutes and then returned with a small box.

"Here. Happy birthday. Open it now so you can use it."

Okay?..... I slowly opened it much to my wishes and looked up at her when I saw the ring box.

"It's nothing extravagant! Trust me."

With a quick breath, I pinched the lid open and I couldn't stop my mouth from falling. Inside was a ring like it was suppose to be, but it wasn't just any ordinary ring.

The band itself was gorgeous: two rose gold colored lines that entwined each other, making it look like vines. It went GREAT with the small item in the middle that was floating in mid air: a rosebud. I quickly pulled it out and with the light, I noticed that the rosebud was not really floating on air by itself. There was a wispy, airy substance making it float. It almost looked like goo, but when I touched it, my finger went through it.

"Do you like it? That small rosebud will never die because of what it's surrounded by so you won't have to worry about having a workable rose every time. You can just wear the ring and pop in and out whenever you want! Oh! And the rosebud can't fall. You can touch it, but it can't fall so don't worry about that as well."

I just gaped back and forth between the ring and her. My eyes couldn't believe that I was actually holding something like this so I had no words.

"I'm guessing you're speechless?" She laughed and I nodded. "I'm glad you like it. I wish I could have gotten you something better but this was-"

"No this is perfect! Thank you," I whispered and flung myself to her. She wasn't expecting my reaction so she stumbled back, but regained herself rapidly. Her arms wound themselves around me and I felt her kiss my head.

"No problem. Now go before people start to suspect that I kidnapped you."

I nodded. "See you soon." And with that I slipped on the ring in my pointer finger and traveled back home.




After getting back home and having a good nights sleep, I did my regular routine that involved school and homework. By the time I was done with everything, I was playing with the feather I had in my hand -I had gotten it from Lauren before I stepped into the house after school- and sighed.

What could I ask him? It's not like he was there at my birth.

After much consideration, I rolled my eyes at myself and stood up. "Be back in a while. Going to Romeos!" I yelled to whoever was listening.

"Bring back some honey buns! I'll love you even more if you do!" Gale yelled back and I rolled my eyes as I laughed.

"Ooh that sounds good! Can you -damn you Gale you just fucking killed me! I want a rematch!- bring me some as well?"

I marched over to where I heard their voices coming from and rolled my eyes at what I saw. Gale was celebrating by doing a weird version of the moonwalk and some other funky dance moves on the floor while Dustin pouted from his bed like a five year old.

"What are you guys playing?"

"COD and I just MURDERED his ass!!" Gale laughed and I joined him as Dustin pouted even more.

"Whatever. Got to go before it gets too late."

"Kay babe," Gale smiled and quickly pecked my lips. My mouth dropped open as he winked and sat back down on the side of bed as Dustin glared at his head. His knuckles were getting whiter by the second as he held on to the remote mid air.

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