Chapter 15

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The next day was a Saturday, so I had all day to prepare and try to convince myself to go talk to one of the couples. By myself. Gale apparently had soccer practice since the season was almost near and my parents were out on an all day date. Dustin escaped who knows where with his friends after we had eaten our waffles, so I was by myself, contemplating on whether I should go or not.

"You know what? Screw it," I mumbled to myself and threw open the front door. I marched up to Lily's and Peters house and knocked. A few seconds later, Peter stood in front of me, shocked. "May I speak with both of you?"

"S-sure.... I mean of course. Come in," he stuttered and stepped aside. I walked in just as Lily stepped out of a room with a book in hand. She looked up and paused with a smile on her face.

"Hi! What's going on?"

"I'm ready to listen."

She dropped the book and it landed with a soft thud on the floor. Her smile got even wider and she jumped over the novel before taking the few steps to me and touched my shoulder. "I knew you would listen and come to us. Did you go to the Montagues yet?"

"No. But I'll probably go next," I shrugged and she nodded, her smile disappearing. She led me to the living room and a couple of minutes later, Peter came with a small tray of lemonade and what looked like cookies.

"Freshly squeezed and baked," Lily murmured and I nodded. I played with my fingers as the few questions I had for them swam through my mind, and they didn't bother ask me for them. They waited patiently and after a few moments, I took a ragged breath and spoke.

"So my mother truly is Juliet?"


"And she didn't know I was alive?"

They both frowned. "That's right."

"Did she even bury a body or do you not do that?"

"No, we do," Peter murmured this time. He paused for a second and as he saw my curious stare, he just continued but he spoke his words slowly and carefully. "She buried someone else's child. The mother had died giving birth and not long after, the infant died. The doctor told her the dead baby was you."

I flinched and the glass I had picked up to sip shook in my hands. The ice rattled and I held the cup even tighter, keeping my eyes on it. "Why didn't she tell my father about me?"

They didn't answer. I looked up and saw that they were looking at me with a worried expression. I waited for their answer, but when it never came I asked again. "Why didn't he know?" My voice was harsher than I expected and they flinched.

"That's something Juliet should speak with you about. She only told us to tell you enough so you would come back with us."

"And go where exactly? I know for sure both of you aren't exactly from planet Earth." They both looked down and I sighed. "Will you at least explain how I got the letters?"

Their heads snapped up and Lily immediately stood up. "Did you say letters?" When I nodded, she looked at Peter and he nodded. "We have to go. Now."

"Wait, what? Go where?" I demanded as she grabbed my hand and hauled me to what seemed like their room. I dug my heels into the carpet and shook off my hand. "I'm not going anywhere!"

"Tell me. Did the other letter come from the Montagues?" Peter demanded and I nodded mutely. "What exactly did it say?"

"Well that's none of your business," I snapped as I crossed my arms. He frowned and stepped back as I walked back to the living room to grab my phone I had left on the coffee table. "I'm leaving."

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