Chapter 13

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"What?" they all yelled at me, but I just stared at the last sentence on the letter. I felt someone grab the paper from my frozen hands, but my eyes were still glued to the spot where those words were at.

Your loving mother,

Juliet Capulet.

Holy shit. So it was true. My mother is the Juliet Capulet from the Romeo and Juliet play..... Holy shit!!

"Oh my god!" Gale gasped behind me and then I noticed he was the one who had grabbed the paper from me.

"What!" my mom and Dustin screamed and tried to grab the letter, but Gale hid it behind him.

"Give me the damn letter!" my mom shrieked, stretching out her hands.

"Only if Eve wants to. This is personal."

"And how come you can read it?" Dustin snapped at him.

"Because I already know what's going on! She has told me everything!" Everyone was silent and I felt two pairs of eyes on me. I looked up and saw confusion all over them as they stared at me, trying to figure everything out.

"You haven't been telling us something?" my mom whispered as her eyes started to glisten. I bit my lip and shook my head as she let out a sob and wiped her eyes. "What have you been keeping from me Yvaine? I am your mother and I should know everything!"

I stayed silent, not being able to open my mouth to explain. They both groaned and even Dustin started to pace back and forth, grunting ever so often as he pulled his hair.

"Do you want me to tell them?" Gale whispered in my ear. I turned slightly and looked up at him, his face inches from mine and I shook my head. This was something only I should tell them. They didn't need to hear this from someone else.

"Are you going to tell us or do I have to force it out of Gabriel?" Dustin gritted out from his teeth and I flinched back as Gales arms tightened around me protectively.

"I'll talk. You might want to sit down for this."

"No. I'll stand."

I looked over at my teared eyed mom and stretched out a hand. She immediately grabbed it and I squeezed it slightly before taking a deep breath and told them everything. Everything from the day the neighbors got here to the day we had the meeting at the diner and what happened afterwards. I then grabbed the letter from Gales hands and whispered, "And this is from her.... My mother."

By the time I was done talking, Dustin was sitting down on the edge of the bed, open mouthed as my mom stared at me with more tears in her eyes. I wiggled my way out of Gales arms and crawled to her as she engulfed me in her arms. "Oh my baby!" her voice broke at the end and I closed my eyes tightly, not wanting to know what she had in mind.

As we held each other, from the corner of my eye I saw Dustin reading the letter and then a few minutes later, slowly pulled his hand down, with the same shocked expression on his face. My mom then kissed my forehead, grabbed the note and took her turn to read it. When she was done, new tears were in her eyes and she was sobbing now.

"Why are you crying?" I whispered, tearing the paper from her trembling hands and held them on mine. I wiped the tears from her eyes like she used to do -well still did actually- when I was little and then pulled her to me as she just cried. Gale excused himself and I nodded slightly before my door closed and us three were left alone. "Mom why are you crying."

"I knew-" hiccup "This day would-" hiccup "Would come. B-but I-I-" hiccup "Never expect it to get here so soon." She hiccuped and just hugged me as her tears slowly stopped. Dustin engulfed us both in his arms and kissed my head.

"Oh how I wish dad was here. We need to talk as a family." When he finished the sentence, the tear works started all over again and all I felt were her shakes as she cried on me.

"Mom. Please don't cry. Why are you crying again?" I begged her to tell me.

"We won't be a family anymore!" She managed to cry out. I stiffened at her words and she just continued. "Now that your real parents are looking for you, you won't want to be with us anymore. I am loosing my baby. My family!" She jumped from my arms and landed on Dustin's as she rocked her back and forth and looked at me with wide eyes. I just stayed there, shocked myself with the words I had just heard.

What? Why would she think that? Why would she think I would ever abandon her when she is the only mother I know. Sure Juliet gave birth to me, but she didn't raise me. She didn't go through all my fevers. She didn't give me the "talk" when it was time. She didn't hold me in her arms when I cried the first time my period started because I was scared I was dying. She didn't spend 14 years of her life raising me and loving me like my mom, Carol. As far as I knew, Carol was my only mother and nothing was going to change that. Not even Juliet, my birth mother.

"Why would you say that?" I whispered so softly, I thought she didn't hear me. But the slow movement of her head proved she did hear me and she sniffed before slowly pulling away from Dustin.

"Because it's true."

"No it's not," I answered fiercely and stood up. "Yeah Juliet may have given birth to me, but as far as I know, you are my mother. You went through so many things with me, it would be rude of me to just dump everything and go with someone I don't even know. Yes, some part of me recognizes Juliet as my mother and I do wish to meet her, but she will never have the love and compassion I have for you. You are my mother mom and no one will EVER take it from you. Do you hear me? No one!" I pulled her into my arms and we both cried together. Dustin quickly hugged us both and a few seconds later, my door burst open to reveal my frantic father looking worriedly at us.

"What's going on? Gabriel called me telling me something happened with Eve. Are you alright princess? Did someone hurt you?" he whispered as he pulled me from the hug and cupped my face. When he was done with his inspection, he pulled me into a hug and then I felt everyone else join us.

I slowly pulled away and with a hoarse voice, I whispered, "Dad.... There's something I have to tell you."

He looked at me with a confused expression but nodded and grabbed my mothers hand. I saw her squeeze it and then for the next couple of minutes, I told him the same story I had told everyone else. By the time I was done talking and he was done reading the letter, he was on his knees and his mouth was open in shock.

"You're leaving us?"

I sighed and got down on my knees as well to wrap myself around him. "Never. I'm staying right here with all of you. I'll never stop being your princess daddy. I..... I just want to meet my birth parents. Well birth mom as my biological dad hasn't even made himself known." I was about to continue with my small speech, but another blinding white light appeared, but now in the middle of my bed. Dustin jumped out of the way -as he got back on it- and we all flinched at the brightness. When it was over and we got our sight back, gasps were heard all over as we saw what laid there.

Another note. But this time, with a small black feather.

It was silent for a whole minute before my dad managed to choke out, "How?" And I stood up to grab it. Of course, it was addressed to me and when I opened it, the words at the top popped out.

My dearest daughter,

I quickly read it and when I got to the bottom, I gasped and the letter dropped to the floor, as everything started to get blurry. As my body and mind slowly gave out, the last sentence echoed in my mind, and it seemed to repeat itself forever.

I'll be waiting.

Your loving father,

Romeo Montague.

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